Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 463 This young man is still very young! ([Not bad money] Ten thousand rewards plus updates)

This chapter is [Not bad for money] Big Boss Wan Rewards plus updates!


Nara Shikaku has now become far more calm than before, all thanks to the misunderstanding of Aoba during the Chunin exam, and after being educated by Aoba who pretended to be a ninja of the Uzumaki clan experience.

This moment.

Compared to him before.

Everything he did, and every word he was about to say, had to go through carefully in his head before he was willing to say it.


Sandai and Danzo widened their eyes at the same time after hearing Nara Shikahisa's words, and almost the same thought had occurred in their hearts.

"It turned out to be like this!"

Sandai and Danzo looked at each other, and they could see deep horror in each other's eyes. They didn't think about it before, and they naturally thought that the ninja villages of the two alliances were standing on the same side. on the front.

This is inertial thinking.

Didn't bother thinking about this place at all.


Now after hearing what Nara Shikahisa said.

Suddenly it made sense.

"My lords, I'm not saying that's the way it is. I'm just proposing such a possibility. After all, the behavior of these two ninja villages is exactly the same. They want to attack our Konoha village, and they seem to be restrained by something. Then I can That's the only reason I can think of."

Nara Shikahisa spoke again, and he made some additions to what he said just now, and now his words are far more rigorous than before.

"I think it is very likely that the two sides are restraining each other."

Nara Shikahisa's voice reverberated in the quiet Hokage office, and was clearly transmitted to the ears of Sandai and Danzo, making both of them feel indescribable feelings.

"Makes sense."

Danzo nodded slowly. He expressed his agreement with Nara Shikahisa's words. This is an angle he ignored just now, and he didn't think about it at all.

"We have been staring at the joint venture between Yanyin Village and Shayin Village, but we haven't noticed the suspicion between them!"

"After all, they are two different villages."

"It's simply impossible to be completely single-minded."

"I think what Lu Jiu said is the core of this matter!"

"There must be a problem between Yanyin Village and Shayin Village!"

Danzo said in a deep voice, after going through the questions raised by Shikahisa Nara, he began to discover the things inside one after another, and he had a clearer grasp of the context of the things.

"Very reasonable!"

The third generation's eyes suddenly lit up, and now such a discovery made him feel that the situation where he had no way out suddenly became clearer.

If there are any contradictions and conflicts between Yanyin Village and Shayin Village...

Then this has changed from an original two-on-one three-group situation to a three-legged confrontation with each other, and any party has great concerns.

Finally, I no longer worry about being flanked by two villages.

Sandai let out a breath slowly, and his mood was greatly relieved at this moment.

"Now is not the time to relax." Danzang glanced at Midai coldly, and then said: "This situation of mutual constraints can only maintain temporary stability, and the war is still going on. Before breaking up, break the stalemate first, otherwise we will still be defeated in the end!"

"This..." Sandai's expression, which had just relaxed, became much gloomy again in an instant.

"Shikaku, what do you think?" Danzo turned to look at Nara Shikoku, and now he has begun to pay more attention to Nara Shikoku's opinion. The series of analyzes that Nara Shikoku said just now have won got his approval.

"I think we need to wait for the information from the front line to confirm what's going on before making corresponding decisions. If we act rashly now, it is very likely to lead to catastrophe." Nara Lu Jiu said cautiously, in fact, he believed in his own judgment in his heart, but after the previous events, he has become less radical.

"You are wrong!"


Just at this time.

Danzo directly denied Nara Shikahisa's idea almost without hesitation.

He stared closely at Shikahisa Nara with the exposed eye, and spoke slowly in a relatively low tone.

"Your point of view has been recognized by us. The next step is to discuss how to break the situation instead of continuing to hide in the situation."

"You must know that every minute and every second above the war is precious!"

"Now that we have discovered such a thing, we have already obtained an opportunity. Such opportunities are rare, and once they are not grasped, they will be fleeting."

"Your hesitation is delaying the fighter!"

Although Danzo's tone was cold, it didn't mean to reprimand. It was more like teaching Shikahisa Nara. With his strong insight ability, he had already discovered that Shikahisa Nara was deeply in a situation of being overly cautious.

"But..." Nara Shikahisa's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he said: "We haven't got the exact information. Once my speculation is wrong, it may cause the village to fall into a passive situation!"


Danzo shook his head again, and stared closely at Shikahisa Nara.

"If you just wait for the information to come back so honestly, then you will really fall into the passive state!"

"Your reasoning is convincing, but for some reason, you lack self-confidence!"

"It is impossible for every judgment to be correct in a war. In special times, special treatment is required. It is almost fleeting, so we must win a chance of survival!"


"When the news comes back, why do we speculate!"

Every word of Danzo was like a nail, nailed directly into Nara Shikahisa's heart, making his eyes widen, and a little bit of confusion appeared in his pupils.



A hand clapped his shoulder.

Pulled him back from this confused state.

"Lu Jiu."

The third generation spoke slowly, his voice was not loud, but there was a gentleness in it, the image of standing in the sun and facing him quietly emerged, it looked like a kind elder, staring at the younger generation .

"Let's talk."

There was a smile on Sandai's face. He may not be good at other things, but no one is better than him at transmitting the will of fire.


"I'll leave the war to you."

"I'll talk to Lu Jiu."

"You just arrange it according to your current thinking."

"We can't miss an opportunity like this!"

The third generation explained to Danzo. When Danzo was discussing with Nara Shikahisa just now, he did not speak, but listened intently.

After listening.

He thinks it makes sense.

So it was decided directly.


Danzo didn't say anything more, just got up and walked out, and before leaving, he didn't forget to take a look at Shikaku Nara.

This young man is still very young!

There is still a long way to go in the future!


It is indeed a good seedling!

It's just how it feels to be timid when doing things...

Thoughts like Danzo flashed through his mind, and then he stopped thinking about it. After all, he still has a lot of things to do, and these are just a little bit of it.


After Danzo left.

There are only three generations and Nara Shikahisa left in the Hokage office.

"Three Hokage-sama..."

Nara Shikahisa looked at Sandai, he had already realized what Sandai was going to say, he understood the confusion he was facing now, but he didn't know what to do at the moment.

Shikahisa Nara is in a period of confusion!

This is a moment that comes up in almost everyone's life!

Even the smartest person...

There will always be times when you can't figure it out.

"Lu Jiu, you are hesitant to do things now, is it related to Uzumaki Nagato?"

The third generation keenly noticed the strangeness of Shikahisa Nara, at first he thought it was Shikahisa Nara who had grown up, became more calm than before, and was not so decisive in doing things.

He is still very good at dealing with the inner conflicts of various people!


Nara Deer hesitated to speak for a long time, he wanted to say this, but he didn't know where to start, he was like a person who had been bitten by a snake, and now he was extremely cautious when he saw the rope.

"I see."

Sandai nodded, then patted Shikahisa Nara on the shoulder again, and said softly, "Sit down."

After speaking.

The third generation took the lead in sitting on the chair behind the desk.

Shikahisa Nara nodded, and then sat down, facing Sandai head-on, which made his eyes dodge a little, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Prudence is a good thing!"

"But being overly cautious is not necessarily a good thing!"


"Impulse is often not very good."

"But it's not right to completely restrain your impulses!"

Sandai's voice sounded slowly, he had already discovered Nara Shikahisa's problem, and now he has started talking therapy.

"Just like you did before."

"You're confident."

"Even confident to the point of conceit."

"That's too much."

"But now I'm not so confident."

"It will make you hesitant instead."

"do you understand?"

Sandai said sentence by sentence, and he stared at Nara Shikahisa kindly, it was a look like an old father looking at a child, which immediately made Nara Shikaku feel great warmth.

"I understand." Nara Shikahisa nodded immediately, then stared at Sandai, and continued: "But I don't know what to do!"

"It's a matter of degree."

The third generation picked up the pipe and put it in his mouth. He is still very good at psychological counseling.

"Everything can't be too much, and can't be absent, it must be within a just right range!"

"Don't be blindly confident!"

"Let's not lack confidence!"

"This is the reason for everything you do."

"I can't tell you exactly what is right!"

"This requires you to explore slowly in your future life, but what I can tell you is that you need to try to find a middle point!"

"Lu Jiu."

"You are smart!"

"I believe you will find a solution soon!"

The third generation nodded to Nara Shikaku, with joy in the corners of his eyes and brows. He belongs to the kind of character who likes to understand others, which also allows him to win the hearts of many people in Konoha Village, who regard him as the village's leader. bright.


PS: There were too many things at home some time ago, and it has gotten better recently. I have gradually started to make up the debt and update it, starting with the owed rewards, and then the monthly pass. Thank you for your support all the time!

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