Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 469 How strong is Kushina now? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)


Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima were all so shocked at this moment, they couldn't believe their ears at all, especially Immortal Fukasaku.

Compared to Shima Immortal.

Immortal Fukasaku had never watched Uzumaki Kushina's practice at all.


Before he could react.

Immortal Toad spoke again.

"Deep work."

"You have to work harder during this time."

"Don't let Minato lose too badly."


Immortal Fukasaku walked out of the memories just now, his eyes were still deeply shocked, except when Minakaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina first arrived, he never saw Uzumaki Kushina again, For this kind of unknown thing, on the contrary, it is even more confused and puzzled, and it is completely at a loss.

Sensei Fukasaku didn't think about it that much anymore.

In what direction the remaining things will develop, it depends on Minato and Kushina.


After Minato got up, the water that was supposed to flow down from the waterfall behind him, his orange eye shadow also disappeared quietly at this time, and he directly exited the fairy mode.

"How strong is Kushina now?"

Minato murmured to himself suspiciously, he really couldn't imagine it, he knew Kushina quite well, if compared with ninjas of the same age, his strength was not bad, but the gap with him was still quite big, he understood The fairy mode is very powerful, but he has already practiced the fairy mode to this point, can Jiuxinna be even more powerful?

at this point.

He was a little puzzled.


Rock Hidden Village.

The third generation of Tukage Onoki was lying in the hospital in Yanyin Village. The wound on his body had been treated and did not cause too much damage, but it can be said that everyone had a feeling of shock.

so close!

Just a little short!

If it shifts a little bit more...

That kunai will directly pierce Ohnoki's heart.

Such a result filled the hearts of the ninjas of Yanyin Village with a feeling of anger, and they wished to fight against Muye Village now.

"Master Tukage, please allow us to go to the battlefield, break through Muye Village, and avenge you!"

The first to speak was the ninja Huangtu of Yanyin Village. Huangtu not only has a high status in Yanyin Village, but also the son of the third generation of Tsuchikage Ohnoki. Seeing his father being injured like this, the anger in his heart has reached the limit. degree of containment.

"Master Tukage, please allow us to go to the battlefield, break through Muye Village, and avenge you!"

"Master Tukage, please allow us to go to the battlefield, break through Muye Village, and avenge you!"


Following Huangtu's words, the ninjas of Yanyin Village volunteered one after another. Now they are all full of anger towards Muye Village. They never thought that Muye Village, which seems to be upright on the surface, would actually engage in such a thing as a sneak attack.


Onoki said lightly, he was lying on the bed, although the wound on his back had been bandaged, he still felt pain, and he couldn't get up at will, after all, the pain of the wound gave him a kind of pull And the feeling of moving the whole body.

All of a sudden.

Onoki couldn't help but sigh that he was getting older.

If you are young.

What kind of injury is this!


This is also why he doesn't want to stiffen up now, after all, there is no need for this.


Huang Tu asked puzzledly, he vaguely felt that his father had some taboos, but he didn't know about these things, he just felt aggrieved by it.

"Master Tukage!"

Huangtu directly called Ohnoki Master Tuying instead of Father, which shows that he defined his identity as a ninja in Yanyin Village, not as a son.

"We were attacked by Hidden Sand Village not long ago. At that time, I proposed to enter Hidden Sand Village, but you denied it!"

"Now we have encountered a sneak attack from Muye Village again. I proposed to you to attack Muye Village again, but you rejected it again!"

"Are we going to make the entire ninja world think that our Yanyin Village is very easy to bully?"

"Is it true that anyone can come and bully us, and then we won't fight back, just like a soft persimmon, anyone can easily pinch it?"

Huangtu said emotionally, he knew that it was very inappropriate to speak to Lord Tukage in such a tone, after all, the hierarchy in the ninja world is very strict, but he understood that his doubts were not his alone, there were many people at the scene Many ninjas in Yanyin Village have the same doubts.

"I said no, I can't do it!"

Onogi's tone became sharper. It was the first time he had made a decision in Tsuchikage for so many years. Someone stood up and asked him why he did this, especially that person was his son.

With Onoki's obviously displeased voice sounded.

The voices in the hospital ward became quieter.

Including loess.

No one said anything more.

Although everyone still had a look of dissatisfaction on their expressions, they were physically honest, and no one dared to touch Mr. Tukage's bad luck at this time. After all, it was obvious that Onogi was unhappy.


Rock Hidden Village.

at the gate.

Just when people were visiting Onoki, a ninja from Yanyin Village walked towards the gatekeeper ninjas.

"Lord Huangtu!"

The ninjas of Yanyin Village, who were guarding the gate, saw the ninjas coming, and bowed one by one. The one who walked towards them was a face they were very familiar with, the son of the third generation of Tukage Onogi, Huang Tu.


This loess is not real loess.

The real loess is saying this fiercely in Ohnoki's ward.

And the loess here...

It was Qingyu transformed through the paper clone of God!

"Master Tuying was attacked by a ninja in Konoha Village, and he is now seriously injured. I need one of you to go to the front line quickly to inform Lord Lu Ting of this matter, and inform all the ninjas on the front line, and then you can come back Lord Lu Ting knows what to do with the rest!" Qing Yu explained to the gatekeeper ninja in the identity of Huang Tu.


The ninja guarding the gate is no doubt about him. After all, Huang Tu is the son of the third generation of Tsuchikage Ohnoki. Now that Master Tukage is injured and hospitalized, Huang Tu's order is, to a certain extent, the highest order they can receive.


The ninja left quickly.

Qingyu nodded silently, and then left too. After turning around an alley, he disappeared immediately.

next moment.

Qingyu appeared at the junction of Muye Village and Yanyin Village.

As he expected.

The army of ninjas in Yanyin Village has already covered the border of the Land of Fire, and the air is filled with thick smoke. This unavoidable battle is about to break out.

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