Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 486 Disappeared in the long river of history (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

Qingyu just felt the Sharingan for a while, and didn't use it anymore. He was standing right in front of the Golem of the Outer Way, in the blind spot of Heijue's vision, so Heijue didn't see Qingyu The change.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu felt a very special force.

This power is like a germinating seed.

But still seeds.

Some additional watering is required.

Now he just has this feeling, but he has no way to explain clearly what is going on, but he is not in a hurry.

Regarding the use of Sharingan's room, he has the strongest explanation manual, which is Uchiha Madara's memory.

Look at the current ninja world.

No one can understand Sharingan better than Uchiha Madara.


Qingyu was not in a hurry to read Uchiha Madara's memory, but instead focused on Bai Ze who was at the scene.

There's a lot of nonsense here.

But that's just the beginning.

It has not yet reached the level of Baijue in the Fourth Ninja World War.

After all, the Baijue army at that time had the credit for Obito, who used the captured tail beast chakra to feed these Baijue as nutrients, which later led to the mass reproduction and cultivation of Baijue.


Even if the number of Bai Jue here is not that many.

At least there are thousands of them.

Each one is a rare Chakra!


At this moment, Qingyu slowly took a breath, he slowly raised his right hand, spread out his five fingers, and aimed at Bai Jue who was hiding deep here.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa...

There was the sound of paper being rolled one after another, and with these sounds, Qingyu's right hand directly turned into pieces of paper flying all over the sky.

These pieces of paper folded themselves in mid-air, turned into paper airplanes, and flew towards the heads of these Bai Jue one by one.

Such a scene.

It fell into the eyes of all Bai Jue on the scene.

Almost everyone has an unbelievable look in their eyes, but now their intelligence level is not high, except for a few of the cells that were implanted in the first generation of Hokage Senjujujian, the rest are absolutely Most white people are no different from mentally handicapped children.

All of a sudden.

None of these Bai Jue moved.

Just staring at the paper airplanes flying all over the sky.

Watching all this like Bai Jue is Hei Jue who is in a hidden state.

Kuro never knew what kind of ability Qingyu displayed, but he was not surprised at all. After all, Uchiha Madara had already been killed by Qingyu, and the rest of the things were no longer surprising. Surprised.

The paper airplanes just landed on the heads of the Baijues, spread out quickly on their heads, and turned into sheets of white paper again, covering their heads.

After these white papers recovered, it looked as if they had not been folded, there was no trace of being folded at all, and then they came into contact with Bai Jue, and it looked like they would be with these Bai Jue It's as if the brain has melted into one.

hum! hum! hum! hum! hum! hum! hum! hum!

In an instant.

Qingyu's head trembled again and again.

Strange fluctuations emerged from his body almost at the same time.

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Chakra boost!"

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Chakra boost!"

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Chakra boost!"

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Chakra boost!"


One after another, crisp electronic prompts sounded and echoed in his mind. He could only block out these sounds by controlling his thoughts and focusing on other places.

Fortunately, although these sounds were dense, they ended in a short period of time without causing much impact.

What followed was a stream of memories loaded into his consciousness.

These memories are all these white memories.

There are very few parts belonging to Baijue.

After all, they were also awakened in the eyes of reincarnation as Uchiha Madara awakened. After they got the Infinite Tsukiyomi, they have always been in the state of the living dead, almost dreaming, without any memory at all. I don't know how many years have passed since I came here.

the memories of these people.

Qingyu is not in the mood to watch now.

Wait till everything calms down.

He felt that he could slowly read the memories of everyone he had read, allowing him to understand the world more deeply.


"Let you be free!"

"Your souls have been imprisoned for an unknown number of years..."

"It's time to return to the pure land!"

Qingyu's eyes quickly swept over the Bai Jue on the scene. These Bai Jue were all alive, and Unlimited Yuedu did not hide the lives of those who had been enchanted by the illusion. After all, their bodies were connected to the sacred tree, and they had The continuous source of life, even if they want to die, is impossible.

These Baijue are all living bodies!

Not only is Qing Yu able to read the memories of these Bai Jue, but also in the comics, Yao Shidou can use these Bai Jue as sacrifices to perform the technique of reincarnation. To a certain extent, it also shows that Bai must be a living body.

Now these people have no consciousness of their own.

All the memories are buried in the deepest part of the brain, and with their own power, it is impossible to mobilize them.

They no longer have the original cognitive ability.

It's like a vegetative person, just a vegetative person who can still move.

have to say.

Bai Jue can indeed be regarded as an emotionless weapon.

It is the combat effectiveness of this weapon is too weak.

This is something Qing Yu doesn't quite understand until now, why does Otsutsuki Kaguya count on the so-called Baijue army, can this thing really stop any enemies?

"You are free."

There was a flash of determination in Qingyu's eyes, and the pieces of paper that fell on Bai Jue's heads instantly became extremely sharp, looking like sharp blades that quickly cut off these Bai Jue's heads.

thump! thump! thump! thump! thump! thump! thump!

The Baijue fell one by one.

Fell into this cave with almost no light.

There is no breath.

No one was down at the scene.

Even Hei Jue had no choice but to keep one as a means of transportation.

so far.

If you want to be in vain again.

It is necessary to truly perform an infinite monthly reading, and then it can be presented after a long period of changes.

At this stage, all the living Bai Jue had been killed by Qing Yu.

In this dark cave, the Baijues had already disappeared into the long river of history before the people of the ninja world knew about them...

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