Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 509 I want you! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)


Sanshoyu Hanzo immediately roared loudly, but his voice did not echo, as if being swallowed by the surrounding darkness, it was directly absorbed in, and everything around him was still boundless darkness. His whole body was trapped in it.

"What's the point of hiding!"

"Come out if you have the ability!"

"Come out and meet me!"

"Didn't you create such an enchantment just to target me!"

"Then you should come out!"

"What's the point of hiding like this?!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo said one sentence after another, his eyes were full of anger, when those black patterns appeared just now, he didn't know exactly what was going on, but now he has understood.

These are all made by the person hiding behind!

After the incident of him waving the sickle just now, he already understood that it wasn't that the patterns had any souls, but that the people behind the patterns were playing tricks on him in this way.

Think about it now.

What a humiliation!

All of a sudden.

The fire of anger in Sanshoyu Hanzo's heart was blazing, he no longer had the cautiousness just now, but was burning with anger, he wished he could tear up the person who was behind the scenes right now.


No response at all.

It seemed that he was the only one in this dark space, and no one else could hear him at all.

"what's the situation?"

After Sanshoyu Hanzo took a deep breath, he calmed down. He found that yelling had no effect at all, no effect at all.

"This enchantment must be aimed at me..."

"But if it wasn't for killing me..."

"That is to trap me!"

"Is Yuyin Village in danger?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo immediately began to analyze. After he calmed down, his analysis ability began to improve instantly. He was inherently suspicious, and suspicious people tend to like to think too much.

The more you think about it, the more divergent your thinking becomes.

Now this time.

From the perspective of Sansho Hanzo.

This enchantment is to temporarily control him, so that he temporarily loses the help of Yuyin Village, and then achieves the purpose of attacking the ninjas of Yuyin Village.


"Who is it?"

"Don't let me know!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo's voice began to rise continuously. He wanted to transmit his voice so that the surrounding guards could hear it. The purpose of hearing it was not to save him, but to hope that these guards would be aware of the danger that existed now and take the initiative to take action. Avoid the problems that arise here.


The enchantment that Qingyu has arranged is an enchantment that absorbs sound and light.

There is no specific confinement ability.

If the salamander Hanzo roared angrily and swung the sickle around, the barrier would be broken in minutes.

But Sanshoyu Hanzo calmed down, and he began to think about the things inside, so he didn't make any impulsive actions, staying in the barrier that trapped him.

after all.

According to his thinking.

If the opponent can use such an enchantment on him, he must be mentally prepared to prevent him from breaking it.

What you think directly is the deep level.

Didn't think about it at all...

All of a sudden.

Sanshoyu Hanzo just stood in his bedroom without making any follow-up actions. On the face wearing a gas mask, a thoughtful look emerged, and he began to further analyze, who might have done such a thing .

This moment.

On the chief's mansion.

There was no sound in Sanshohan Hanzo's bedroom.

The guards patrolling around were walking with lights as usual.

Except for a guard who fell in the corner.

I can't see any abnormalities at all.

When Sanshoyu Hanzo was cautious at the beginning, the sound he made was too small, so that the guards patrolling outside didn't notice at all. Later, when Sanshoyu Hanzo roared loudly, the sound barrier had been completely formed, and it was even more unbearable. Someone will hear it.

As for Sanshoyu Hanzo's bedroom, it was blacked out all of a sudden...

Although this kind of thing is not common, after the lights are turned off, the Sanshoyu Hanzo can achieve a similar effect. Any guard who dares to run in and ask Sanshoyu Hanzo if the lights are turned off and he is about to go to sleep is simply too boring.


Sanshoyu Hanzo was perfectly imprisoned by Qingyu in a sound-proof barrier, no matter what sound he made from inside, no one outside could hear it.


Time passed by every minute and every second.

Sanshoyu Hanzo waited bored in the barrier, he had already adapted to the darkness here, but because of the almost endless darkness here, he couldn't see where the boundary was at all, he had been visually blocked by this The enchantment with illusion function was deceived, and there was no breakthrough at all.

It's not so much that he was trapped by an enchantment.

Rather, he was trapped by his own heart!


Sanshoyu Hanzo stared at the front coldly. According to his current state, the person who trapped him in the barrier was killing Yuyin Village outside.


He didn't care that much either.

Compared to those ninjas in Yuyin Village, he cared more about himself, as long as he was alive, then everything would be fine.


locked up in a place like this.

Not only did it not make his heart more chaotic, but he calmed down, thinking about all his potential enemies.


Sansho Hanzo was thinking.

Although he didn't completely relax his vigilance, he wasn't as tense as before.


Just at this time.

In the dark enchantment, a slight change suddenly occurred. This change was very subtle, so subtle that the naked eye could not detect it.

In the area where Sansho Hanzo is standing.

Above the dark ground.

A black spot darker than the ground appeared.

This black spot seems to swallow all the light, making it difficult to distinguish, even if you look carefully, you may not be able to see the changes here.



The black dot trembled.

A figure came out of thin air, and directly appeared on Sanshoyu Hanzo's body, followed by a very quick slap, and slapped Sanshoyu Hanzo on the shoulder.


Sanshoyu Hanzo had just relaxed, and was still wondering who might be attacking them in Yuyin Village, but then, something like this happened. The moment Qingyu appeared, he had already realized Qingyu's arrival, but The body couldn't react at all.

There is no time to dodge, let alone counterattack. In this near-limit state, all Sanshoyu Hanzo can do is to raise his shoulders as much as possible to defend this attack and offset the excess strength so that he can attack in the next round. The Jedi strike back.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, Aoba's palm slapped Sanshoyu Hanzo's shoulder. This blow did not cause the impact that Sanshoyu Hanzo imagined. It was like a gentle exchange between old friends. I said hello.

kidding me? !

The first reaction in Sanshoyu Hanzo's head was such a feeling.

After all, there is the previous thing as a precedent.

Sanshoyu Hanzo felt that the caster of this enchantment was here to humiliate him. From that time, the dark pattern had already been seen, and now he suddenly attacked when he was weak, and after the sneak attack was successful, he just took a pat .

It is tolerable or unbearable!

The anger of Sanshoyu Hanzo was completely ignited by Qingyu, and he planned to turn around and savagely swing the sickle at the person who humiliated him, cutting him off directly.


At this time.

Sanshoyu Hanzo was stunned.

He discovered something quite astonishing.

He can't move.

Can't move at all.

It's like being poisoned.

He himself is a master at using poison, and at the same time avoiding poisoning himself, he will not pull off the gas mask on his face even when he sleeps, but despite this, he still finds that his body is as if he has been paralyzed and poisoned, and he cannot move at all. Chakra can no longer beat.

" did you do it?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo's doubtful voice revealed a terrified tone, he hadn't been so frightened for a long, long time, and now such a feeling of losing control of his body made him feel chills behind him.

Only at this time did he realize a very terrifying thing.

from beginning to end.

He had never seen this person.

Now he has no idea who the person behind him is!

He didn't see that person during the whole process.

But now his actions are under control.

This is a premeditated assassination!

Sanshoyu Hanzo's mind trembled violently, and he tried hard to break free from control, but his whole body seemed to be casted with a holding spell, and he couldn't even move at all, so he could only stand here silently.


He found himself itching all over his body.

Looking over from the corner of his eye, he saw black symbols all over his body. The pattern of this symbol was completely different from what appeared on the ground just now, but it was enough to make him feel creepy.

"How is this going?"

"What is this?"

"who are you?"

"What the hell did you do to me?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo saw the black symbols that kept crawling on his body, and couldn't calm down anymore. His heart became extremely restless at this moment. He never felt that there was a day when he was closer to death than now, even in the past. Konoha Sanren was far more calm than now.

"Don't make noise, or I'll make you speechless, and I'll keep you the ability to speak, not for you to scream."

Qingyu's indifferent voice resounded lightly, and what he used now was his own voice, and he didn't try to hide it.

Generally speaking.

Qingyu will not easily show her true face or voice to others.

If he does.

So it means he doesn't need to cover up.

Now facing Sanshoyu Hanzo, Qingyu just felt that he didn't need to hide anything anymore, but he didn't take off the mask on his face.

This sentence.

It was the first time Sanshoyu Hanzo heard what Aoba said.

This suddenly made him feel slightly relieved.

have to say.

He didn't respond to any questions just now, and it was even darker in front of him. Now he can't even move, and there are still black symbols crawling on his body. Such a thing seems weird.

But now after he heard Qingyu's voice.

I immediately understood that it was a person who did these things, not a ghost or a ghost, as long as it was a person, it would be much easier to handle.

"Whatever you want, as long as you say it, I can satisfy you!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo tried his best to calm himself down. He has been the leader of the Rain Country for a long time, and he understands that as long as it is a human problem, the word "interest" cannot be separated.

The world is full of prosperity, all for Lilai!

There is nothing that is not linked to interests!

Sanshoyu Hanzo can't be said to have a thorough understanding of human nature, at least he understands it very well. He understands that people have motives for everything they do, and that motive is often profit.

Now the ninja tried his best to sneak attack on himself.

Just now there was a chance to seriously injure him, but the latter didn't do it, and now that he can't move, there is even a chance to directly penetrate his vitals, but he still didn't do it.

That means one thing...

This man has a plan!

As long as there is a need, then there is room for negotiation, and what he wants is very simple, first save his life, then stabilize the situation, and finally see if there is room for a comeback.

"I want you."

Aoba's faint voice sounded again, and then he walked towards Sanshoyu Hanzo step by step, and he simply walked in front of Sanshoyu Hanzo, and was directly caught in the sight of Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Qingyu was wearing a pure black mask.

Combined with the surrounding dark environment.

Can't see exactly what it looks like.

"Want me?!"

Sanjiao Yu Hanzo froze for a moment, his brows twitched wildly. He didn't know whether the words and meanings expressed by the person in front of him were what he understood, but he didn't dare to neglect at all, for fear that he wouldn't be able to satisfy this man with a special habit. The ninja's needs, so the eyes became flickering.



"If you really have a need and must fulfill it on me..."

"It's not that I can't..."

" come!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo gritted his teeth hard, he couldn't control his body now, if he could control it, he would just stick up.

A man can bend and stretch.

What's more, he is also the leader of the country of rain.

Isn't it just to contribute your precious chrysanthemums!

He is not impossible!

Sanshoyu Hanzo gave his heart away, as long as he can survive, nothing else matters.


After Qingyu saw the fearless and dedicated appearance of Sanshoyu Hanzo in his clothes, question marks popped up in his head.

What's the situation?

Could it be that Sansho Hanzo has any special hobbies?

Would a normal person think of such a thing after being controlled?

What is that trembling?

The corner of Qingyu's mouth behind the mask twitched fiercely. When he was working in the torture department, he had tied up many ninjas, but no ninja, like Sansho Hanzo, patted his shoulder lightly, and directly It became like this.

"What the hell……"

Qingyu really has no way to look at it anymore, Sanshoyu Hanzo doesn't look like a leader now, he looks like a weird uncle who has taken some medicine, this makes Qingyu become cautious even if he wants to touch Sanshoyu Hanzo .

this person……

There will be no infectious diseases, right?


Qingyu thought about it.

The black symbols on Sanshoyu Hanzo's body instantly increased, and these symbols directly locked all of Sanshoyu Hanzo's abilities, including the ability to speak.

All of a sudden.

Sansho Hanzo wanted to say something else.

But he found out.

He couldn't even move his mouth.

Isn't this the end!

Sanshoyu Hanzo was shocked, now he relies on this mouth to communicate with the ninja in front of him, if he can't even use his mouth, then if this person is dissatisfied, how can he please him?

Aoba didn't know what Sanshoyu Hanzo was thinking, and he didn't talk to explain anything. He originally thought that giving Sanshoyu Hanzo some speaking ability could relieve boredom in the following process, and look at this so-called What kind of words can a "half god" standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world say.


He discovered that he had misjudged Sansho Hanzo.

This person is not only cautious, but also extremely cowardly. In order to survive, he will sacrifice almost everything, and it can even be said that he has no bottom line.

That's right!

There is no bottom line at all!

Under the gaze of Sanshoyu Hanzo, Qingyu slowly raised his right hand, and stretched out the index finger of his right hand, not the middle finger, but the index finger.

Rao is so.

After seeing Qingyu's index finger, Sanshoyu Hanzo still had some weird thoughts in his head, thinking that this was the behavior hinted at by the other party, as if he wanted to imply some special meaning.


Qingyu's right index finger seemed to bloom, rolling up layer after layer, and a piece of paper flew out of the outermost layer.

This piece of paper was square and white, as if it had been judged by sight.

After this piece of paper appeared, it gently floated towards Sanshoyu Hanzo's head. Because it was a piece of white paper, it was extraordinarily clear in this dark environment.

in an instant.

All the attention of Sanshoyu Hanzo has been attracted by this piece of paper, and he watched helplessly as the piece of white paper flew towards him, getting bigger and bigger from far to near, and gradually drifted over his forehead , to a place out of his sight.

at last.

The piece of paper landed on top of Sansho Hanzo's head.


This is the moment.

Qingyu's head trembled suddenly, and the memory images after scenes were directly loaded into his consciousness, which was the memory of Sanshoyu Hanzo.


The crisp electronic prompt sounded in Qingyu's mind.

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Mastery of swordsmanship!"

Accompanied by this electronic notification sound, waves of special thoughts flowed into Qingyu's consciousness.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu found that she had mastered many things.

This feeling is very special. He has felt it more than once before, as if he directly copied an ability into his soul.

The mastery of swordsmanship this time is like the mastery of ninja tools obtained before, allowing him to master many skills of ninjas and martial artists in using swords in an instant.



One shot.

Two swords flow.

Mito stream.



These abilities penetrated directly into Qingyu's consciousness as if they were free of money, making him instantly a master of sword use.


Qingyu didn't think it was such a powerful ability, but it was still a supplement to his ability, and he might be able to use it at some point in the future.


Qing Yu lowered her head.

They looked at each other with Sansho Hanzo.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the scene changed dramatically.

"The next thing, you have to listen carefully, it's related to how long you can live, I will arrange a package for you like Shimura Danzo, of course, I have to tell you in advance, Shimura Danzo is dead , so you have an idea of ​​what to do." Qingyu said coldly, he had already seen that Sanshoyu Hanzo is a person who is afraid of death, so for those who are afraid of death, direct death threats are enough, instead they will becomes easier.

Danzo is dead? !

Sanshoyu Hanzo's eyes widened suddenly, shock flashed in his eyes, and he felt very incredible that an old fox like Danzo would die so early.

All of a sudden.

His mood became serious.

This made him understand a very important thing, as long as he behaved badly and failed to meet this person's needs, he would really die!

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