Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 53 Fire prevention, theft prevention and bestie protection! (please collect)


Minato looked at the empty trouser pocket that Qingyu took out, and his heart collapsed. His defense was broken in just such a moment.

No money!

This man has no money!

Treat even if you don’t have money!

Oh my God!

Minato stared at Aoyu with wide eyes, but the latter still looked innocent.

This must be sent by God to punish me!


"Why did you agree to the treat if you don't have money?"


Minato showed a dumbfounded expression, and reluctantly reached for the shriveled wallet inside his ninja bag.

Expenses exceeded this month.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the opportunity to give Qingyu a meal.

I just didn’t expect that…

It actually overturned!

"You didn't give me a chance to refuse..." Qingyu scratched his head, the expression on his face was still innocent.


Minato's mouth twitched again.


Recall the scene just now.

It is indeed the case.

After he asked Qingyu to treat him, he turned around and left, and ordered some noodles before entering the Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant.

throughout the process.

Qingyu was not asked whether he had money.


You didn’t take the initiative to say you had no money!

Minato stared at Qingyu suspiciously, vaguely feeling that he was being tricked, but he had no evidence.

"Hahahahaha, you pay the bill this time, and I'll pay for it next time. I'll definitely do it next time!"

Qingyu laughed heartily.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he smiled like this.

It seems that the last time it happened was before time travel, when I went out to eat with my best friends.

Minato in front of him.

The future fourth generation Hokage.

In the process of contact with this person, he did not feel any airs, and did not find that the other person had any sense of superiority arising from being a genius...

What he felt was the other person's concern and warm smile.

This made Qingyu gradually realize...

Whether he admits it or not.

He already regarded Minato as a friend in his heart.


His conversation with Minato just now and his behavior of cheating Minato to pay were all things he would do when he was cheating on each other with his best friends.

If you are unfamiliar with it.

Qingyu would never joke like that, nor would he casually refuse to pay.


Minato was about to cry, so he took out his small, shriveled wallet, poured a few coins out of it, and prepared to pay the bill.


at this time.

The boss of Ichiraku Ramen said something that struck Minato as very touching.

I saw...

A big wave of his hand.

A very generous pose.

That angular face wore a squinting smile.

In an instant.

The word "free of charge".

appeared in Aoba and Minato's minds.

"Brother Ichiraku, are you treating me? It's really nice!" Minato jumped up excitedly. It wasn't the first time he had been beaten and treated, but this kind of freeloading still made him very happy.

"Thank you!" Qingyu bowed and expressed his gratitude for the slap.

"You have misunderstood."

Handa immediately stopped smiling, shook his head, and explained under the puzzled gazes of the two people.

"I heard all the conversation you just had."

"I said no more."

"It doesn't mean you don't have to pay."

"But you don't have to pay."

Speaking of which.

Tate's gaze shifted from Minato to Aoyu.

at the same time.

He held the colander for cooking noodles in his hand and pointed it directly at Qingyu.

"You pay together next time you come, and I will charge the money this time to your account!"

Shou Da seemed to have transformed into a messenger of justice, punishing Qing Yu for his behavior of cheating his friends. After he finished speaking, he was quite satisfied with his actions and put a smile on his face again, so much so that he could no longer see his eyes when he smiled.


The smile on Qingyu's face suddenly froze.

Good guy.

The account is back again.

Suddenly I was reversed.

This time.

My mentality is broken!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Minato suddenly held his belly and laughed heartily. His whole mood suddenly improved, as if he felt the ups and downs of life.

"Did you see that?"

"Brother Yile has sharp eyes!"

"Telling you to trick me!"

"You're dumbfounded!"



"Did you just say that you would pay for it next time?"

"Then it's your treat next time!"

Minato grinned widely, his smile was as pure and sunny as a child's, giving people unlimited healing power.

Just chatting with Minato for a while.

Qingyu felt as if all the darkness that had been immersed in him since he came to this world had been dispelled.

Where there is light, there is darkness.

It's like a shadow.

There will always be places where the light does not shine.


Where there is darkness, there is also light.

Qingyu realized very deeply that the yellow-haired boy with a sunny smile in front of him was the light that illuminated the darkness of the ninja world.


this world.

Minato's son may not be needed to change!

"I heard this too. You said it yourself and you will definitely do it next time. You can't deny it!" Shouda turned on the divine assist mode beside him. This time it was for Minato. For Qingyu, it can be said that it is God's last hit mode.


Qingyu gritted his teeth, looked distressed, and spat out such a word.


Minato suddenly became happier when he saw Qingyu's flesh hurting, and he completely recovered from the state of mind he had just been screwed over.

"It's getting late, I'm going back. Next time we meet again by chance, I will definitely treat you!"

Qingyu said.

He consciously made himself retreat.

for him.

Emotions are very taboo!

He could recognize Minato in his heart.

But if his relationship with Minato was elevated to the level of a particularly good friend...

He's not ready yet!

After all, he had no idea what the consequences would be if Minato survived the Nine-Tails Rebellion!

At this point.

This makes him very cautious!

"Then remember to bring money with you next time you go out!" Minato winked and joked.


Seeing Minato's proud look, Qingyu couldn't help but want to trick each other, so he said, "Since it's my treat, you can bring one more person to eat."


All of a sudden.

Minato's smile faded.

Staring at Qingyu warily.

It looked like it was being grabbed by the tail.

"Don't even think about it!"

Of course Minato knew what Aoyu meant by having one more person, wasn't that Kushina!

This is a great danger!

Must be on guard!

As the saying goes……

Fireproof, anti-theft and anti-bestie!


Best friend is not very appropriate...

That’s probably what it means!

Minato stared at Aoyu warily, he would not give in when it came to Kushina!


When Qingyu saw Minato's changed appearance, he suddenly felt comfortable, laughed heartily, and turned to leave.

mock up.

I am still slightly better!

Dear readers, let your children count the votes, they are already on their knees~

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