Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 520 Xu Ding (seeking subscription for monthly pass)

Now this ninja from the Akatsuki organization stared at Qingyu with wide-eyed horror, panicked in his heart, and was stunned.

He wants to run.

But he couldn't escape.

His feet have been firmly controlled.

Such a scene made him very surprised.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

The man roared almost hysterically. He felt that Qingyu's hand stretched out to him was like a devil's claw. He wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't dodge it at all.


He found that the hand was getting closer and closer to him.

The whole process only takes a little time.


In his opinion.

It's like it's been centuries.

Very difficult.


Just when Qingyu's palm had already reached the top of this person's head, he yelled crazily, raised his hands and slapped Qingyu's right hand directly, the whole person was on the verge of panic.

Now there is only one thought in his mind.

That is to drive this hand away!

It's really scary!

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he was so frightened, he flapped his hands frantically, and now he couldn't care about anything, he just wanted to drive away everything in front of him.

Swish Swish Swish...


Just at this time.

Strands of black sand and iron suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, directly blocking his clapping hands.


This person's head is completely messed up, and now his hands and feet have been controlled, and black sand and iron are wrapped around them.

Especially the feet.

All were wrapped in sand and iron on the ground.

He couldn't lift his feet at all.

Now strands of sand and iron emerged from the base of the ankle and spread to the man's hands, looking like heavy shackles, directly locking him up.

All of a sudden.

The man was completely bewildered.

The whole picture is frozen.

He is very clear that at this moment, he has been restrained, unable to move, he can only let Qingyu's right hand touch his head little by little.

He was terrified at that time!


Qingyu's palm lined up on this person's head.


Qingyu's head trembled slightly.

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Chakra boost!"

Accompanied by this crisp electronic prompt, Qingyu's mind was loaded with memory fragments one after another.


Qingyu patted the man's head with the palm of his right hand, and the smile on his face became more interesting. He didn't expect that this ninja who looked fierce was actually just a ninja.


What made him even more unexpected was...

Tangtang Xiao organization.

There is still patience!

This is not a ninja in title, but a ninja in strength.


Qingyu just thought about it briefly, and he figured it out. After all, it is only the embryonic stage of the Xiao organization, and it is more suitable for development to include more people than to include more elites.

"What the hell are you going to do?!"

This man yelled fiercely, and now his expression was full of horror, and his whole person was on the verge of collapse.

"You can rest here for a day."

Qingyu said indifferently, he didn't answer this person's words, and he didn't take any further actions towards this person.


He withdrew his right hand.

Immediately clap your hands.

"Wooden Dun·Four Pillar Family Technique!"

The moment Qingyu finished the seal, waves of majestic chakra surged towards the ground along his feet.


The ground trembled violently.

One after another, the wood was drilled out of the ground, forming a very simple small house under the rain.

This room made of criss-crossed logs can only serve as a shelter from the wind and rain, and when it was formed, it directly wrapped the person in it.


Pieces of white paper began to appear outside the room, and the white paper rolled over each other, and finally formed the technique of the paper of the gods, turning the room into a small muddy bag, perfectly blocking the line of sight from here.


The house that trapped that person was formed in this way, and the whole process left that person dumbfounded, his mouth was wide open, and he was too horrified to speak.

"I only borrow your time for one day."

"I'll let you out in a day."

"You'll be here for the time being."

"I won't make you work too hard."

"Just get some sleep."

"When you wake up, everything will be normal!"

Qingyu's voice gradually became softer, and her voice became lower and lower, which caused a lot of question marks to appear in the head of the person who was trapped here in shock.

What is this all about? !


how to sleep

Isn't this a joke?

The moment this person had this idea, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and his whole body was subjected to a strong mental shock. Among all his sights, there was only a pair of blood-colored eyes left.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

At this moment, Qingyu directly used the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Since he had these eyes, he has not used them. Most of the time, they are used as a transition to open the Samsarayan.

the reason is simple!

Kaleidoscope Sharingan is too iconic.

Not only are the opening conditions very harsh, but also the pattern of each pair of eyes is different after opening.

This is very directional!

It's like a fingerprint!

If you just use the kaleidoscope Sharingan to go out and hang around, it is almost equivalent to sticking your ID card on your face. If you don't pay attention, your identity will be exposed, unless you intend to kill people when you use it.

if not……

It's not as convenient as the Sangouyu Sharingan.

At least Qingyu can pretend to be other Uchiha clansmen when using Sangouyu to write sharing eyes. As long as the Uchiha clan extermination does not exist, there are still many Uchiha clansmen, and it is impossible to go through such eyes. Determine Qingyu's specific identity.


Now Qingyu took out the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Not only do I want to try the power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, but I also intend to use the kaleidoscope Sharingan to achieve a specific purpose at this point in time.


In an instant.

The ninja felt a pain in the head, his brain went blank, and his frightened eyes became dull, and he just drifted away.


The ninja didn't fall to the ground.

Instead, under the push of those sand and iron, he fell on the wooden recliner made by the wooden house, and the whole person looked very peaceful in an instant, and he was about to fall asleep.

After Qingyu finished everything, his kaleidoscope Sharingan instantly returned to pitch-black pupils, as if nothing had happened.

"When you wake up, you will forget everything that happened just now, just like having a dream here."

Qing Yu silently said to herself.

Say it.

Qingyu slowly closed his eyes, and scenes one after another quickly emerged in front of his eyes. What he opened was the memory of that ninja just now.

The name of this ninja is Xu Ding, a ninja of Yuyin Village in the Country of Rain. He heard Yahiko's idea of ​​mutual understanding and joint creation of peace in the ninja world. He deeply felt that it was the best way to resolve the direct pain between people, so he decided to Joined the Akatsuki organization.


Akatsuki's understanding in this broken world is like a flower exposed to rain. It looks very beautiful, and it is also very ideal to imagine, but it is fragile and can be easily blown away by the rain and the wind.

Now they are not able to maintain the growth of this flower, what they can see is the beautiful fantasy projected on the petals of this flower.

This is the current situation of Xiao organization.

The embryonic stage of a super organization that can affect the entire ninja world in the future.


After seeing Xu Ding's memory, Qingyu felt a lot of emotions in her heart.

This idea...

Is it really possible?

It's too idealistic!

It's like utopia in the movie.

The real world is cruel and ruthless. It is the law of the jungle that the strong are respected at all times. It is just that in places where civilization is highly developed, the strong will make rules so that the people under their control can live peacefully under the rules. get along.

As for the peace that everyone understands that everyone is equal...

But it's just talk!

Even if the future Akatsuki organization can do that, it will rely on Nagato's tyrannical strength.

When the strong are violent, this is an age of killing, and when the strong are gentle, this is an age of understanding.


What is this era like...

It is never the weak who have the final say.

The rule has always been that the strong are at the top.

With such a premise, there will naturally be inequality and incomprehension among people.

After all, from different perspectives, there is no way to understand it, that is, the so-called butt determines the head, which is not a problem that can be solved by idealization at all.

"found it."

Qingyu slowly opened his eyes. Regarding Xu Ding's memory, it was enough for him to see here, and it didn't make much sense anymore. Only those thoughts of mutual understanding that Yahiko deeply believed in, he didn't think too much about it. What to evaluate, after all, this is a cruel world with light and dark, not a playground maintained by kindergarten teachers.

Now this time.

Qingyu has located the location of the Xiao organization through Xu Ding's memory, and he thinks it's time to meet the three people from the Xiao organization.


The pieces of paper on Qingyu's body were tumbling, and under the baptism of the rain, the pieces of paper kept rolling, and finally after a series of changes, it directly changed into the appearance of Xu Ding.

This is what Qingyu meant by borrowing a day.

The current Qing Yu will use Xu Ding's identity to enter the Xiao organization and meet the current Big Three of the Xiao organization.

Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan!


In the land of fire, in the forest.

After the ninja army of Muye Village passed through the arrangement of the water gate, they ambushed again, and the place where the ambush was located was the road that the ninjas of Yunyin Village were about to pass through.

After experiencing the battle that ambush the hidden sand village.

The current ninjas in Konoha Village are full of energy, and everyone feels that this is a very easy battle to solve.

Only Minato, who was hiding in the woods, had a look of worry on his face. He knew that the ninjas of Konoha Village had gone through a lot of consumption, plus injuries and other reasons, and they were already at the end of their strength. I can't afford to fight for too long.

Although these ninjas don't look tired, it's because they are in a state of excitement, and the adrenaline in their bodies is constantly soaring, so that they don't feel tired at all.

But it's just a feeling...

Not that they are not tired!

It's like when a person is sick, he can't eat and has no appetite. It's just a feeling caused by endocrine, and it doesn't mean that the body doesn't need nutrition.

The ninjas in Yunyin Village are known for their strong bodies. Although the ninjas who come here have traveled for a while before, the general consumption of ninjas in Yunyin Village is still not that high. If they really enter the battle The anxious period is also very troublesome.

Now this time.

Minato is most worried about such problems.

The ninjas of Konoha Village must not suffer too much loss, otherwise they defeated Yanyin Village and ambushed Sandyin Village, but it would be a pity if they fell in Yunyin Village in the end.


over time.

The ninjas of Konoha Village, who were ambushing here, gradually heard the rustling of the woods in their ears.

These sounds are exactly what the ninjas of Yunyin Village quickly made through the woods.


The ninjas at the scene were all shocked, and everyone had a dignified expression on their faces. After experiencing the ambush in Shayin Village, they already had experience in this kind of ambush, but even so, they still There will be tension.

After a while.

The sound of shuttling through the woods became more and more clear.

The ninja army of Yunyin Village will soon collide with the ambushing Muye Village ninja army.

This moment.

Minato's face became more serious.

As the saying goes, care leads to chaos.

He just cared too much about the survival of Muye Village, that's why he made his worries so heavy that he was under a lot of pressure in his heart.

Now there are not many detonating talismans at all, and they were seized from the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village, and there are not many ninja tools left. Even the Flying Thunder God Kunai that he can use has many blades, and more are still The Flying Thunder God technique he arranged at the scene of the woods.


Arranging the Flying Thunder God Art is also a very chakra-consuming thing.

The current watergate has a bit of poor battery life.


Just at this time.

Minato felt his hand being grabbed.

It was a very soft feeling, but it brought him great encouragement and strength. The owner of the hand was Kushina Uzumaki lying beside him.

Uzumaki Kushina nodded firmly to Minato, her eyes seemed to say, there is still her here, there will be no problem, she is by Minato's side, and she has already felt Minato's restless heart...

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