Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 543 Let the entire ninja world be buried with her! ([Monthly ticket] Supplement)

This chapter is a supplement to [Monthly Pass]!


"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Where are people?"

"Where's Xiao Nan?"

"Why did Xu Ding become so powerful?"


Those members of Akatsuki's organization looked at each other suspiciously. After all, they were just people with a revolutionary flame in their hearts. Their own strength was not that strong. None are that great.

Otherwise they don't need to come here to revolution.

Just go directly to help Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Now they watched Qingyu take Xiao Nan away with their own eyes, and they didn't even see clearly how she was taken away, and now they don't even know the specific situation at all.

It is such a state.

Made them completely dumbfounded.


among the crowd.

There are still two people who did not discuss with these people, and that is Yahiko and Nagato who regard Konan as a companion.

This moment.

The faces of Yahiko and Nagato are extremely gloomy.

"We want to save Xiaonan!"

Nagato immediately said coldly, when he said this, his eyes became extremely firm, he has not yet mastered the method of reincarnation eyes, but he understands that the other party is a person with reincarnation eyes, then he must It takes hard work to achieve ultimate success.

Of course, this is just an objective reason. Subjectively, he also wants to rescue Xiao Nan, so he can't just let it go and ignore it.

For Nagato.

Xiao Nan is the goddess in my heart!

No matter what happened, he would never let the goddess be wronged, what he wanted to protect was the two of them...


He just wanted to protect Xiaonan, and Yahiko was just an incidental gift!

"Nagato, I understand how you feel, but now we'd better not mess with ourselves. Just now Xu Ding also said that he will talk about his request. As long as there is a request, there is room for negotiation. Xiaonan will not Something happened!" Yahiko analyzed as calmly as possible, he knew that Nagato's heart was already confused in the current situation, so it had to rely on his performance.

"You don't understand my feelings at all!"

Nagato roared loudly, his eyes widened, and he glared at Yahiko angrily, he seemed quite emotional, shaking his head non-stop, he had a huge disagreement with Yahiko on this matter.

"Xu Ding captured Xiao Nan!"

"Right in front of us!"

"We didn't do anything!"

"Watching helplessly as Xiao Nan is taken away!"

"Can you imagine how desperate Xiao Nan will be?"

"And now you..."

"Don't do anything?!"

Nagato's tone became extremely angry. He originally thought that Yahiko was the same kind of person as him, and would risk his life for Konan, but when he found that Yahiko was hardly agitated at all, he even seemed so calm.

this emotion...

He can't accept it!

That's Xiaonan!

He couldn't see Yahiko being so calm on this matter!

Now this time.

If Aoba were here, he would find that the current state of Nagato is a little bit like Obito in the original historical track.

At that time, after Lin was taken away, Obito directly angered Kakashi, leaving a psychological shadow with him.

All of a sudden.

Following Nagato's series of words.

Yahiko was stunned for a moment, but the expression on his face didn't fluctuate much. It wasn't that he didn't care about Konan, but that he knew very well that Nagato had lost his mind, so if he didn't keep calm, things would become very troublesome .


Even if there is too much discomfort and anger in his heart.

He has to stay sane.

Two people cannot collapse at the same time.

"Do you think I don't care about Xiaonan?"

Yahiko stared at Nagato, he was controlling his tone, trying his best not to rush to quarrel with Nagato, but to explain these things patiently.

"Now we must not mess around!"

"Xu Ding has disappeared!"

"Or the person standing here just now is not Xu Ding!"

"Now we don't even know where he is!"

"Looking around randomly will only make our hearts more confused!"

"Since he said he would come back..."

"Then we can just wait quietly!"

Yahiko said very rationally, he is doing his best to hope that his emotions will not affect Nagato too much, and it is best to take Nagato to calm down together, now they have no clue at all, continue like this , will only make people look at the joke.


After Nagato heard Yahiko's words, the anger and displeasure in his eyes became more intense, and his heart, which was already incomparably messy, became even more messy in an instant, as if a powder keg was directly ignited, and an explosion might happen at any time .

"You want me to wait?"

Nagato suddenly smiled, he smiled very indifferently, he stared at Yahiko closely, his eyes were like seeing Yahiko for the first time, the two had just met, full of strange feeling, as if Yahiko had known each other so well before. Fake!

"Xiao Nan was taken away!"

"Life and death are uncertain!"

"Every second that passes now is a torment for me!"

"The closer the time passes, the more dangerous Xiaonan will be. Are you so sure that you can wait for the result?"

"What if Xu Ding lied to you?"

"He just wants to take Xiao Nan away instead of negotiating terms with us?"

"Your waiting may eventually lead to unnecessary waste of time, and make Xiao Nan panic and gradually despair!"

Nagato's crazy output sentence after sentence, at this moment, he can't care about anything, only Xiao Nan is in his eyes, in order to save Xiao Nan, he can do anything, including sacrificing himself.


Yahiko took a deep breath, he suddenly felt that what Nagato said was not unreasonable, he couldn't bet all the possibilities on Xu Ding, if Xu Ding lied to them, then they would be so easily It hurts to be fooled.


"You have a point."

"It is precisely because of this that we should sit down and have a good chat."

"Discuss countermeasures."

Yahiko nodded, he agreed with Nagato's statement, he felt that Nagato made sense, so it was a soft word.


It's just soft words in his opinion.

He remained as calm as possible while speaking.

such an attitude.

Exactly what Nagato displeased with!

"forget it!"

Nagato shook his head, ignored Yahiko at all, turned his head and walked towards the entrance of the cave, his samsara eyes were shining with despair and anger.

"Xiaonan, I will save myself, I don't need you!"

Nagato walked out directly, and at this moment, he really realized that the relationship between him and Yahiko was not as strong as he imagined.

At least……

Compared with Xiao Nan, it's not that important!

He originally thought that Yahiko would be more anxious about Xiaonan's disappearance than he was. After all, Yahiko and Xiaonan knew each other the first time, and the relationship between the two was quite ambiguous, but Yahiko's current behavior made him very unhappy.

He couldn't accept Yahiko's calmness!

He needs an emotional release!

at this point.

He felt that Yahiko didn't put Xiao Nan in such an important position!

He would rather Yahiko lose his mind and go berserk to vent the negative emotions that Xu Ding aroused when he captured Xiao Nan!


Yahiko did not!


Seeing Nagato going out, Yahiko immediately chased after him, grabbed Nagato's arm, and wanted to bring Nagato back.



An uncontrollable terrifying wave suddenly emerged, like water vapor churning above boiling water, presenting a very uneven situation, just like Nagato's messy thoughts, venting wantonly.

Just at this time.

Yahiko's outstretched hand stopped.

It wasn't that he didn't want to catch Nagato, nor did his mood change, nor did he change his mind...

that's all...

There seemed to be an invisible wall in front of him, and he couldn't move forward at all, and he had reached the limit here.

Immediately afterwards.

Just when Yahiko's thoughts hadn't had time to complete the transformation.

An extremely terrifying repulsive force bombarded him, causing him to fly backwards after a moment of stagnation.

Yahiko widened his eyes.

He didn't know what kind of power it was.

He had never felt like this before.


He was thrown out without any resistance, and his whole body drew a gorgeous parabola in mid-air, and then fell heavily on the ground.


Yahiko didn't care about the pain in his body, he hurriedly shouted to Nagato, now Xiaonan has been captured, and he can't lose Nagato anymore.

Such an accident was something he never thought of!

At this juncture.

The last thing he wants to see is infighting.


It happened anyway...

"No need."

Nagato stopped suddenly, turned his head slightly to look in Yahiko's direction, a strand of red bangs flashed in front of his eyes, revealing a purple corrugated reincarnation eye glowing with extreme indifference.

"I will definitely save Xiao Nan!"

"in spite of……"

"What price to pay!"

Nagato's tone suddenly changed from the anxious and angry one just now to extremely depressing. Just opening his mouth like this made the air pressure in the entire cave drop.

this moment.

The members of Akatsuki's organization who had almost witnessed it all felt the change in Nagato's temperament.

Yahiko's face was extremely cold.

His mind is constantly playing fragments of getting along with Xiao Nan bit by bit, and the temperature in his heart that was warmed in the troubled times is dissipating with the fragments, slowly becoming cold.


Yahiko stared into Nagato's eyes, and suddenly felt that this companion had become strange, as if he didn't know him.

It's not just him who feels this way.

The other members of the Akatsuki organization felt the same way.

They looked at Nagato and dared not speak.

Both were startled by Nagato's sudden change.

"You...what's your plan? You can't run around like a headless chicken, can you?" Yahiko couldn't help asking, now he understands, he can't hold Nagato anymore, he has retreated to the next option, let's see Could you please help Nagato.

"I have no idea."

On the contrary, Nagato's body calmed down, which was terrifyingly calm, but every word he uttered made people feel that there was strong anger in it.

"If Xiao Nan is harmed by Xu Ding..."


"I will let the entire Kingdom of Rain be buried with her!"

"But if Xu Ding or the people behind him are not from the Kingdom of Rain..."

"Then I'll..."

"Let the entire ninja world be buried with her!"

Nagato's purplish-gray eyes of reincarnation shone with determination. This is her true thought. For her now, Xiaonan is her whole world. If Xiaonan is gone, then this world exists. Whether or not it doesn't make any sense.


Nagato suddenly felt a crisp sound in his head, like the feeling of breaking an eggshell, followed by streams of extremely vague information, which slowly emerged.

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