Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 571 Done But Not Fully

Such a sudden change made Hei Jue completely dumbfounded. He was just glad that he was not discovered, but now he has nowhere to hide.

The indescribable light blinded his eyes.

The black body is particularly conspicuous in front of the light, the whole person is exposed here, but it becomes the most obvious existence in this dark cave.


Heijue looked at the scene in front of him in embarrassment, unable to utter a word, the things here were completely beyond his imagination, and they were simply beyond his expectations, so that his brain seemed to be in a daze at this moment. It was like a sudden crash, and he was here in a daze.


Not only black.

Xiao Nan also had the same horror in his heart.

Looking at the scene in front of her, she only felt a little glaring for a moment, but that glaring feeling disappeared quickly, and she just felt that everything in this cave could be seen clearly.

The appearance of the entire cave was completely presented in front of her.

Even the appearance of the outsider golem can be clearly seen!

And there is...

The one who looks so different in black!

Totally different from normal people.

what happened?

There was also a big question mark in Xiao Nan's head, she didn't know why things turned out like this, what happened, but her eyes still fell more on Hei Jue, after all, this Hei Jue It is very likely that there is some intersection with Nagato!


Qingyu had already set up an enchantment within the cave when she casted her chakra.

After Heijue entered here, this enchantment was automatically and directly triggered, and it could instantly reflect the entire cave like daytime.

This is a bright enchantment.

The overall effect is that apart from imprisoning this place, it will generate endless light, which is exactly the enchantment he used when he trapped Xiaonan.


Under the control of his tyrannical and terrifying Chakra, this barrier has already covered the entire cave.

The overall package area is huge.

Very powerful!


Facing such a prominent scene, Hei Jue took a long time before speaking slowly.

But even so.

Right now, he hasn't been able to speak very well.

Heijue never expected such a situation to happen.

He originally thought that even if he was discovered by this so-called "uncle", it was just a simple discovery, and it would not cause such a big battle.


The current situation made him realize...

Things may not have developed according to his plan from the very beginning, and he gradually guessed that perhaps when he just left the cave, this so-called "uncle" had already understood these things.

Now things have developed to this point.

His figure was completely exposed in front of Xiaonan.

Even he himself didn't know how to end it.


It's really disgusting!

Hei Jue scolded Qing Yu angrily in his heart, he had hidden himself for many years, but now he was exposed to Xiao Nan so easily.

"You are absolutely black!"

Xiaonan spoke slowly in a low voice, her eyes were always focused on Heijue, this person was almost exactly the same as what Otsutsuki Sheren described, this is a dark person, not completely human people.

And judging from Xiaonan's personal ability...

Hei Jue didn't have too many chakra fluctuations!

This coincides with what Datong Musheren said.

this person……

It was that half-blooded trash son of Kaguya Otsutsuki!


Just play some tricks!


After Hei Jue heard Xiao Nan's words, he became even more speechless. Now he completely understood that he was a clown, not to mention that Xiao Nan had already seen him all, and even knew his name.

Not so deceitful!

It just sorted things out!

Just wait for him to take the bait!


This is the trap!

Hei Jue fell silent immediately, not only because he was speechless, but also because he didn't know what to say at all.


or not?

It doesn't make any sense at all.

Hei Jue's complexion became even darker. If it was used in the past, it would not be visible at all, but under the strong light of this enchantment, it can be seen, and it can be seen very clearly.

There is nothing more to say!

Lie flat.

You can do whatever you want!

This is what Hei Jue thinks now.

after all.

He went out to find Nagato.


The so-called "uncle" in front of him has already said that he is not allowed to go out.

But he is out.

This can be said to have given this so-called "uncle" a very reasonable excuse not to save his mother.

"Where have you been?"

Xiaonan stared at Heijue's face, and asked coldly, she knew that Heijue didn't speak, which was tantamount to acquiescing to such an identity, which made her even more worried about Nagato's situation.


Hei Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold light flickered in those orange eyes.

Who do you think you are?

Do you also use this tone to ask me?

Is it true that anyone can bully me now?

Hei Jue muttered something silently in his heart, but he didn't express it. After all, Xiao Nan was standing with his so-called "uncle". He didn't know what the relationship between these two people was like now.


Hei Jue took a deep breath silently, he felt that Xiao Nan's tone was questioning him.


That's all gentle!

This is interrogating him!

That extremely unkind tone seemed to be talking to a prisoner. If his so-called "uncle" hadn't been here, he wouldn't have given Xiao Nan any good looks at all!

"No comment."

Hei Jue replied indifferently, he was able to say such a sentence, which was enough to give the so-called "uncle" beside him face, after all, he didn't need to say anything about such a thing.


He answered this kind of thing with a bold face.

He wasn't just unwilling to answer.

More is no way to answer.

Faced with such a problem now, he didn't know what to say, he couldn't say that he went to Nagato!

This moment.

Hei Jue still held such a trace of luck in his heart.

He hoped that his so-called "uncle" only knew that he had gone out and did not know what he had done, so that he could make corresponding analysis according to the specific situation in order to achieve the best result.

"What did you do to Nagato?"

Xiao Nan's face was still very indifferent, she didn't seem to care about Hei Jue's unwillingness to answer, but continued to ask, and asked further.


She did not simply say such a sentence.

Instead, he stared coldly at Heijue in front of him, with strong hostility in his eyes. After all, from the information she learned through Otsutsuki Tonero, Heijue had come into contact with Nagato, and he still had to deal with him. Nagato is not good.


After hearing Xiao Nan's question, Hei Jue was stunned, and his whole person became even worse, and his mentality collapsed a bit.

what happened?

She already knows!

They all already knew they were wrong!

This is a bit exaggerated!

Logically speaking, he only went out for a while, and came back soon. The whole process didn't take long, and he didn't say anything, but the other party had already proposed Nagato.

This is obviously known!

What Xiao Nan said just now broke all of Hei Jue's illusions, and made him understand that it is useless to continue to hide, and to continue to pretend will only make himself look more like a clown.

"I did not do anything……"

Heijue sighed helplessly, now he is like a prisoner sitting in the interrogation room, just now he was dissatisfied because of the bad tone of the interrogator, and now he has given up everything in front of the "evidence" geological survey.

"I really didn't do anything!"

Hei Jue tried his best to defend himself, and his mind quickly thought of it. He knew that Nagato and Xiao Nan were related, and now it seemed that Xiao Nan was also related to "uncle". The door and "uncle" are also related.

This triangular relationship seems simple, but in fact it is complicated, contains extremely subtle truths, and is very difficult to deal with.

Hei Jue had encountered such a thing in the past with the reincarnation of Indra Chakra and Asura Chakra, but now it seems that such a thing is more clear.

"I just went to meet Nagato, chatted casually with him, and then I left. I really didn't do anything, and I will be back soon!"

Hei Jue had to defend himself, if he did something and got caught, he would admit it, but the current situation is not like that.

In his opinion……

He really didn't do anything, it's just that he wanted to do something but couldn't do it!

This can't be considered done!

Such a nature can be regarded as an attempt at best!


He had to justify himself!

He can't take such a blame!

"You really went to see Nagato!"

After Xiao Nan saw Hei Jue's reaction and heard Hei Jue's words, he immediately made his judgment clearer.

Things really happened as Otsutsuki Tonero said!

When she heard what Otsuki Sheren said about blood and jealousy, she still felt that there were such psychopaths in this world.

But look at it now.

She gets it.

There is!

And standing right in front of her!

"What did you tell Nagato?"

Xiao Nan continued to ask, when she asked Hei Jue, out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Qing Yu who was standing not far away.

Qing Yu has been standing there silently without saying a word.

It seemed to her.

It is equivalent to the default.

Since things like this are defaulted.

Then she can continue to interrogate Heijue.


Heijue thought the same way.

When he was listening to Xiao Nan's words, he also paid attention to Qing Yu next to him, but he found that this so-called "uncle" didn't make any indication.

Then he can understand that everything that Xiao Nan is doing now has been approved by this so-called "uncle".

That being the case.

Things get more subtle.

He had to answer the written question...


Neither Heijue nor Xiaonan knew that under Qingyu's calm appearance, there was a heart that had just calmed down.

Just when Xiaonan directly mentioned Nagato's name.

Qingyu's heart immediately rose to her throat.

This is not nonsense.

Hei Jue hasn't provided any clues yet!

And he hasn't tried to cheat the gangsters yet.

It was almost a blind guess without any information.

If once wrong.

Then the whole thing fell into a passive state, including his previous fooling around Xiao Nan.


Qing Yu slowly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, Hei Ze was indeed looking for Nagato as he expected.

Only now he was curious too.

What exactly does Heijue mean by the so-called "did but not fully done"? !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

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