Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 578 Where is Nagato? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"Yi Le Ramen?"

Xiaonan's eyes flickered with a puzzled expression. She had never heard of the name of Yile Ramen, and she had no idea where this noodle shop was located.


Not only has she never been to this Ichiraku Ramen.

She hasn't even been to the Land of Fire yet.

Now in the country of earth.

It can be said that it is the farthest distance she has ever left!

"That's right, it's Yile Ramen. As long as you come to Yile Ramen, I will know." Qingyu nodded and said, now he is only temporarily in the country of rain, and he will not be here all the time. After all, he came here The purpose is simply to induce people from the Xiao organization.

"The Kingdom of Fire..."

Xiaonan took a deep breath, and her eyes became much more complicated. Looking at the whole ninja world, there may be no one who knows Nagato better than her.

Not even Yahiko!

Yahiko's heart is more about his ideals and aspirations.

I don't care so much about the rest of the things.

Yahiko and Nagato are indeed friends, friends with a very good relationship, but this does not make Yahiko focus all on Nagato, and pay attention to the changes in Nagato's heart bit by bit.

But Xiaonan is different.

Xiaonan is originally a woman, she is more considerate in terms of personality, she can focus more on Yahiko and Nagato, and has a better understanding of the personalities of these two people.

She still understands the pain deep in Nagato's heart.


Xiaonan couldn't help but sighed, she shook her head helplessly, and said: "I know Nagato, he won't go to the Land of Fire easily, he has a deep hatred there, or let's change to another place !"

"Hate?" The corners of Qingyu's mouth curled up slightly. After he said Yile Ramen, he began to wait for this sentence. Now that this sentence has been said, so naturally, there is no discomfort place.

"Yes!" Xiao Nan nodded again and said, "Nagato's parents were killed by the ninjas of Konoha Village. Nagato doesn't have any good feelings for Konoha Village!"

"Xiaonan, have you forgotten that Nagato's parents can be killed by King Frieza!" Qingyu said with a smile, and told Xiaonan the story he had prepared earlier, and after the previous After all the foreshadowing, it is already logical to say such a thing.

"Ah, this..." Xiaonan was stunned for a moment. When she instinctively thought of Muye Village, she thought of the suffering that Nagato encountered. It's not the original Nagato, but Otsutsuki Nagato.

"Nagato's parents are not his real parents, and his teacher Jiraiya is his real teacher. His teacher is from Konoha Village. According to the rules of the Otsutsuki clan, he should not treat Konoha What kind of rejection does the village have, otherwise it would be different from the Sage of the Six Paths who sealed his mother!" Qingyu directly threw out a new concept, which is the rules of the Otsutsuki clan, but Xiao Nan didn't know what the rules of this clan were , not only Xiaonan didn't know, even Qingyu didn't know, he just said that, and let this word out through this reason, as for the follow-up, he didn't plan to say it at all.

"This... this..." Xiao Nan was already speechless by Qing Yu's words, she understood that what Qing Yu said was reasonable, but she couldn't say anything wrong with such a rationale.

"This matter requires you to do more homework!" Qing Yu directly gave this task to Xiao Nan, hoping that Xiao Nan could help him and change this kind of thing.

"I, I..." Xiaonan didn't know what to say, should she tell Nagato that the people here are different from him, he is from the Otsutsuki clan, and he doesn't need to be emotional for these people, so she It's not easy to say.

"Now I'm sending you back. I've already told you what I should tell you and what I shouldn't tell you. What to do with the rest is up to you. When I walked out the door, I didn’t want to see a person from the Otsutsuki clan who was full of pain and hatred!” Qingyu directly took out the previous words, hoping to guide Xiaonan’s way of doing things in this way.

"I...I see..."

Xiaonan nodded, she understood half-understood, among them about Nagato, she understood the identity of the Otsutsuki clan, but she didn't fully understand why the Otsutsuki clan couldn't have pain in their hearts, but Since Datong Musheren has already said so, she can't object casually.

"I should take you back!"

Qing Yu had finished all he could say, and then he raised his right hand, and lightly patted Xiao Nan on the shoulder.


In an instant.

An extremely terrifying chakra surged directly from Qingyu's palm, wrapped towards Xiaonan's body, and enveloped Xiaonan's body.

Immediately afterwards.

Xiaonan felt his world spin for a while.

Just for a moment.

She appeared in another position.

"Xiao Nan?!"


A suspicious voice sounded in Xiaonan's ear.

She looked for fame.

In an instant, they looked at Yahiko who was stunned in place.

Next to Yahiko was another person wearing the same Akatsuki outfit.


It was the cave where their Xiao organization hid.


Xiao Nan immediately looked to his left, but he didn't see the Datong Musheren that Qingyu transformed into.

this time.

Different from before.

She came back by herself.

Stand in this cave.

A sense of unreality surged into my heart, as if everything that just happened was like watching a movie.

If it weren't for the eyes of these people.

Xiao Nan might think that she was just dreaming.

"Xiao Nan, are you back?"

Yahiko immediately stepped forward quickly, raised his hands, and was about to grab Xiao Nan's arm. His expression looked very excited. After all, Xiao Nan was taken away. He didn't seem to respond, and he acted very calmly. Very uncomfortable.

"You're really back!"

Yahiko was extremely excited, it was a feeling of being lost and found again, he hadn't had such a repeated mood for a long time, they were born in troubled times, if they were not careful, they might die, he was too aware of the hardships involved.


Just when Yahiko's hand was about to grab Xiaonan's arm.

Xiao Nan took a step back slightly.

Cleverly avoided Yahiko's hand.

such a move.

Immediately, Yahiko was extremely astonished.

His hand was still suspended in mid-air, and he stared at Xiao Nan suspiciously, his pupils were full of puzzlement.

"Where's Nagato?"

Xiao Nan asked in a low tone, now she has a lot to say, but she doesn't know where to start.


Even so.

But her words...

It's not about these people either!

Now this time.

Konan just wanted to see Nagato as soon as possible.

Only when she saw Nagato could she truly be sure that Nagato was safe.

And she didn't believe what Hei Ze said, she just felt that Hei Ze said something that Nagato shouldn't have said, and she needed to explain the misunderstanding bit by bit.

It is imperative.

Just find Nagato!

Konan's purple eyes stared closely at Yahiko in front of him.

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