Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 65 Walnuts and Hazelnuts (Please collect)

Qingyu stared at the writing on the notebook, and was very sure that the writing on it was exactly the same as in his memory.

It only took one day to imitate it!

To this.

Qingyu is still very proud!

Qingyu took out the hardcover gift box he bought in the morning. He had already torn the gift box open, and there were still two hot-sealed scrolls inside that were not used.

He pulled out the first scroll.

Open the scroll.

Slowly spread it flat on the table.

Pick up the rabbit hair pen dipped in black ink in your hand.

Start writing.

All of a sudden.

Lines of simple and clear sentences appeared on the scroll.

After the text appears.

The pen and ink were immediately sealed into the scroll.

This scroll is a special scroll with the ability to seal.

After finishing writing.

Qingyu rolled up the scroll and put the seal on it. Suddenly, the scroll became hot and sealed.


Qingyu put away the first scroll with great satisfaction and spread the second scroll on the table.

Still using the rabbit hair pen.

Wrote another completely different text.

After finishing writing.

Roll up the scroll and seal it, and seal the scroll completely with hot water.

"The preparations are ready, and then you can laugh and watch dog eat dog!"

Qingyu put away the two scrolls, left the ANBU dormitory directly, put on the cat face mask, and walked towards the small black room of the torture department.

before officially executing the plan.

He needs to make sure of one thing!

A few minutes later.

Qingyu came to the small black room of the torture department and saw the ANBU ninja on duty at the door.

"Where's Captain Eaton?" Qingyu asked.

"Captain Eaton has gone home." The ANBU ninja glanced at Aoyu. He recognized it as an ANBU mask and did not have too many doubts.


Qingyu immediately turned around and left the small black room of the torture department, heading back towards the ANBU dormitory.


This time.

He did not return to his dormitory.

Instead, he walked towards another room.

In the process of walking.

Qingyu took off the cat-face mask on his face and put on a mask with a special pattern. Then he put on a black cloak and a hat, completely covering himself.

After all this is done.

Qingyu just arrived at the door of the target.


He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. There was still a risk of failure in this operation, and everything depended on his acting skills.

After clearing up the mood.

Qingyu started knocking on the door.

Dong dong dong...

A heavy knock on the door was heard in the dormitory.

After a while.

The dormitory door opened a small gap, revealing half of the woman's face.

"What's matter?"

The woman asked warily. She looked Qingyu up and down, but the latter was wrapped too tightly, and it was difficult to determine his identity without doing anything.

"Captain Eaton sent me to give you a secret mission." Qingyu said.

"Secret mission?" The woman frowned and stared at Qingyu suspiciously. She obviously didn't believe it and asked, "Who are you? Why do you need to convey Captain Eaton's mission?"

"Walnut." Qingyu spat out two words lightly.

In an instant.

The woman's eyes widened.

The expression on his face changes subtly.


This simple word.

It was Captain Eaton's secret code that confirmed her mission.

Only she and Captain Eaton knew.

Because sometimes she was performing tasks outside and could not tell whether the order passed was from Captain Eaton, so she would add secret code words to the information.

Now Qingyu said walnuts.

The woman believed it immediately.

"What secret mission?"

The woman asked in a deep voice. She didn't think anyone would just say the right code word casually. It was obviously Captain Eaton's order.

"This scroll is a secret message from Captain Eaton to Lord Danzo. It is very, very important. Captain Eaton requires you to personally deliver the secret message to Lord Danzo, and to keep the entire process secret. You do not need to return to your life, and you must not tell anyone." Lift it up!" Qingyu took out a scroll with a burning seal on it, which was exactly the scroll he made just now.


The woman took the scroll. After seeing the scroll, she no longer had any doubts.

This scroll is the scroll dedicated to Morino Iton.

Every secret message she receives is written on this scroll.

the most important is……

She is not only a ninja in the torture department, but also a ninja in the root, codenamed Kyo.

Of course, she's not a spy.

Rather, he is the person responsible for secretly passing information between the Torture Department and the Root Department.

The secret of her identity.

Only Morino Iton and Shimura Danzo know!

So Qingyu's actions made her believe it even more.


Just at this time.

From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Qingyu's right hand touching her head.

"What are you doing?"

She instinctively ducked back, her brows furrowed, and doubts appeared in her eyes.

"do not move!"

Qingyu scolded in a low voice. This sudden reprimand made Jing stunned.


Qingyu patted Jing's head with his right hand.

"Master Eaton asked me to tell you that there must be no mistakes in this mission!" Qingyu said, imitating Morino Eaton's tone. After speaking, he turned and left.


Kyo was speechless for a while. She knew Morino Iton had the habit of patting people on the shoulders, but why was she patting people on the head this time?


Just when she was confused.

The man in black in front of him has gone far.

never mind.

Don’t think about it anymore.

The task is urgent.

She shook her head to get rid of the doubts in her heart.

She didn't feel any chakra fluctuations when she was patted on the head just now.

Apparently this is just a simple action.


She closed the door to the dormitory and began to return the clothes, preparing to deliver the scroll to Danzo-sama.

"Ding dong! Read the memory successfully! Obtained: Water Escape·Water Body Technique!"

A clear electronic beep sounded in Qingyu's mind.

at the same time.

Memories are loaded into my mind.

Now this time.

Qingyu didn't stop to look through the memories of the woman codenamed Jing.

He came to the door of another ANBU dormitory.

after all.

Yamanaka Yuta has been missing for two days.

It will be too late if you don't plan.

Dong dong dong...

Qingyu raised his hand and knocked on the door.

It didn't take long.

The door was opened.

The person who opened the door was a young man with straight hair.

"What's up?"

The young man stared at Qingyu expressionlessly, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.


After Qingyu had the experience of talking to Jing just now, he stopped talking nonsense and directly reported the code word.


All of a sudden.

The straight-haired young man's eyes widened with shock.

"Teraken, secret mission, deliver the secret message to the Konoha Security Department."

Qingyu directly took out the hot-sealed scroll and stuffed it into the hand of the straight-haired young man without saying anything.

"This mission is very important. We must ensure that the secret message is delivered safely. There is no need to return to the mission and it cannot be mentioned to anyone. Do you understand?"

As Qingyu spoke, he raised his right hand and patted the young man on the head.

Thanks to [Book Friends 20200619153522085] for the reward and support!

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