Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 705 The Excited Three Generations of Mizukage ([Monthly Pass] Supplement)

Misty Village.

When Sandai Mizukage received the information that Konoha Village would produce a new Hokage, the lines on his face softened a lot.

At this time, among the seven Nindao people in Wuyin Village, the remaining six people remained in the village, and only Pipa Shizang went to Muye Village.

"The new Hokage of Konoha Village is Namikaze Minato!"

When Mizukage Mizukage said these words, his emotion was like opening a lottery ticket and finding that he had won the prize, and this was not simply an ordinary winning lottery, it was after he knew the winning number beforehand. He deliberately bought this bet, and he just hit it just now, and he still allined all his money.

This feeling is so wonderful, so wonderful that he doesn't know how to describe his mood. Although his eyes are invisible, he can also feel the emotions of the people around him through the perception of Chakra. The mood is similar to his.

"Loquat Shizang has done meritorious service this time."

Sandai Mizukage still remembers the conversation with Loquat Juzo, who talked about the relationship with Namikaze Minato and the things between Namikaze Minato and Sandai Tsuchikage.

At that time, a scandal about the third generation broke out in Konoha Village.

Of course, it’s not just a scandal, but also the unthinkable, even Orochimaru and Danzo stood up together, told the whole village what they did at that time, and admitted everything frankly, no matter what you think about this kind of thing It's all incredible.

At that time, no one in the whole ninja world had an answer.

But Loquat Juzo had contacted them before returning to Wuyin Village, so he had to know some of the more critical issues, and understand the subtle hostile relationship between Namikaze Minato and the third generation.

Muye Village can be said to be the most harmonious village in the entire ninja world.

In this case, if it were another person, I would never believe that anyone would have thought of the real contradiction in Konoha Village. It turned out that the third generation wanted to stay on the position of Hokage, but Minato Namikaze would take over the scepter of the new era.

There is only one Hokage, and both of them want to fight for the old Hokage and do not want the new Hokage to disagree, which has contributed to the current situation.

When that scandal broke out, looking at the whole ninja world, everyone was busy laughing at Sandan and Muye Village for making jokes, but their Wuyin Village had already made preparations. Because of the hidden news, they understood this relationship very early and knew that Minato Namikaze might become the new generation of Hokage in Konoha Village.

And precisely because of this little relationship, they all understand that Namikaze Minato has already started, and they are acting against the third generation.

Orochimaru and Danzo will expose scandals involving three generations. This is definitely not just accidental. This must be controlled by Namikaze Minato behind the scenes, otherwise such incredible things will never happen. Looking at the whole ninja In the world, since the establishment of the ninja village, no such thing has happened in any village, even in those small ninja villages that are too weak, let alone the Konoha village that first established the ninja village.

The sudden occurrence of this kind of thing that should not have happened means that there must be something wrong with the abnormality of the incident, so they then based on the information provided by Loquat Juzo, and the problem they jointly determined afterwards may be Namikaze Minato's revenge for the three generations. Made it on purpose.

Since they figured this out, they understood the new generation of Naruto Hina in Konoha Village. There is absolutely no other person besides Namikaze Minato. They have never doubted the candidate. Now when the information really comes, After Namikaze Minato is about to succeed Hokage and becomes the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, everyone has a very clear feeling in their hearts, and they have never doubted such a thing.

"Pipa Shizang is about to arrive in Muye Village. She should be the first person in other villages to arrive in Muye Village. He will represent our Wuyin Village to send the first condolences to the latest Hokage in Muye Village. This is also It represents that our Wuyin Village and Muye Village are about to establish a very friendly relationship."

There was a faint smile on Mizukage Mizukage's face. After the previous discussion, he was fully prepared for these things now, and he felt a strong sense of satisfaction in this preparation. After he became Mizukage, he felt that he had done something that would make him the happiest.

In the past, when he first became Mizukage, he was still restricted by Master Yuan. After he actually took over Mizukage, he faced the battle with Yunyin Village again. He has always had nothing in his heart. It feels too carefree, because he has been wiping the ass of the previous Wuyin Village.

But at this moment, when he is really in charge of Fog, what Yan Chunlai is doing now is only what he thinks is the most meaningful thing after he becomes Shuiying.

Originally, Wuyin Village stood far behind Yunyin Village, and it can be said that it was a must-visit to a certain extent. Although Yunyin Village is also a vampire, and they continue to suck the resources of their Wuyin Village, but it is true. They have indeed obtained what they must have, otherwise, if they are exposed to the ninja world with their recent strength in Wuyin Village, they are likely to be plundered by other major forces.

But at this point in time now, they have lost the care of Yunyin Village, and are completely in a very crude state, without any connection with any other ninja village. It cannot be said to be hostile, but it is also It is definitely not friendly, so in the future, he can see that their Wuyin Village will continue to be attacked by Yunyin Village. weakened by what.

Except for Yunyin Village, the other three major ninja villages are different for Wuyin Village.

Among them, the distance between Sand Hidden Village is too far away, and there is no possibility of establishing diplomatic relations at all.

As for Yanyin Village, they have a great enmity with their Wuyin Village. The second generation of Mizukage of Wuyin Village was in the second-generation projection war with Yanyin Village. Both died. In the body, it is completely impossible to abandon the previous enmity and stand together to shake hands and make peace.

If this is the case, only Muye Village can establish a friendly relationship with their Wuyin Village.

Mizukage Mizukage knew about this at the time, but he didn't know how to establish a friendly relationship with Konoha Village. There really wasn't any enmity between them and Konoha Village in history.

The information brought by Loquat Juzo and the relationship between him and Namikaze Minato suddenly opened a door to Konoha Village in front of Mizukage Mizukage.

Especially at this time.

When the Third Tsuchikage saw that Namikaze Minato was about to become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, the excitement in his heart far exceeded any moment, and it seemed to be comparable to his being elected as Mizukage.

Namikaze Minato became the Hokage of Konoha Village, which is equivalent to leading Konoha Village to a new era. The current Konoha Village will not be the previous Konoha Village, but a new Konoha Village. According to Wholesale Appropriately speaking, Namikaze Minato will take Konoha Village to a whole new level.

It is even possible for Konoha Village to return to the pattern of Ninja Village in the Ninja World when it was first established. At that time, the first generation of Naruto Senjujuma overwhelmed all other villages with his own power. Now It is indeed possible for Namikaze Minato to reach such a situation.

After all, Mizukage Mizukage knows very well that with the current situation in the ninja world, Kage Mizukage will gradually withdraw from the stage of history, while Mizukage Mizukage is in a relatively weak state in every village. Although he did not go to Ninja World to talk to other The people in the village had too much contact with each other, but when he was considering establishing diplomatic relations with each village, he did think about this kind of problem.

First of all, their old rival Yunyin Village, the third generation of Raikage, is indeed very strong, but only his son can inherit the position of Raikage.

Xiao Ai's physical talents are all at the upper level in Yanyin Village, but there is still a long way to go to reach the height of his father's third generation Raikage, but this is already very powerful.

In Yanyin Village, there is absolutely no trace of any shadow that can inherit the Tsuchikage, even the third Tsuchikage Ohnoki himself does not know, even if he wants to pass on the Tsuchikage position, who should he give it to? A very difficult question.

As for Hidden Sand Village, except for the third generation of Kazekage, it is difficult to choose one, let alone the high-level officials of some villages, because there are too few people in Hidden Sand Village.

Except for Muye Village, there is almost no village with talents, and young people continue to spring up like mushrooms after rain.

As for their Hidden Fog Village...

The three generations of Mizukage are unwilling to talk about their own village, even he himself is not qualified for Mizukage, it is because of the absence of Mizukage that he can stand up to it, Wuyin Village has always been run by Yuanshi In control, that is an elder from the Kingdom of Water.

This means that the ninjas in Wuyin Village don't feel much, but in fact, this is a relatively humiliating incident. After all, Wuyin Village is indeed in the country of water, but they are in a cooperative relationship with each other. , the consultant of Wuyin Village is the bridge between the village and the country of water, but because the country of water has not been able to choose a suitable Mizukage, this is not to blame the name of the country of water but the village of Wuyin. There is no one left.

It is precisely because of this reason that the power of Wuyin Village has always been in the hands of the elder of the Water Country, Master Yuan, and the Water Country directly controls the rights of Wuyin Village without any concealment.

In fact, he was able to become Mizukage because Wuyin Village really couldn't live without Mizukage, but if he was to pass on Mizukage, he didn't know who to pass on to whom. There is a mess waiting to be built, and all the resources are being squeezed by the Water Country and Yunyin Village.

If there is anything that can make Wuyin Village feel proud, it may be that there are more rebellions...

After experiencing dissatisfaction, many ninjas chose to assassinate the Daimyo of the Water Country. In the end, he left the country of water and became a rebel.

After the third generation of Mizukage took over the position of Mizukage, they didn't have the so-called high spirits, nor did they have any inner excitement and comfort because they stood at the pinnacle of power in Wuyin Village, the country of water.

During this period of time, he has been busy dealing with these issues left over from history. Various past experiences have forced him to pay more attention to the issues that are happening now.

The already deficient Wuyin Village forced him to fill in all the previous loopholes before he could create another glories.

But now he got a very full opportunity.

That is to establish a very friendly connection with Konoha Village in the new era.

In fact, in his opinion, Loquat Shizang's mission was chosen by mistake to be his favorite point.

If he could choose, he would rather cooperate with a new Hokage like Namikaze Minato than with an old fox like the third generation.

The longer a person like Hokage has been sitting for a long time, the more tactful he is in dealing with problems, and the more powerful he is, the more likely he will be used, because he has just become Mizukage, and his experience is definitely not comparable to that of the third generation. Yes, but if compared with Konoha Village's advanced Hokage Namikaze Minato, then she is seasoned instead.

The third generation of water friends will have such an idea, not because he intends to use Namikaze Minato, but because he does not want to be used in this relationship, not to mention that he has no intersection with the third Hokage of Konoha Village, the third Tsuchikage and Kirigakure What kind of opinions do the villages have, and they don't know at all. In this situation where he doesn't know who he is, he feels that there is no way to handle the relationship with Hokage very well, let alone completely. clearly see the relationship between each other.

On the contrary, it is precisely this new Hokage who has no experience before becoming Hokage, and has no intersection with each other. It is completely like a blank piece of paper, and the relationship between them can be restructured, and they can go in the direction of a win-win situation. develop.

As the new Mizukage of Wuyin Village, the third Mizukage is more inclined to collide with a role like the new Hokage, which may produce what he feels is a perfect spark.

The news that Namikaze Minato became Konoha Hokage was the happiest piece of news he had received since succeeding Mizukage, and it was also the most perfect piece of news in his opinion.


Mizukage Mizukage couldn't help laughing as he thought about it, he was in a very happy mood, and now he had reached a peak of excitement, his eyes swept over the other six members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and he could clearly understand I can see that the expressions of excitement and excitement can be exuded from these six people.

After all, before this, the six of them were all sweating about Loquat Ten Zang. Now that they got this result, it can be regarded as the dust has settled to a certain extent, which made them feel a kind of release and relief deep in their hearts. .

"I believe Loquat Shizang will be able to complete the task perfectly."

"In this way, our Wuyin Village will usher in a new peak."

"I hope that our Wuyin Village can build a brand new Wuyin Village together with the new Muye Village, so that we can regain our name in the ninja world."

"At least one thing I can confirm is that after we successfully established a friendly relationship with Muye Village, Yunyin Village didn't dare to bully us so easily!"

Three generations of Mizukage said one sentence after another. When he said these words, the day when Master Yuan died appeared in his mind. Although the original death was helpful for him to control the power of Wuyin Village, but he Still can't forget that when they entered the Tao with fists and they left Wuyin Village, the sense of powerlessness that radiated from the inside out made them feel extremely wronged and hopeless in their hearts.

At that time, he had such a feeling that as long as the third generation of Raikage survived, he would never be able to stand up, but now he realized that it was time to turn around, because even if the third generation of Raikage represented the past and the present, it must not be able to represent the future. And Namikaze Minato is a ticket to the future, a boat that can lead to a new world.

"It's really very good news."

"I hope Loquat Shizang can succeed."

"Now I am even more looking forward to the news that Big Brother Loquat Shizang is coming back."

"I didn't expect that kid to actually become Hokage."

"Namikaze Minato is really powerful. I never thought that he could use time-space ninjutsu. When I saw him performing that jutsu, I knew he was invincible."

"Brother Shizang's judgment is very correct. It is indeed possible for Men Mirai to reach the height of the first Hokage."


The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Wuyin Village also discussed together, and he didn't have much to discuss, and everyone's mood became very comfortable.

"Now we are waiting for the good news of Loquat Ten Zang."

Mizukage Mizukage said with a smile, although he couldn't see the rest of these people, he could feel the chakra dancing on them. Now the only thing he can still care about in his heart is that Loquat Ten Zang has not been handed down yet. He will release all the pressure in his heart if he comes back with any news.

This is precisely what troubles him the most at the moment.

They have guessed everything before, and they are already on the right path. If they get here, their strength or luck tells them that they have not made it through.

What a tragedy this would be.

Sandai Mizukage felt that fate might not mock them like this. He had a very strong sense of language in his heart. He felt that Loquat Tenzo's trip would definitely be a success. With the sweat soaked in his palms, all he can do now is wait, and there is no way to help him except waiting.

"I hope nothing will happen to Loquat Ten Zang."

Three generations of Mizukage prayed silently in his heart, this is what he thinks is the greatest hope for the rise of Wuyin Village!

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