Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 714 I... ate two bowls ([Monthly Ticket] Supplement)

Namikaze Minato now seems to have developed a persecution paranoid mentality.

It's not that there's anything wrong with him inside.

It's just a special emotion generated under this specific environment.

After all, he has indeed suffered a lot of persecution during this period of time.

Originally, he was practicing in Mt. Miaomu. At that time, he felt that the third Ninja World War was coming. He felt that Muye Village was buying him time. He had to practice hard and increase his strength as much as possible to help Muye Village through. difficulties.

Just at the most suitable time, he appeared on the battlefield of the third ninja war, and when facing the ninja army of Yanyin Village, he successfully defeated the enemy and won the third ninja war .

It's just that this kind of thing didn't bring him a really good result, even until now, his heart hasn't been happy yet.

The glory ninja who returned as Kaixuan did not get the treatment he deserved, but was still calculating everywhere.

The fundamental reason for this is his appearance, and he may inherit the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, thereby shaking the position of the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

There is only one Hokage.

When he became the fourth Hokage's call was high.

When the people's will is what he wants, when all the people are united.

It was precisely the time when the Third Hokage Sarutobi's heart was the most uncomfortable, because his becoming the Fourth Hokage was equivalent to the Third Hokage leaving the stage of Hokage and handing over this power.

This is a very, very difficult thing for them to accept.

It is precisely because of this that the three generations of Hokage were connected with Danzo and planned the follow-up together.

Now that Namikaze Minato is looking back at the past during the Third Ninja World War, he doesn't know whether the Sand Hidden Village and Cloud Hidden Village that came to block him later received the third generation's instruction.

These are beyond his expectation.

But how much is also reasonable.

Because the information and intelligence received by these two villages are still from the previous time when Muye Village and Yanyin Village fought, Muye Village was at a disadvantage and was likely to be defeated. Information.

Based on that kind of information, it is reasonable for the other two villages to want to share a share of the pie, and he has nothing wrong with this point.

After all, in the Ninja World War, everyone depends on their ability. The stronger side will win, while the weaker side may be plundered. Big is the last word, the law of the jungle that the strong respect.

Namikaze Minato can completely accept such a thing, but he cannot accept these schemes and calculations rushing out from within, which are completely beyond his acceptable range.

At least from what he understands, Wuyin Village should not actually be involved in this war. No matter what happens here, it has nothing to do with Wuyin Village, let alone Wuyin Village itself. Attracted by Yunyin Village, he is fighting in Yunyin Village.

But it was precisely at this time that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Wuying Village seemed to have known the information in advance, and they usually blocked them on their only way back to Muye Village, assassinating and raiding them.


Namikaze Minato still believes in the words of the Loquat Juzo among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The reason is very simple.

The arrival of these seven people is different from the previous two groups of people. They didn't intend to hurt any ninja of Konoha Village.

Even in order to attack him, he deliberately made up a reason to lure him away, so as not to accidentally kill someone from Muye Village.

This is also one of the reasons why Namakaze Minato is willing to believe in Loquat Juzo.

Loquat Juzang let Namakaze Shuiwen know that there is only one mission for them through their actions, and that is to assassinate Namikaze Minato. There is no need to do anything other than assassinate Namikaze Minato, because only in this way can they logically Collaborate with Konoha Village in a very clean way.

Namikaze Minato has already made it very clear that the ultimate goal of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is to cooperate with Konoha Village, and everything they do is to enhance the strength of Kirigakure Village.

When he had an in-depth conversation with Loquat Ten Zang and understood some of the information contained in the case, he knew that all of this was ordered by Danzang and had an absolute relationship with Danzang. That person is none other than Hiruza Sarutobi of the Third Hokage.

When he reached a settlement with Loquat Ten Zang and returned to Muye Village, he immediately saw Sandai, and was about to issue him a Hokage robe, so as to conclude his achievements and let him There is no possibility of inheriting Hokage anymore.

When he was in the woods earlier, he still felt that Hatake Sakumo was exaggerating in such a matter, so at that time, in a cautious spirit, he did not have too much communication with Hatake Sakumo.

At that time, Aoba didn't know whether Hatake Sakumo was an enemy or a friend. He thought that they were the direct competitors as candidates for the Fourth Hokage.

But later he found out that he was completely wrong, because the people who competed with him for the position of Hokage were not from the same period, but from the previous period. It is the third generation who wants to seize the position of Hokage, and does not want it to be passed on to the fourth generation.

Precisely because of this reason, it also led to what happened later, which made him truly realize the true face of the third generation.

Just after Namikaze Minato had a clearer understanding of these things, several major events happened in Konoha Village, especially Orochimaru and Danzo together revealed a lot of black material, and these black materials are in this In the process, there was a subtle direction, three generations and three generations and then resigned. This series of things suddenly made him feel a little problematic.

Unless there is someone behind the scenes helping him, it is impossible to have such an opportunity, but he feels that there cannot be a behind the scenes in this kind of thing.

After all, he was the only beneficiary of this matter from beginning to end.

That person is himself.

In other words, unless he is the mastermind behind the scenes, no one will do this kind of thing at all. After all, anyone needs motivation to do things, and the things they do are all about their own interests, but there is no reason to follow their own interests. For something that doesn't matter, would someone really go to such trouble to do such a thing?

Namikaze Minato felt that there was a lot of strangeness in this matter, so he felt that something abnormal, there must be a demon, and there is no such thing as a pie in the sky, and the benefits will not just fall on him for no reason , so he feels that there is a problem here, and it is still a big problem.

It was with this in mind that Namikaze Minato found Qingyu. After chatting with Qingyu, he found that he had a clearer understanding of the news about himself. There was something wrong with this matter, and during this period of time Since then, many problematic things have happened. These things may have been done by three generations. The purpose is to make everything confusing, and in the end he will clarify himself, and he will leave the inheritance of Hokage.

At this stage, Namikaze Minato shouldn't be careless in the slightest. He doesn't know whether there are three generations behind any sudden incident.

Especially the Naxiao organization trio he just saw today, he didn't know what kind of organization it was.

But it just finds it very strange, because although these three people are said to be the disciples of Master Jiraiya, they have always lived in the country of rain, and they suddenly came to Konoha Village at this time. Could it be that their purpose is really Live here?

Or is it just to eat a bowl of Yile ramen as Xiaonan said just now?

Suddenly, there were many small question marks in Minakame Minato's heart.

These little question marks all point to Xiao Nan in front of him.

After he asked this question, he fixed his eyes on Xiaonan, knowing the answers to these questions, especially where Nagato and Yahiko were, this answer was more important to him than the Xiaonan in front of him.

"They're not in the village."

Xiao Nan directly shook her head, she could clearly feel the wariness in Namikaze Minato's eyes as he looked at her, and understood that the latter had already regarded her as a potential threat.

"I'm the only one who entered Konoha Village, if it's really just to eat a bowl of ramen."

"This gatekeeper ninja can testify. He was by my side the whole time. I didn't run around or go anywhere else."

"Of course, the only possibility is that I didn't expect it in advance, and I didn't report it to him in advance."

"That's why the ramen is so delicious, I... ate two bowls."

After all, Xiao Nan is one of the three giants of the Xiao organization. He used to be in charge of personnel management in the Xiao organization, and those who have seen the scene are better at communicating with people. The kind, so she is very clear that the current question cannot be answered directly and stupidly.

Even if it is some very reasonable things, it will become unreasonable to speak out when the words are inappropriate, so when she answered this question, she directly chose to avoid the important and ignore the minor, completely ignoring Namikaze Minato. Raiya's question turned to light and shade and Nagato, which he was most concerned about.


Namikaze Minato frowned even tighter, because such an answer was indeed beyond his expectation.

If Xiaonan said that these two people separated after they entered Muye Village, and he didn't know where the two people were, he could accept it in his heart and felt clear for a while.

Judging from his psychological expectations, he already knew that these two people might go to find three generations, and then jointly plan some things that are not good for him.

But from a factual point of view, these two people did not come to Muye Village, which was far beyond his expectations. Half a bowl, it seems that the latter is telling the truth without any intention of lying.

But he just felt that something seemed wrong...

"Brother Yile."

Namikaze Minato suddenly looked at the hand that was cooking the noodles. Compared to Xiaonan who was talking just now, and the gatekeeper ninja who brought Xiaobai here, he believed in the hand that was cooking the noodles more in his heart.

"Is it really?"

Namikaze Minato called out to ask about it.

He is very clear.

Hitting him would not deceive him.

And how long has this person been eating ramen since he came here, and whether that empty ramen bowl is what he ate, as long as he calls the hand and asks, he will get the answer.

All of a sudden.

Handa didn't speak, he just looked at Minato with a smile.

Still that smile.

It's just that many question marks also popped up in Shouda's head.

He just kept observing what happened here.

At first, it could be seen that Minato Namikaze knew that girl, and then found that the relationship between the two of them seemed a little strange, and now it seemed that they seemed to be somewhat hostile, which is not common in Minato Namikaze, even very rare.

I have been cooking noodles here for so long, and I have only seen Namikaze Minato. Only once did I show some negative emotions that surfaced when encountering certain things, and my mentality was not so stable.

Most of the time, Namikaze Minato showed an incomparably sunny appearance, like a sun that continuously transmits power to the surroundings.

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