Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 742 What do you think about Xiaonan? ([Monthly ticket] Supplement)

As soon as Qingyu said these words, Minato Namikaze continued to nod.

Except for Namikaze Minato, the gatekeeper ninja nodded immediately, and burst into tears after hearing Qingyu's justification for him.

That's what professionals are.

No personal feelings at all.

He was still afraid of Qingyu before, but now the way he looks at Qingyu has changed, and there is fanatical admiration in his eyes.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of righteous torture ninja that it is possible to punish rape and eliminate evil for Muye Village, without wronging any good person or missing any bad person.

All of a sudden, the gatekeeper ninja suddenly understood that Qingyu's worth was the same as his. He was guarding the gate of Muye Village, and he would not prevent good people from entering the village, and would not let bad people enter the village indiscriminately.

They all adhere to the same bottom line.

Wanting to stare at Qingyu with a pair of beautiful purple eyes blinking, she listened carefully to Qingyu's analysis, although she didn't see those memory fragments, but these stories were all experienced by her herself, of course she knew what happened , and know what the relationship between them is.

All of a sudden.

Xiaonan listened to Qingyu's analysis with great interest, at least so far, she felt that there was no problem with the analysis.

This matter really has nothing to do with the gatekeeper ninja.

She herself has no gatekeeper ninja, and has any improper communication.

in other words.

Before she came to Konoha Village, she didn't know this gatekeeper ninja at all.

Today is their first meeting.

"Judging from the communication between him and the trio organized by Akatsuki, the relationship between him and these three people is very random, and it should be the gatekeeper ninja who caught up."

Qingyu's voice continued to sound, and his words still reached everyone's ears.

After hearing this sentence, the gatekeeper ninja nodded more rapidly, reaching an unbelievable level, and even brought out phantoms. The way he looks at Qingyu now, he feels like he is seeing Like a relative, this person is like a savior, pulling him back from the abyss.

"Of course I didn't immediately make a decision after seeing these clips. After all, he may be a pawn buried deep in the past."

However, at this moment, Qing Yu suddenly changed the subject and said some other words, which immediately lifted the spirits of several people in the audience and became more nervous.

In an instant.

This is the heart of the gatekeeper ninja who just relaxed, and immediately started to learn again, his eyes fixed on Qingyu, he was dumbfounded, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

It's over, it's over...

It's too early to be happy.

The gatekeeper ninja naturally heard what Qingyu meant, that is, in these memory fragments, it can be proved that they are not in contact now, but it cannot prove that they were not in contact in the past.

But if such an inference continues, it will enter an endless abyss.

No one can prove their innocence for themselves in such an abyss, because any doubt will make them fall into eternal doom.

"Because of the mind-reading secret technique, I can't read it, it's too long ago."

Qingyu's voice spoke again, and after the turning point just now, the attention of several people at the scene focused on him again, and they pricked up their ears carefully to listen to any word, for fear of missing even a little detail.

They are very clear, especially this gatekeeper ninja, what will happen to him next depends on Qingyu's follow-up words.

These words will determine some of his future affiliation.

Even now, whether it is defined as dereliction of duty or inner ghost...

All of a sudden.

The gatekeeper ninja's breathing suddenly became rapid, and her heart was beating wildly, because her memory could only prove this, and he could not prove his innocence or innocence for the rest of.

In other words, everything depends on Qingyu's mouth.

Qing Yu said what she said.

This is the intuitive feeling of this gatekeeper ninja.

He felt that he was now like a piece of meat on a sticky board, and that mysterious green feather was a butcher knife, who could decide to cut any part of his body at any time.

This completely passive feeling made him feel very sad in his heart. He had no way to decide his own destiny, and could only flutter in the wind like a rootless duckweed.

"But I think the memory is too long, and there is no reference value at all."

Aoba immediately turned his head to look at Namikaze Minato, because he was going to say the next words to Namikaze Minato.

"In the previous period of time."

"You have been practicing in Miaomu Mountain."

"I don't think it's necessary to plan a plan for you at that time point."

"After all, you weren't a popular candidate for Hokage before that."

Qingyu's words are very direct, and it is precisely because of this directness that the reason is more clear. After he finished speaking, Namikaze Minato also nodded his head to express his approval. It is indeed what Qingyu said. At that time, he was still training hard, and he never thought about becoming Hokage. Of course, it's not that he didn't think about it, but he didn't feel that this moment is the biggest opportunity.

It's just that Namikaze Minato doesn't have any, and he feels that now is an opportunity, let alone the third generation. At that time, he may not have considered it. Naturally, there is no need to pave the way for such a profound angle at this juncture.


"I believe you have seen it too."

"I just read up his memory for nearly a month."

"That is, those memories before you successfully saved the ninja army in Konoha Village and turned the third Ninja World War over."

"At that point in time, Muye Village was in an absolute disadvantage. If you didn't show up, it's very likely that Yanyin Village would come here directly."

"I don't think at that time some people would still do some of this boring foreshadowing."

"That is to say..."

"Although I can't read a lot of memory forward, I think reading it a month ago can prove something."

"If the groundwork has not been laid at that time, it means that he is not that pawn."

Qingyu's voice sounded slowly, and after she finished speaking, she looked at the gatekeeper ninja again, and found that the latter breathed a sigh of relief.

But compared to the previous feeling of directly relaxing, this time I was relieved but not completely relaxed.

Obviously after being shaken for a while, he didn't dare to relax completely.

I'm afraid that Qingyu will say something that makes him feel extremely nervous in the next second, this is simply a kind of torture to his heart.

After hearing Aoba's words, Namakaze Minato seriously thought about what Aoba said. The logic was indeed like that. A month ago, Konoha Village itself was in jeopardy. It may be possible to lay out a plan for the future on a gatekeeper ninja. A kind of public opinion storm vortex of Naruto's people is really too outrageous.

"So I think……"

"Some people started targeting you only recently, that is, after your reputation spread throughout the ninja world."

"I don't think they can calculate that you can have the results you have today before you leave the teacher."

"If that's the case, then they buried a chess piece, and we can recognize it. That is definitely not the level that human mind calculations can achieve."

When Qingyu said this, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, showing a wry smile, because he felt that this kind of thing was impossible to happen, even if he knew what was going on, but even if he didn't know, he didn't think there would be someone's scheming to make it happen. To reach such a deep level of strength, one hundred steps ago, one had already reached the current situation, at least one must have the ability to predict the future.

"Then we can exclude him from this incident."

While speaking, Qingyu glanced at the gatekeeper ninja next to him, indicating that this person has nothing to do with what is being discussed now, and he can leave.

Namikaze Minato nodded when he heard it, and now he went through the matter completely following Qingyu's thinking, and found that there was nothing to add, because what he was thinking was exactly the same as Qingyu's thinking.

"You go."

Namikaze Minato made a gesture towards the gatekeeper ninja, and then added: "This matter really has nothing to do with you, but it doesn't mean that you didn't make any mistakes in it, and now I don't have time to go Management, we will discuss again in a few days."


The tearful gatekeeper ninja immediately bowed and saluted. He knew very well that Namikaze Minato's words were tantamount to saying that the death penalty was inevitable, but he still felt extremely excited because the two charges were really different. Too much disparity.

And he really wasn't wronged.

After hearing the words telling him to leave, the gatekeeper ninja immediately ran away from the noodle restaurant of Yile Ramen as if he had been amnesty. Instead of heading in other directions, he returned to the gate of Muye Village.

At this time, his mind maintains a very rare clarity, that is, he understands that Namikaze Minato told him to leave, not to give him a holiday, nor to let him receive punishment, but to let him leave Ichiraku Ramen, and later He was about to say something he shouldn't have heard.

As a gatekeeper ninja, he knows very well that there are some words that he should listen to, and some words that he should not listen to. When he hears some words that he should not listen to, he will get into trouble. For example, Xiaonan said that he himself is Jiraiya teacher Disciple, and he is in the authority of Master Jiraiya, which has contributed to such a thing that he regrets unceasingly.

That's what he heard he shouldn't have heard.

And now he understands that the topic that Namikaze Minato and Qingyu are about to discuss will not be allowed to be heard by him. In this case, it is a better choice for him if he does not hear it. If he hears it, maybe There will be some unnecessary troubles in the follow-up.

At the same time, he also understands that he is still in office, so he needs to return to the gate of Muye Village to continue guarding the gate.

Based on this cognition, he didn't have any hesitation about his choice, and walked straight towards the gate of Muye Village.

With the departure of the gatekeeper ninja, now there are only three people left in Yile Ramen, except for the hand beaters.

It was Minakaze Minato, Konan and Qingyu.

"What do you think about Xiaonan?"

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