Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 747 I still want to see Mr. Jiraiya! ([Monthly ticket] Supplement)

After Xiao Nan's words came to this point, he suddenly stopped, and his whole person's emotions began to play up to the society.

Everything she said was true.

Ever since she talked about Mr. Bai in Ninja World...

Now she is expressing one of her emotions to Namikaze Minato and Qingyu, exaggerating a kind of master-student feeling that they haven't seen for a long time.

Xiaonan is indeed Jiraiya's disciple, and because she is a female disciple, she also has a kind of attachment to Jiraiya similar to her father.

This kind of relationship is usually weakened by the existence of Nagato and Yahiko, more often, her attention is still on these two people,

But when I just ate noodles.

Xiao Nan, who was alone, was thinking wildly.

Especially when he thought that Nagato and Yahiko were going in completely different directions from her, and he was in Konoha Village, unaccompanied and met Namikaze Minato, wanting to read her memory.

There is a very unspeakable sense of loneliness in my heart, and there is even a feeling that I want to rely on but have no arms.

On the contrary, it was at this time that the yearning for Jiraiya reached a peak.

Even if she hadn't thought about it before, thinking of those broad and firm arms made her feel an indescribable sense of security. Teacher Jiraiya usually treats them like a father treats three children, making her feel that she is not A lonely person still has relatives in this world, and they have something to rely on.

For her, as long as she thinks of Teacher Jiraiya, it will give her a strong sense of security, which cannot be replaced by anyone.

So at this moment, even if she is allowed to leave here, she still wants to see Jiraiya-sensei again. Although he understands that Jiraiya-sensei may not be in Konoha Village, Namikaze Minato has become the Fourth Hokage, Such a top priority should come back since the teacher should come back.

Thinking of this, with the change of her mood, she felt that there was a new possibility.

As the matter progressed, this possibility made her feel that there was no problem whether she started to do something or used it as an excuse.


After hearing Xiaonan's explanation, Namikaze Minato was stunned. He could feel Xiaonan's feeling of dependence on Teacher Jiraiya, and thought of the meticulous care that Teacher Jiraiya had treated him , There was a resonance in my heart again.

This sense of resonance is very strong.

After all, Teacher Jiraiya is a very kind person.

Namikaze Minato is very clear about this.

At this time, Namikaze Minato's heart is already willing to believe in Xiaonan, and he has faintly recognized Xiaonan's identity as his junior sister in his heart.

Even Namikaze Minato himself couldn't explain why he was very repulsive and troublesome when facing Changwen and Mingyan, but seeing Xiaonan expressing his emotions like this, he already felt compassion heart of.

Namikaze Minato knew very well that it was very unfavorable to judge such a mood at this time, because the Hokage handover ceremony was in Ji County, and he had to face it in a very rigorous way.

Any little problem may cause accidents here.

For something like this.

Namikaze Minato still warned himself in his heart that he must be cautious, otherwise if there is a slight problem, it may cause fluctuations in his Hokage position.

Namikaze Minato has not yet become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.

So he kept telling himself that when considering any problem, he needed to think clearly in advance, and it was absolutely impossible for any accident to happen.

Namikaze Minato is very aware of such things, but he still has such a heart of compassion at this time, which also shows from the side that his heart has reached a certain degree of resonance with Xiaonan at this time.

This is not to say that everything Xiao Nan said is correct, but that the feelings Xiao Nan conveyed just fit him.

Minami Namikaze and Konan are both Master Jiraiya's disciples, and both have received the care of Master Jiraiya, and they both have the same kind of respect for Teacher Jiraiya.

In addition, Namakaze Minato has also seen this book written by Teacher Bai of the Ninja School, and understands that the real author of this book is his good friend. Before, they also discussed about Konoha Publishing House.

Based on such a question.

Now Minakame Minato, you are already a bit like Konan's words.

Take these things into consideration.

Namikaze Minato didn't have one, so he could give a definite answer. After all, Xiaonan is still a suspicious person. He feels that he can't judge by his own feelings, so he should be more rational.

After these words are finished.

Namikaze Minato still didn't say anything, just looking at Xiaonan and others with Xiaonan's postscript, his face just showed some surprise, and the kind of horror he showed when encountering the same thing.

Seeing Namikaze Minato's slightly changed face, Xiao Nan knew that what she said just now had an effect, and knew that if she continued to speak, it might reverse the current situation she had.

"About the story of Teacher Bai from this ninja school..."

"I did see it in the Land of Rain."

"That keeps me up at night."

"When I just followed up, I even hoped that I could finish it in one day, and I couldn't wait to read many pages every day."

"But when I saw how little was left..."

"I also have a kind of mentality that I don't want to watch it. I want to watch it but I can't bear to watch it and I have to watch it."


"When I finished reading this book, I felt a sense of loss, as if my whole life had lost a lot of meaning."

"I want to read more books like this."

"I still want to get that feeling back."

"I want to know the author of this book."

"I want to read more of his books."

"This is an intuitive reason for me to come to Muye Village, and it is also the most fundamental reason."

Xiaonan said one sentence after another. She seemed to be talking about the content of this book, but in fact she was talking about Otsutsuki Tonero through the book. The feeling is almost similar.

That's why when she met Otsutsuki Sheren, she once suspected that the book was written by Otsutsuki Sheren.

But after she kept asking...

All were denied by Otsutsuki Sheren!

Based on her belief in Yu Datong Mu Sheren, she chose to believe this sentence, and did not continue to ask deeply about it.

This does not prevent her from condensing these two images together.

At this moment, every word Xiao Nan said refers to this book, but what he refers to is the people of Datong Society.


After hearing Xiaonan's words, Namikaze Minato took a deep breath. He had the same feeling when he read the story of Mr. Bai from the ninja school.

I didn't think it was enough to watch before, and I wish I could finish it in one sitting.

But when he found that there were only a few pages left in the book, he felt an indescribable panic in his heart, as if he couldn't bear to just see the finale.

Thinking of this, he looked at Xiao Nan again.

What Xiao Nan said just now is the same as what he felt when he read the book.

This invisibly narrowed the distance between the two of them again.

After all, the interaction between book friends can resonate to some extent.

"Is it because of this book?"

Namikaze Minato asked Xiaonan suspiciously. He always felt that it was not worthwhile to do this, because a book so mobilized people and came to Muye Village not far away. The most primitive power in it?

Can a person go so far for a book?


Xiao Nan nodded almost without hesitation. She finally found such an excuse, how could she give up lightly, and when she told the story of Teacher Bai of the Ninja School, she had actually thrown away all the reserve in her heart. to the ground.

Now that I have talked about this, if this excuse cannot be proved, it will really make her feel too sad in her heart.

"Because after reading this book, I haven't seen other books written by this author."

"I don't think this author will stop writing just one book. After all, he has already shown his great talent in this book, and he should have received many praises. There is no need to stop there. "

"That's why I specially came to Muye Village to urge him!"

"if you can……"

"I wouldn't mind handing him a blade myself!"

The expression on Xiao Nan's face did not change at all, because she has always talked like this, but at the end of her speech, a kind of fluctuation in her heart actually came from this novel.

It's a very strange feeling.

When she said these words earlier, she was referring to Otsuki Sheren.

But now in saying these words I live the novel itself.


While based on the book novel itself.

Xiao Nan really felt that the author's update was too slow, and a new book should be published, so she didn't mind coming to Muye Village to remind her.


Xiao Nan didn't stop immediately after just saying this reason, because she knew that at this moment, she had to work hard to win, and if she couldn't win, she might fall into a disadvantage.

Any little problem is extremely threatening, and the current situation is finally leaning towards her, and she absolutely cannot just give up like this.

"I still want to see Teacher Jiraiya!"

Xiao Nan said slowly, she mentioned Teacher Jiraiya again.

This is a key!

It is her bridge to communicate with Namikaze Minato!

Although Namikaze Minato had previously rejected the three of them, he still felt that he should say this now.

"I'm sure he will come back."

"In just a few days."

"And I think Jiraiya-sensei will also like this story by Mr. Haku, a ninja school."

Xiaonan said confidently that this was based on some of her previous analysis and her understanding of Teacher Jiraiya.

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