Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 799 Use the way of the other, and return it to him! ([Monthly ticket] plus update)

"It's actually possible."

"It's actually possible to do this."


"Why didn't I think of it."


"Aren't these things just done now?"

"I don't need to think about more complicated things at all!"

Namikaze Minato couldn't help feeling emotional, because he suddenly realized that the couple's thinking was too smooth, and in this short moment, he directly grasped the flaw of the third generation, which was sold by the third generation himself. Yes, I originally wanted to whitewash myself during the Hokage Succession Ceremony and rely on it as if I hadn't done all these things, but now I can be caught by Qingyu, and then seize this point and beat him to death.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is a very strong way, and it is completely fighting this battle head-on.

That's one way to get Minato Namakaze feeling really excited.

Those who don't supply water never thought that Qingyu would choose to use this method to directly nail the third generation to the pillar of shame. After all, such a storm of public opinion has been caused before, and if it is brought out again now, it is very likely that people will feel very disgusted. It's exhaustion, but it's all ignored. This is indeed what happened, and Qing Yu also said before that the third generation did not really admit it frankly.

"We use the black material revealed to us by the third generation, and we can directly put the third generation in that room where there is no room for maneuver, and we don't have to make up anything, because once there is something fabricated, it will definitely leave flaws, so leave it After making a breakthrough, Sandai can fight back for himself, and once he finds an opportunity to counterattack and succeeds in counterattacking, then we will fall into a passive situation again."

Qingyu's voice sounded again, and his thoughts turned quickly, because now when he was talking to Namikaze Minato, he not only had to fully tell a conspiracy he had constructed, but also had to repeat it within this conspiracy. Analyzing, and constantly convincing Namikaze Minato of this matter is a very difficult thing in itself, and it is necessary to perfect all the logic in the stories that you make up.

"If the third generation succeeds in fighting back, then it means that the third generation was splashed with dirty water in advance, but he has been silent about this, but gave him a chance to shirk all the previous things, and point the finger at You, pour dirty water on you, and at that time, the third generation will take advantage of our mistakes to fight a beautiful counterattack."

"So at present, it is not suitable for us to say anything other than those things. We can't make up the issue of the third generation, because that is really slandering the third generation. This is disrespectful to an old Hokage, so we Can't do that."

"But if we just bring up those previous problems, then there will be no problems, because the whole world knows these things, and it will not cause us any passive situation."

"It's the best way I can think of!"

Qingyu explained the problem just now, he didn't have the idea of ​​making up new stains on these things, because he felt that it was completely unnecessary, and it would be a waste of brain cells to change these things in the first place, and he didn't want to His own thinking is focused on changing the third generation, and what the third generation has done is completely seen by Danzo, and he has read Danzo's memory, for the things in it, even if it is one of them The details are very clear.

It can be said that the current Qingyu can casually say any thing that the third generation has done, and it is actually done, even if the details can be dug out, since there is such a real event that can make the third generation speechless , Why bother to make up time by yourself, but it is easy to shoot yourself in the foot.

"That's right."

"You're right."

"It's really the best solution."

"We shouldn't make up anything about the third generation. That would be an insult to him. Even if Shanta has done too many wrong things, he still has contributed to Muye Village."

"We just need to get the real facts out!"

"In this way, instead of slandering the third generation, we returned justice to Muye Village."

"It's very nice to do that."

Namikaze Minato praised one after another, because his own outlook on life, values ​​and worldview have already formed a relatively gentle and kind form inherently, so from his own point of view, he is not willing to slander others easily. For him, it was not something he wanted to do, and it was only for the position of Hokage that he thought of such a conspiracy.

But it has to be said that this method is not acceptable in his heart after all.

Namikaze Minato still hopes to properly solve this problem through a relatively kind way, and Qingyu Jia just took these things over as he thought, although Qingyu used a lot of The conspiracies and tricks of the three generations are clearly analyzed, and the three generations are defeated in the same way as the three generations, but there is no place to slander the three generations here, but to take out the things that the three generations have already proposed, and the three generations are about to fight back It hit the third generation before.

This in itself is to repay the other body with the way of the other.

What's more, there is no place to slander the third generation in the slightest.

Think here.

Namikaze Minato felt that what Aoba had thought up was very to his liking.

This is no simple plan.

Instead, through some methods of the third generation, they defeated the third generation in an upright manner.

This is completely in line with Namikaze Minato's inner persistence and his ideal concept.

"I have one more question."

Minato Namikaze thought of this, and looked at Qingyu again, his eyes flickered with strong eyes, and he already had his own views on many things here, especially when it comes to the Hokage Succession Ceremony , and has a clearer understanding. With this understanding, he understands how to make plans for one after another.

"What if Orochimaru and Danzo stand up and explain while we are pouring these dirty waters on three generations?"

"At that time, doesn't it mean that all the previous things have been done in vain, and the three generations can be easily wiped out after returning to the original point. Does it mean that there is still a need to continue to produce the Hokage Succession Ceremony?"

"At that time, will I still be able to become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village?"

"Could this be a hole card left by the three generations?"

Namikaze Minato raised a question that he always felt was very critical in his heart, but he didn't say it at the time because he didn't think it was necessary for the third generation to go to this point.

This is a very powerful step!

But the corresponding step is also a very incredible step!

According to Namikaze Minato's understanding of the third generation, he will never take this step until there are no accidents, and when he takes this step, it means that all previous efforts have been wasted.

The two sides returned to zero, which means that everything he had before was for nothing, and he would add a lot of dirty water to himself for no reason.

Unless the situation reaches a certain extreme level, most people will not easily press the reset button.


Is it time to press the reset button?

Namikaze Shuiwen began to think in his heart, if things are really according to what Qing Yu said, and eventually the third generation has no choice but to go to the Hokage Succession Ceremony step by step, then it means that all the previous efforts have been in vain, and it is impossible If you trip yourself according to the original plan, then maybe you will use an alternative plan, which may be to let Orochimaru and Danzo appear early.

As long as Orochimaru and Danzo are still on the side of the third generation, there is still room for reversal in this matter.

At least Namikaze Minato thinks so!

At this time.

Namikaze Minato's heart became more and more chaotic.

He knew very well in his heart that there were many things going on here, and these things were constantly beyond his scope of thinking.

Think here.

He still didn't dare to relax, because he wanted to clarify all the possibilities when discussing with Namikaze Minato.

"They can't explain it!"

After Qingyu heard this sentence, she shook her head directly, and turned her eyes to Namikaze Minato with firm eyes. The tone of her words seemed to have penetrated everything inside, and there was nothing wrong with it at all. The so-called place of concern.

"If I can use this matter as real evidence, then what Orochimaru and Danzo have confessed are all true. In this case, both of them have admitted it, and everyone knows this matter It happened like this, how else can they argue?" Qingyu replied lightly.

"But how do we make these things completely correct?" Namikaze Minato raised his own doubts again.

"Very simple..."

Those relaxed smiles bloomed on Qingyu's face again, he has already calculated everything clearly, so there is nothing to worry about or worry about.

"It may not be possible to unearth all the things they have done, but as long as one or two witnesses can be found, then this matter can be completely confirmed."

"When I deal with the issue of Yile Ramen and Xiaonan, I will spread another kind of public opinion at the same time, and this public opinion can remind people of what happened."

"I will say in public opinion that Orochimaru and Danzo are likely to be hidden by the third generation. If these two people stand up in the future, then they may not necessarily have something to do with the third generation."

"At that time, they will be in a dilemma, because once public opinion is formed, when they come out to speak for the three generations, it is very likely that they will become a self-proof instead, but if they don't come out, the three generations will be less took these two wings."

"In this way, we can throw this difficult problem to them, let them fall into a dilemma, and then do things timidly, and we can continue to move forward with great ambitions. In this short week Here, we may stage a very extreme offensive and defensive battle with them."

Qingyu said one sentence after another, he didn't have any special emotions when he said these words, but the views he expressed were completely transmitted to Namikaze Minato's ears.

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