Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 812 The Existence of Roots Is the Biggest Problem ([Monthly Ticket] Plus Change)

During this time.

Qingyu has already felt this characteristic of the third generation.

Three generations need people's encouragement.

Only after encouragement.

His heart will be more comfortable.

But it is this type of person who needs to be encouraged and encouraged, but has never been encouraged by anyone.

This also made him feel a very indescribable feeling in his heart.

Three generations have always hoped that someone could come to help him.

Someone came to recognize him.

This is a very strong feeling of being needed.


Only after he became Hokage.

No one has expressed a need for him.

This once made Sandai feel very disappointed, especially after he came back from the battlefield, he told the people in Konoha Village that Tobama-sensei had identified him as the third Hokage of Konoha Village, but he was not recognized by the public. recognized.

Even the Fourth Hokage that everyone hopes for is not him, but Uchiha Mirror.

This once put him in a relatively depressed state.


But did not give up.

he knows.

He must do his best to return to the position of Hokage.

If he doesn't get the approval of Togama-sensei, then maybe when they come back to compete for the position of Hokage, he will give up to Uchiha mirror.

This feeling is very clear in his heart.

At that time, it was precisely because he was approved by Teacher Tomona.


He came back with great strength.

Now this time.

Sandai felt that he was once again recognized by Teacher Tomona.

This is a feeling that can make him feel a force pouring in from the bottom of his heart.

This moment.

The eyes of the third generation couldn't help but turn slightly red again.

Only this time it wasn't moving.

But because of excitement.

Because he just got the approval and approval of Teacher Toifa, which he has been wanting for so many years, and got again, but has never been.

Especially just now Teacher Feijian was learning from him with a very stern attitude, but at this moment, he has returned to that gentle expression again, which made him feel a kind of tension between these two expressions. A strong sense of identity.

Think here.

The three generations were even more excited.

He must do well the tasks assigned by Tobuma teacher.

He must become Hokage of Konoha Village again.

It's not over yet.

The third generation is very clear, what kind of resources does he have now?

Under such an extremely unfavorable situation now, he can be recognized by Togama-sensei, and in the heart of Togama-sensei, he can become the Hokage of Konoha Village.

This gave him a lot of confidence.

It kept making him want to live in Hokage again.

It was precisely because of Qingyu's praise just now that he felt that he had become a useful person again.

"Teacher Tokaima, is this really a usable point?"

The third generation asked Qing Yu expectantly. Of course he knew that this point was useful, but he would not say it if it was useless. There is a very obvious feeling that he wants to be recognized by Tokaima-sensei again.


Qingyu nodded almost without hesitation. This is indeed a very important point. If the third generation didn't take the initiative to say it, then in the end, maybe he would tell the third generation to start from the root, but he also knew that the third generation This wisdom, after all, the latter is the person who became Hokage, so he will definitely find the key to this problem.

The most critical point of this issue is that the roots do not belong to the rule of Konoha Hokage.

It doesn't even belong to any administrative unit of Muye Village at all.

This is something beyond the original system of Konoha Village.

This thing can be attacked!

Qing Yu wanted the third generation to look for a point that could make a comeback. Of course, he only provided the third generation with such an idea, but it would not make the third generation a real comeback, but this point is really powerful for good treatment At the same time, it is also beneficial for him to operate on Namikaze Minato.

"Any administrative organization in Konoha Village was founded by me. Of course, I know the relationship between these institutions that restrict each other and complement each other."

Qingyu said simply, he said something about the Muye village system against the voice of Qianshoubeijian. In fact, it is impossible for other people to know these contents, and it is precisely because of this reason , so when he talks about these things, he can make his three generations believe in him even more, that is, the Thousand Hands.

"The roots are outside the system of Konoha Village, which is equivalent to not belonging to Hokage."

"This point has two directions of attack!"

"The first one is a force outside the Konoha Village system created by Danzo, so he has crossed the line at this point."

"We only need to continue to attack the power organization at the root, and then we can guide the entire whirlwind of public opinion on Danzang!"

"The second point is what the roots have done!"

"According to what you just said, if I'm not wrong, what Gen Mo did should have been exposed by Danzo himself, and these things have also been brought to you."

"This is a very good attack point!"

"We can achieve a stealthy effect in a generalized way!"

"At this point in time, Danzo has disappeared, so it is irrefutable. In addition, he has admitted everything by himself, and there is no way to refute these things!"

"In this way, we can completely push all the things Danzo confessed to the root, so that it has nothing to do with Konoha Village and Hokage!"

"Through these two points, you can officially launch an attack on Tuanzao!"

"After the attack, all the public opinion at the scene can be directed towards Danzo!"

"In this way, your silence at that time is no longer an acquiescence, but an investigation into this matter!"

"The main reason why I left the position of Hokage at that time was to allow myself to see the whole incident more clearly!"

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Qingyu said one sentence after another, although he didn't teach Sandai how to get rid of these things, but he has already let Sandai understand how to solve this problem through his own words.

If these words are Qingyu really want to help the third generation to re-clean up, it is entirely possible to create public opinion in this direction.

After all, everything has two sides.

There is no such thing as a perfect problem.

There is no such thing as completely wrong.

As long as a foothold is found, the right thing can become the wrong thing, and the wrong thing can be changed into the right thing.

There are two sides to all this.

You can't use the same theory at all.

Qingyu has now found such a foothold!

Through such a point, Danzo can be defined as the things he just said are all related to the root.

In this way.

At that time.

Anything that Danzo does has nothing to do with the third generation.

Because those things are done at the root.

Genbu belongs to Danzo alone and has nothing to do with Sandai, nor does Genkonoha Village.

In this way, through such a whirlwind of public opinion, the three generations can be completely extracted from it.

After Qingyu said these words, she looked towards Sandai. First of all, Sandai's expression was very excited, as if she had discovered something indescribable.

"This, this, this..."

The three generations stared wide-eyed in shock, he couldn't believe it, he could actually turn things around in this way.

As expected of Toma-sensei.

Three generations silently admired in their hearts.

It has to be said that such a thing, he originally thought that there was no room for backfilling at all.

Not only him, but no one thought that he could stand up again. Whoever encountered such a thing would feel that it was a devastating blow.

Especially after the incident was exposed, the third generation became Konoha Village, a very famous clown, and even the whole ninja world was talking about his scandal.

But now he actually has the opportunity to follow this momentum, cleanse himself, push everything clean, put it on Danzo, and then attack Danzo to the bottom.

In this way, you can resurrect yourself by taking advantage of the disadvantages of Danzo.

Thinking about this kind of thing made him feel extremely excited.

"Mr. Feijian, you are simply a genius among geniuses. I have never seen such a powerful person like you!"

The tone of the third generation became excited, and he couldn't wait to praise Qingyu, because he was indeed extremely excited in his heart, he had never felt such a feeling, especially when he felt that he was at the end of his rope, but now Began to enter into the willows and flowers.

At this time now, there is only one thought in Sandai's heart, that is, if he really loses in the end and fails to become Hokage again, he is simply sorry for Teacher Tomona's expectations of him.

I'm even more sorry for Teacher Tomona's suggestion.

Now this time.

After the third generation heard these words from Teacher Toama.

He has been deeply aware of some of his turning points, these points are too important, so important that he can even see the hope that he could not see before.

"I know what to do."

"The presence of roots is the biggest problem."

"Everything has to be done with an eye on the existence of the roots."

"As long as I push everything to the root, then these things have nothing to do with me."

The third generation thought a lot at this moment, especially when it came to the roots, which made him see a possibility to wash away the dirty water that had been poured on him before.

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