Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 817 The Three Generations Nearly Collapsed! ([Monthly ticket] plus update)

Qingyu could tell that the third generation was already on the verge of emotional collapse.

This situation is still very rare.

Maybe it's because the three generations have already regarded themselves as the real Qianshoubeijian.

In this way, in front of your teacher, you can show a child-like side.

This is not particularly exaggerated!

Qingyu is more or less understandable.


Seeing the appearance of the third generation, he didn't know whether he should laugh or feel helpless...


"It's not difficult."

"Think about it carefully..."

Qingyu looked towards Sandai, he didn't tell Sandai the answer directly, but slowly wanted Sandai to say it himself through this method, after all, only in this way can Sandai's heart be established and still want to become Hokage a kind of self-confidence.

Qingyu tried his best to make himself appear more patient. He himself thought that the way of fooling the third generation was completely over, but unexpectedly, the third generation raised the interest rate and took out the embassy.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu realized that he would continue to stay here for a while longer.

There was a little more helplessness in my heart.

But there is no other way.

After all, he has already mentioned the matter to this point, and the matter has already progressed above this point, there is absolutely no room for maneuver.

Qingyu has already started fooling around. It has been three generations for such a long time. If he is quite young now, then all the things he has done are in vain.

Qingyu didn't want to let himself become Qianshoubeijian before, and all these things of fooling the third generation were abandoned halfway, so he knew very well that if he wanted to solve the inner problems of the third generation, he had to get rid of the matter of Orochimaru. To be clear, and in this process, it can't show too much dissatisfaction. After all, just now he has understood that the three generations in front of him belong to a needed personality, and he is very concerned about the degree to which he is valued and recognized.

Qingyu just felt a little bit dissatisfied in his heart, and was immediately perceived by the third generation as the education in his heart. Now it is obvious that the third generation has got into a situation where he doesn't know how to deal with Orochimaru. In the horns.

In fact, it was a very simple thing.

But because the third generation couldn't figure it out at all, he was worried that Teacher Feijian would scold him, and Teacher Feijian was disappointed in him, so he began to think twice, and pushed himself very hard in his heart.

In this way, it also led to a very anxious situation in the heart of the third generation. The more anxious he was, the more he couldn't think of it, and the more he couldn't think of it, the more anxious he was, forming a negative cycle.

But it is such a cycle...

Then three generations and now the whole person has become extremely chaotic.

Qingyu knew that if he wanted to solve this kind of problem, he had to start from the root cause, so he couldn't let the third generation have such an anxiety anymore.


All his previous efforts will be in vain.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu tried his best to let his emotions settle down, and tried his best to appear very patient without showing any dissatisfaction. At least he seemed very patient. He suppressed all his impatience in his heart.

"Not in a hurry!"

Thinking of this, Qingyu emphasized again, because he is very aware of such a feeling. At this time, he is very clear about what he should do, that is, to stabilize the emotions of the third generation, and then let the third generation one Follow him little by little to do what you should do.

"Let's think about it seriously."

"Actually, there is a solution."

"I hope you can figure it out for yourself."

"It's still what I said just now."

"Only what you think of is yours."

"Someone else thought of it..."

"It's not yours!"

Qingyu said one sentence after another, he still adopted the way of preaching, because before he found that when he talked to Sandai in this way, Sandai was still very teachable, but now he said it again, he found that Sandai's face Nothing has changed, and it's still so frustrating.

The whole person looks very bad.

"Teacher Feijian..."

"I really can't figure it out!"

"I've thought of almost every possibility!"

"But no matter how I think about it, I can't find a way to make Orochimaru leave me alone!"

"Oshemaru is my disciple!"

"He stood up and accused me openly. There is no way to solve this..."

The third generation kept shaking his head, his heart was already in a kind of restlessness, there was no way to continue to think about these things, his heart was already messed up, so when he was thinking, his brain was spinning. He had a relatively resistant mind.

In this state of inner anxiety...

The whole three generations fell into a kind of anxiety.

No matter what he did, he couldn't return to his normal state, and he couldn't calm down and think patiently. The whole thing here has deviated from the scope he originally expected, and it was completely achieved. The other is the level.

"Teacher Feijian."


"Now only you can help me."

"Except for you."

"No one can help me anymore."

"I don't know what to do with Orochimaru at all."

"Oh my God!"

"I actually forgot Orochimaru!"

"After I can't handle things like Orochimaru..."

"I have no way to become Hokage again!"

"I can't do it!"

The third generation is still as anxious as before, especially after Qingyu told him not to worry, he seemed even more anxious, as if he wanted to press himself to find the answer to the question quickly, but he couldn't find such an answer at all. The answer.

When facing Danzo, he thought carefully at that time, because the teacher in front of him told him that there was a way to break the game, so after thinking about it, he found this solution in an instant.

But when facing Orochimaru, he found that Orochimaru was completely different from him, because this person was his disciple.

Such an identity simply binds the two of them together.

Whether it's a laboratory or something else, there is no way to come here to obstruct it.

The more the three generations think about it now, the more messy their minds become.

The whole person didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

Now at this time, Sandai's eyes are constantly erratic, falling on Qingyu's body for a while, and then moving away quickly.

When his eyes fell on Qing Yu, what appeared in his eyes was annoyance and pleading for help. The begging eyes were very obvious. He couldn't think of the answer to this question at all. I hope Teacher Feijian can tell me.

But at that moment, after he and Qingyu looked at each other, he would feel a little bit of uneasiness again, and this uneasiness would become more and more intense as he stared at him, and then he would be forced to look away. Make yourself appear less nervous.

have to say.

Qingyu can tell just from the dodge in the eyes of the third generation that this person doesn't have enough responsibility.

It is because of things like this.

As a result, Konoha Village has been in the hands of three generations, and there has been no special improvement over the years.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu sighed helplessly.

"All right."

Qingyu shook his head gently, he didn't want to use this method at first, because once he used this method, the next three generations might be shaken at some point because he didn't think of it, but this is not important, because he After all, it's not that Sandai is going to be Hokage again in a daze, it's just that he cooperates with him to finish the play.

Things like acting...

As long as the third representative shows a little bit of thought, it will be fine.

It's not that important.

Now Qingyu doesn't have enough patience to slowly guide the third generation, especially the third generation who is already in a restless mood. Since the third generation has already started to ask him, he feels that as long as these words are spoken out, there will be nothing Very big problem.

"Then I'll tell you directly."

After Xiao Yu said these words, she obviously felt the body of the third generation shake, and then raised her lowered head, stared at herself carefully, and the pupils in her eyes burst out with the color of expectation.

have to say.

Right at this moment.

The psychology of the third generation rekindled this hope, and it seemed that they could return to the position of Hokage again.

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