Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 822 Good Intentions ([Monthly Pass] Addition)

Qing Yu didn't know what kind of change Xiao Nan had undergone in this matter towards him.

After experiencing the communication with the third generation, he returned to Anbu's dormitory.

After all, Anbu dormitory is his real home.

During this period of time, his inner consumption has been very huge, especially after he chatted with Namikaze Minato, and then had a series of exchanges with the third generation.

Aoba found that communicating with Namikaze Minato and communicating with Midai is a completely different experience.

When he communicated with Namikaze Minato, he found that he was chatting with a very wise person, and when people with the same wisdom collided together, they would produce completely different sparks.

after all.

When he was chatting with Namikaze Minato, he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and he didn't dare to have any slight problems in what he said, because as long as there was any inconsistency in these words, it would immediately cause Namikaze Minato The vigilance of the door may eventually lead to the possibility of exposing oneself.

Such a feeling made Qingyu's heart in a state of extreme tension, and she was very tired from being highly concentrated.

At that time, after Aoba and Minato Namikaze chatted in the Anbe dormitory, not only Minato Namikaze would feel very tired, but even Aoba felt very tired at that time.

But Qingyu didn't expect that after this incident, he was immediately involved in the trio of the Akatsuki organization, and then straightened out some of the things for Namikaze Minato again.

I have to say that these things are really too shocking.

After Qingyu straightened out these things for Namikaze Minato, he almost went through the whole incident completely, because behind these incidents was him as the mastermind behind the scenes, and even he himself hadn't done it before. Thinking about it, I know too well what happened here.

But at this time.

He had to say all these things.

If these words are not finished, it will be a very important and unbearable matter for him.

After Qingyu sorted out the matter of playing Minato, he understood that he was going to stir up this whirlpool of public opinion the next day, so before stirring up a whirlpool of public opinion, he had to find the third generation and explain the matter clearly to the third generation , so that we can have things to continue later.

But this is not a very simple matter.

Qingyu knew what happened to Sandai, and the way he used Danzo and Orochimaru to splash dirty water before to hang Sandai up was enough to cause great fluctuations in Sandai's heart.

It is also because it is so easy to find the third generation before, knowing that this will not be a particularly smooth speech, and the process of communicating with Namikaze Minato is completely different.

It is precisely because of such a phenomenon.

Qingyu knew that there was not much he could do.

But it is to let the third generation go towards the idea in his heart, and then start to compete for the position of Hokage again, so that when Namikaze Minato is competing for the position of Hokage, he will feel the still restless blockage of the third generation, and understand that the third generation was before. The various schemes used in order to compete for the position of Hokage were just to lure him into this vortex.

It can be said that Qingyu worked hard for this matter.

But what he never expected was that the third generation would be so stupid when faced with this kind of thing, and also showed a cowardly side that he never expected.

Ever since Aoba came to the Ninja World, he actually met the third generation several times, but at that time he was not in the current status, so what he discovered when he met the third generation was not the current phenomenon, but at that time When he went to see the third generation as Qianshou Feijian, he suddenly found that he saw another side of the third generation.

above that level.

The whole person of the three generations does not look like the person who was originally shown.

This is a completely different image.

It's unbelievable.

After Aoba returned to Anbe's dormitory, recalling the past of his exchanges with Minato and Sandai, he still felt that Sandai was very outrageous.

At this moment, Qingyu felt very tired in his heart.

But he didn't go to sleep.

He knows that this is mental fatigue, not physical fatigue. There is no way to completely heal through chakra, and sleep must be used to replenish the spirit. But he is an immortal body, so he recovers very quickly, even if he does not sleep If so, it will completely restore his own heart to a clear state in a few hours.


Qingyu knew that he couldn't sleep now.

The next day was a stormy day.

Whether it's his side as Namikaze Minato, or the side of Sandai, Konoha Village will cause a very splendid vortex at this moment.

What Qingyu has to do at this time is to review him fiercely. He must think carefully about everything that has happened today, and absolutely must not miss any details, otherwise it is very likely that he will be involved in the follow-up public opinion arrangement. Any problems will arise.

In fact, Qingyu is not willing to put too much thought on these matters, but this does not allow him to think carefully about these matters by himself, because he has to work a little harder at this point in time. , otherwise, with his own behavior, there is no way to complete a counterattack on this kind of thing, and time is running out. Namikaze Minato will soon become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.

Before the Hokage Succession Ceremony, he had to sort out the public opinion on both sides, and then let the public opinion intertwine into a whirlpool, pushing the Hokage Succession Ceremony in Konoha Village directly to the biggest climax.

Just thinking about it, Qingyu felt extremely excited, because such a thing was exactly what he was looking forward to in his heart.

Now his mind was racing, and he kept thinking about the things that happened before.

The past is as vivid as smoke, floating in front of his eyes. At the beginning, it was a discussion with Namikaze Minato. They discussed how Sandai set a trap for Namikaze Minato. To the side of the black hand behind the scenes.

At that time, Qingyu understood that if this matter wanted to develop into such a situation, then the third generation must be defined as the mastermind behind the scenes.

That is.

Aoba must ensure that on the side of Namikaze Minato, Sandai is the identity of a behind-the-scenes mastermind, and then everything is done by him behind the scenes, especially when it comes to Danzo and Orochimaru, then Sandai will I want to clean myself up in the following period of time, and put everything about Orochimaru and Danzo on Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato is afraid of such a situation and splashes dirty water on himself, so he is going to act first. If the public opinion whirlwind will be swept up on the third generation, then the most important thing is to put Danzo and Orochimaru first. All the things they did were defined as things that actually happened. Although they have all admitted it, there is absolutely no room for any reversal of this matter.

Qingyu still sees this matter very clearly. He made Namikaze Minato clearly understand these things through these two different methods.

Afterwards, Qingyu was ready to repeat the same method again.

In fact, when facing the third generation, Qingyu did a lot of thinking at that time. He wanted the third generation to regain the ability to become Hokage, but this required a spiritual pillar like Danzo, so he chose to use it. The identity of Qianshou Feijian brings new energy to the three generations in the way of a teacher in another way.

Not only that.

Qingyu also used a way to expand outward.

I want Sandai to push all these charges on Danzo and Orochimaru, so that there will be a kind of separation with myself.

It has to be said that such a way of thinking directly allows the thinking between the three generations of Yonami Minato to reach a level of mutual complementarity. The three generations want to push the blame on Danzo and Orochimaru, and then separate themselves Kai Erbafeng Minato also wanted to attribute the blame to Danzo and Orochimaru, and make this matter a reality.

Under Qingyu's continuous flickering, these two people said that they were developing in different directions, but their purpose was the same, and they both wanted to thoroughly implement what the embassy and Danzo had done.

at the same time.

In fact, there is another very interesting thing here, that is, when Aoba communicated with Namikaze Minato, Namikaze was worried that Danzo and Orochimaru would stand up at this time, and when communicating with Sandai, Sandai Tu Shadow is also worried, Danzo and Master will stand up.

But neither of these two people knew that Orochimaru and Danzo were actually standing in front of them, and that was played by Qingyu.

It was originally a very simple succession ceremony that Aoba used his own hands to build Konoha Village, and maybe the three generations would interfere in it, but Aoba can also completely treat it as if he didn't see Namikaze Minato and he can naturally crack it by himself.

However, Qingyu felt that such a succession ceremony was meaningless, so he tried his best to arrange the entire succession ceremony in the direction he wanted to completely disrupt the overall situation here, and let everything be re-arranged.

Qingyu very much believes that if he proceeds according to his method, then the succession ceremony will eventually be carried out in a very gorgeous way, and will focus the attention of Muye Village and even the entire ninja world on this place, and through a The whirlwind of public opinion completely cleared the internal obstacles of Muye Village, allowing Muye Village to directly enter a new era.

Such things are indeed more exciting!

But for Qingyu, it is a very interesting way of playing!

Qingyu found great joy in this, and he was no longer satisfied with these simple things in his heart. It has to be said that this change of Hokage's position gave him a lot of space to develop himself.

During this process, he made Namikaze Minato take himself seriously through his identity, and expressed his love for Anbu, so that his identity can stay in Anbe, and he can also get the greatest flexibility At this point, although Aoba hasn't known about Namikaze Minato yet, and has already arranged his identity in his heart, but until the future, this is definitely not a particularly big problem.

over time……

Qingyu thought carefully all night in Anbe's dormitory.

During this process, he was very tired at first, but with the recovery of the fairy body, his spirit was restored to fullness, and his thinking became faster and faster. He almost magnified every corner of the whole thing I thought about it several times, and then went to see what it might develop into.

Of course, this vortex of public opinion didn't just end like this, and it was also mixed with things related to Xiaonan Heyile Ramen.

Through such a constantly intertwined whirlwind storm...

Qingyu already has a big network for future development in his heart, and he feels that all these things will be carried out in this big network, but there may still be some specific things that he will not calculate at all, after all, this involves A major event to the entire Konoha Village.

On top of such a big event...

Many people in Muye Village will participate, especially those who are guided by public opinion, so there will be many different sparks among them, and these sparks are completely impossible to be predicted by one person.

Just like Qingyu's definition of himself before, he is like a director in a reality show who provides a script and a general direction, but what will happen depends entirely on the reality show. The performance of the actors and the different personalities of each person have created a different personality for each person. When they encounter the same thing, their reactions and actions are also completely different.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu's heart also began to look forward to it.

After all, such a thing happened by his side, and it was planned by him for so long.

Even his untiring immortal body got a strong explosion in this incident.

Qingyu also summed up the information and memories of many people, and then combined with the science and experience obtained in modern society, finally collided with these results.

At this moment in time.

Qingyu knew that now it was time to officially enter the big screen of Konoha Village Hokage's replacement.


The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The first to start looking forward to.

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