Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 833 This is also the real function of killing chickens and monkeys (please subscribe for mon

At this time, Minato Namikaze clearly felt that Qingyu did not say these things after doing these things, which meant that Qingyu did not hope that he would follow the other party's plan, but hoped that he could Be your truest self in these things.


Qingyu left step by step clues on these matters, so that he can continue to think about these matters.

It has to be said that it was this kind of behavior that made Namikaze Minato deeply aware of the importance of these things.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato felt an indescribable respect in these matters.

This is Qingyu's respect for her choice.

If Qingyu made a decision for himself, then if he did so, it would be tantamount to saying that he was doing it according to the way of the youth brigade, even if he really thought so, but if she didn't do it, then It is equivalent to a contradiction in the room with Qingyu.

Namikaze Minato is very aware of his character, especially when he is about to become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, then he will be the most practical person in Konoha Village, so his decision is Konoha Village's decision should not be Those who are questioned should not be judged.

It is precisely because of such a reason that now Namikaze Minato is very clear in his heart that Qingyu has put in a lot of hard work behind this matter, which is the result of one after another.

When Namikaze Minato saw these ninjas at the scene, everyone was full of doubts in their hearts. Those doubts were exactly the information about Xiaonan in the task book written by Aoba. After Xiaonan's information, their first reaction was to have their own doubts about this contradictory task.

Because after seeing this mission, they didn't know Xiao Nan's true position and reflection, they would only think that Xiao Nan was a traitor, a general and all the ninjas in Konoha Village had a common reaction, they I can't wait to drive Xiaonan out of Muye Village at the age of four.

This kind of strong reflection is clearly instigated in Qingyu's words.

Even Namikaze Minato felt a very unstable feeling in his heart when he saw these words.

But it is precisely because of such a feeling.

Namikaze Minato could feel that after watching these missions, he felt an uncontrollable hatred for Xiaonan, let alone those people who didn't know Xiaonan at all.

The rendering capabilities of these texts are simply too strong.

With such a strong ability to render words, even though Namikaze Minato knew what was going on with Xiaonan and knew that they were a plan, he would inevitably feel such strong indignation in his heart, not to mention that the scenes at the scene were completely indignant. People who don’t know, after seeing Xiaonan’s incident, they must feel that Konoha Village did a very wrong thing, and Yile Ramen did a very wrong thing, and that thing is that they suffered from this Konan, who is a traitor in the Land of Rain.

It is based on such a feeling.

Everyone at the scene had an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

But if it's just such a task of spreading Xiaonan's question, then everyone at the scene can complete it very well, and are even very willing to complete it, because they have reached the spiritual will of the people at this moment. One.

Almost everyone hopes that through their own abilities, Konoha Village can get out of this phenomenon.

They hope to make Konoha Village better.

They hoped to drive Rebel Nin out of Muye Village.

In this whirlwind of public opinion involving Xiaonan, Qingyu's writing has played a vital role.

Namikaze Minato had this feeling at the time after seeing these words, but now he suddenly realizes that this feeling is not just what Aoba deliberately created, but also something other than what Aoba did. It's just that this matter is very hidden, so hidden that even he has just noticed it now.

This is an effect that a very powerful text rendering ability can bring, and some tasks will be done later.

under such a task.

A diametrically opposite task arises.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato immediately picked up the extra task book in his hand, and then read it again. When he read it again this time, the feeling in his heart changed again.

When Namikaze Minato read the mission book again, he found that the description about Xiaonan in it made his blood pressure soar again, and even now he had an urge to drive Xiaonan out with someone, if he didn't know Xiao Nan, if he didn't know that these missions were specially designed, then he wouldn't be able to get out of this whirlpool.

This is the power of public opinion.

This is the power of words.

This is Qingyu's power.

Namikaze Minato kept admiring in his heart that she put herself in a position where she didn't know the plot at all. After he saw what happened to Xiaonan, he had a very strong condemnation of Xiaonan. He even I want to take Xiao Nan's directly.

But when you turn to continue to look down.

The next task is to let them pretend to be members of Yile Ramen immediately after disseminating Xiaonan's information, and set up all positions to protect Xiaonan from those public opinions, and will not let anyone People get into Yile Ramen and hurt Xiaonan.

If such a mission is placed in the eyes of a person who has no idea what is going on, it is a mission concept that completely makes them feel unacceptable.

This simply violates a common sense in their hearts.

It's like asking them to expose a heinous murderer first. The murderer's method of killing is not as simple as making people nod, it's simply killing. Then, after this arouses the indignation in everyone's heart, tell them Now you have to protect this murderer.

If this kind of thing were replaced by any flesh and blood ninja, they would not be able to accept it easily, so at the moment this task book appeared, almost everyone's face became weird, and their eyes were full of doubts. I don't know Namikaze Minato, why on earth should they be asked to do such a task?

Just as Namikaze Minato guessed at that moment, if only one person feels that there is a problem, then there may be a problem with this person, but if everyone feels that there is a problem, then there may be a problem with this matter.

Of course, it is also possible that everyone has problems.

But it is obvious that there is a problem with this matter now, and there is a problem with this mission statement.

But Namikaze Minato didn't discover the problem with the task book at the first time, that's because he was from the perspective of a designer.

From the perspective of a designer, then he knows why Xiaonan knows what Xiaonan's identity is like here. He knows these words, but he is creating a foreshadowing for Xiaonan's next reversal. Xiaonan should be protected in Konoha Village, and the membership system of Yile Ramen was specially changed for Xiaonan.

Namikaze Minato knew everything in it, and it was because he knew everything, so after he saw the task book, he realized that the content written in the task book was what Aoba had told him in advance, and there was nothing wrong with it. The places that felt inappropriate and special came over so logically, but when he showed these task books to the ninjas on the scene to read, the reactions of those ninjas would be completely different.

No ninja would think that the contents here are all right.

Because what they are required to protect is an existence that they cannot understand at all.

The appearance of such an existence here is simply constantly refreshing and impacting their cognition of this matter itself.

It is precisely because of this feeling that everyone at the scene has a special emotion that is completely indescribable.

This moment.

The people at the scene still kept their eyes on Minato Namikaze, and none of them realized what was wrong with them, because after seeing the mission statement, they felt that there was something wrong with it.

They even think that something in the task book is wrong?


There may be something hidden here.

They hope to hear Namikaze Minato's explanation here.

Because Namikaze Minato's explanation is very important to them.

Anyone needs to be concerned about such things at this moment.

This is the reaction a normal person should have.

Namikaze Minato knew that any normal person would have such a normal reaction, so he didn't realize it at the time, but now that he knew it, he didn't feel anything abnormal. some conflicts.

"I still say that..."

Namikaze Minato opened his mouth slowly, his eyes stared fiercely at the people present, swept over everyone, and this time his eyes became more and more cold.

Namikaze Minato now finally understands why Qingyu did this, because it involves the position of Hokage.

As long as it involves the position of Hokage, it is a big matter for him, and he will pay attention to it.

"If any of you don't want to participate..."

"You can leave anytime!"

"I will never stop it!"

"It's too late now!"

Namikaze Minato's icy voice sounded slowly and clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

At this time, Namikaze Minato had already realized that the reason why Qingyu did such a thing was to allow him to establish his prestige more decisively.

after all……

Anyone who is about to become Hokage should not be questioned by everyone at the scene.

This is also the real role of killing chickens and monkeys.

If Qingyu is a chicken.

So now these people are all monkeys.

If monkeys don't know their true self-positioning because of that little thing about themselves...

This is crossing the line!

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