Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 836 Curiosity can kill a ninja (seeking subscription for monthly ticket)


At this moment, everyone at the scene fell silent, and almost everyone knew what had happened.

So none of them continued to say anything.

After all, at this point in time, they already understood the problems they committed.

There is no need to say anything more.

Everyone knows that when they received the mission just now, they had some very sad things, that is, they asked questions to Namikaze Minato during these few time points.

have to say.

Everyone knows very well that their identities are now ninjas, and the opponent, Namikaze Minato, is the future Hokage.

Under such a strong contrast, everyone knows how wrong and outrageous what they just did is.

Now each of them looks very ugly, because they have seen strong anger in Namikaze Minato.

In addition, Namikaze Minato had already kicked out the ninja they didn't know just now.

Every ninja nowadays dare not speak easily, because they will also be afraid that Namikaze Minato will kick them out from here, and then there will be no place for them to stay.

Everyone at the scene knew very well that it is very, very difficult for them to rely on different hydrology. Under the guidance of Namikaze Minato, they can completely start again, and they may even enter woodland in the future. Among the high-level officials of Ye Village, he changed his personal destiny.

But if they are kicked out at Namikaze Minato now, then when Namikaze Minato becomes Hokage in the future, they will encounter a great degree of danger here.

This is a very difficult option.

Almost everyone knows that if Namikaze Minato is kicked out, it will be difficult for Konoha Village to have a place for them.

After all, these people can look at their eyes now, if the people here still have a future to stay here.

When they see what happened to those who were kicked out, they should treat them differently.

Because they knew that these kicked-off people had offended Namikaze Minato.

This difference is very obvious.

As long as they offend Namikaze Minato, they will know very clearly that this person will not make a particularly big improvement.

In the future career of Konoha Village, there will be almost no traces of them, and even if Namikaze Minato doesn't blame him, there will be no more effort poured into him.

This is a very rare opportunity, but this opportunity is not so easy to give up.

Everyone at the scene knew about such things.

But outside of things like this.

They know more clearly what kind of position they are in now.

Judging from what Namikaze Minato said just now, it seems that it is wrong to blame them for questioning such a thing. The thing they are questioning is blamed on Namikaze Minato.

Visible Namikaze Minato did not pursue it too much, but expressed his position to them more seriously.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

These people now don't have time to think about these issues carefully, because they are now in a very cautious state.

Everyone knows what kind of thing they are encountering, and what kind of thing they just experienced.

Faced with such a situation.

There are not many things they can really do in their hearts.

As long as they can't say anything bad at this point in time, otherwise they may really be kicked away by Namikaze Minato.

And when Namikaze Minato subsided, all they have to do now is to finish this task seriously.

As for what kind of thing is in the mission.

It's completely unimportant.

Now they are not in the mood to care about what kind of thing is going on here.

No matter what Xiao Nan is like, it has nothing to do with them.

Be a ninja!

The first thing they have to do is complete the task!

As long as they can complete the task, they are a qualified ninja and will be valued by Namikaze Minato.

After figuring it out, the puzzled expressions on the faces of the people at the scene began to gradually subside, and the eyes of everyone looking at Namakaze Minato were not so suspicious, and gradually became indifferent.

At the same time, the enthusiasm that they had just been selected in the first place faded together.

Although they were very fond of Namikaze Minato after they came here, and they had some pursuits in their hearts, but at this point in time, after what happened just now, they also understand that Namikaze Minato is wood after all. Hokage of Ye Village.

Even if they have experienced the third Ninja World War together before, they have some feelings of comrades-in-arms.

But Naruto is Naruto and ninja, and there is a very strict hierarchy in it.

Namikaze Minato will become the Hokage of Konoha Village in the near future, and they will all obey the orders of Namikaze Minato. In the final analysis, they are all subordinates, not friends.

Such things let them recognize the reality, and also let them know their own position, and they no longer have that kind of floating feeling.

After all, it is now at this point in time.

Any little thing may affect the future direction.

Nothing may go exactly in the direction they want.

Although they will have some enthusiasm for cooling down, they don't have any dissatisfaction, because they knew about such things a long time ago, and this is also a very rare and common thing. You must know that any shadow of Ninja Village is not Would be too good a friend, don't bark, that's a village leader.

They have chosen to follow Minato Namakaze now, also because of Minakaze Minato's character and personal charm, as well as the potential and subsequent development of Minato Namakaze.

But now at this time point, they have already clearly stood in line, and there is no chance to return to the third generation. In addition, they do not agree that the third generation has hoped for Naruto's replacement. The door can become Hokage, which is the best choice in their hearts.

Thinking of this...

Everyone at the scene fell silent again, no one said anything, they all waited for the words behind this wave of Feng Shuimen.

This moment.

After Namikaze Minato said those words just now, he glanced over the crowd at the scene, and he could clearly find that the expressions on the faces of these people had faded from the original seriousness.

The curiosity in the eyes has disappeared.

Even the strong indignation aroused by Qingyu disappeared of course.


Everyone already knows it.

At this point in time.

Everyone has restrained all these curiosity, and no longer want to be a machine that performs tasks without emotion. Only such a person will be the person that Hokage really likes.

Namikaze Minato saw in the eyes of these people the emotions of giving up in their hearts, from the initial turmoil to the current calm, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Such a situation is indeed in line with his inner thoughts.

It is also such a feeling.

It made his mood change from the complicated emotions just now to calm down now.

"If I'm not mistaken..."

Namikaze Minato's incident swept towards the crowd, and then carefully looked at everyone's expressions, and there was no special superfluous movement.

"All of you are leaving now!"

Namikaze Minato asked faintly, his voice was not loud, but it could be clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

After what just happened.

The ninjas at the scene didn't know what was going on.

They didn't mean to blame Zuinamifeng Minato in any way, but they knew that they had crossed the line. This is a very strong feeling, and it is also a kind of cognition of them as ninjas.

It's like when students are criticized by the teacher for speaking in class, they don't blame the teacher for criticizing themselves, but know that they should not speak in class, but violate this rule that everyone understands.

The people at the scene had such a feeling. They understood that what they just said should not be said by themselves at all, and they should not even have any doubts about the mission.

After calming down in an instant, they all gradually regained themselves, and understood that such a matter involving Xiaonan had nothing to do with them at all, and there was no need for such a person, and it was a traitor from the Kingdom of Rain. Forbearance, to offend Namikaze Minato.

After all, Namikaze Minato is the future Fourth Hokage!

And now that they have calmed down, they are beginning to understand that this is just what was stated in the mission statement, and it is not a real phenomenon in their understanding. Perhaps there is a possibility that what happened here is similar to what they stated in the mission statement. What you see online is different.

It's just that they don't have the extra thought to think about the things on the mission book now.

If they continue to think about it, it is very likely that they will be kicked out of this queue by Namikaze Minato, and then they will feel the most real sense of the gap from heaven to hell.

At that point in time, there will be extremely strong anxiety and depression in their hearts.

Not even to that time.

Just now.

They already feel that curiosity is not worth mentioning in front of these things!

Curiosity can not only kill the cat!

You can also kill ninjas!

The ninjas at the scene all understood that they had to put away their damn curiosity, and then carry out the mission seriously. After all, this was the first mission that Namikaze Minato found them in half a step, and it was also crucial. Task.

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