Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 852 Different Forks

Namikaze Minato is both the former Namikaze Minato, and it is not the former Namikaze Minato.

A lot has changed here.


Namikaze Minato has not changed, he is still the gentler but warm-hearted person who can completely influence the people around him with his own ability.

Like a little sun, it illuminates all the people around, warms them, and brings strength to others.

From this perspective, Namikaze Minato has not changed at all. It is still the same as it was originally, but it has completely changed in terms of experience.

Namikaze Minato, who was originally supported by a temporary trajectory, is now preparing to be the teacher of Kakashi Obito and others at this time point.

At that time, Namikaze Minato was still a guide Jonin.

Didn't realize the danger was coming.

With the outbreak of the Third Ninja World War, the entire ninja world fell into a kind of pain. As long as there is a war, there will be sacrifices. As long as there are sacrifices, some people will lose their relatives and friends.

The final result of this is that everyone has very strong unspeakable anxiety in their hearts, as well as the pain caused by the loss of their loved ones.

This kind of pain cannot be filled easily at all.

Even Namikaze Minato.

In the Obito incident, people only noticed Kigi Kakashi who was suffering from pain, but they ignored it. Namikaze Minato also suffered almost the same pain, and he just wanted to hide it all in the Outside of the heart, it cannot be easily expressed.

After all, he is the Hokage of Konoha Village!

If he showed any hint of sadness, then the entire Konoha Village would be sad.

On this point, no one knows better than Namikaze Minato. As the Hokage of Konoha Village, what kind of role model does he need to set in order to make the people in the village more at ease, and he also needs to fight in the ninja world. After that, re-establish confidence in the village.

At that time point, Namikaze Minato knew better than anyone what to do.

It is precisely because of this that after he became the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, he took on all the pain alone, and he also wanted to comfort Kakashi's heart.

This is very difficult.

Look at it from another angle.

Kakashi, who has experienced almost the same pain, has so many people behind him to support him, but under the same pain, Minato Namikaze has to bear all the consequences alone, and he also has to shoulder the responsibility of leading the wooden team. Ye Cun moved forward with this task.

That is why.

Namikaze Minato can be said to bear some inner things that are stronger.


These are but the original tracks on top of history.

At this time, things have completely changed, because the arrival of Qingyu has stirred up the wings of the butterfly, causing all things to change in the later period, and the results of these changes are obvious.

The current Qingyu can be said to have changed the entire ninja world. Whether it is Konoha Village or other ninja villages, including Namikaze Minato, and even Nagato of the Akatsuki organization, everyone's fate trajectory is different. There have been corresponding changes, and it has progressed in an unpredictable direction.

What will Namikaze Minato develop into in the future? Even Aoba can't say for sure, but what is certain is that Namikaze Minato's current experience is very bizarre. This means that Namikaze Minato in the past did not He has experienced it, and under such a bizarre experience, he can exercise his Namikaze Minato, a more tenacious will, and he has not let Namakaze Minato feel the unspeakable pain.

At this point, Namikaze Minato will be much easier than before.


Namikaze Minato himself did not know.

It's like people don't know what kind of fork in the road they will go to after making other choices in another parallel world, because everyone's subjective perspective is unique, and they can walk Up to now, it has been a series of choices made one after another along the way.

Perhaps many people have thought in their hearts, if the choice they made at that time was not this choice but another choice, where would they be now, and what kind of life would they be living?

If it was what it was then, what it is now...

In fact, such an idea does not fully meet the needs of everyone's heart, but it can show the regrets that people have in their hearts.

It is often when the current life is not particularly satisfactory that they think about how it would have been possible at the beginning, and whether there has been a change, but if the current life is already very satisfying, then they will feel that all choices are after all. correct.

Life is like a road. In the process of moving forward, you will encounter one fork after another. After making a choice at these intersections, you will see the corresponding scenery on the road. Everyone who has chosen You may all wonder what kind of scenery it would be if you took that road, but there is no if.

The current Namikaze Minato is different from the original historical trajectory. Minato is different. It has gone to another fork in the road. He has no idea what he will become in the past, but only knows his current experience and the environment he is in. , has put him on the road of becoming the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, but this road is full of thorns and obstacles.

This is not an easy road, at least Namikaze Minato thinks so now, he has not yet accepted those three people as disciples, because they have just entered the ninja school and have not yet graduated.

The ninja team will not be grouped until after the ninja school graduates. After the grouping, there will be an instructor to lead them.

In a sense, the present is indeed passing faster than the previous history.

At least the third Ninja World War has broken out and ended early, and Konoha Village has also entered a stage of peaceful development that is more suitable than the previous historical trajectory.

Namikaze Minato didn't encounter too many things that made him feel hurt at this stage. The only person he cared about the most was Kushina Uzumaki, who didn't have any problems at all.

It is precisely because of this that the current Namikaze Minato can throw away all the worries in his heart and concentrate on meeting a new round of challenges, which is the challenge about the position of Hokage.

Under such a challenge, Namikaze Minato's heart is full of excitement, especially after getting Qingyu's advice, compared to the original worry, his heart is much more There are many parts that make him look forward to.

This is not just the expectation brought about by getting the position of Hokage, but a lot of it is that he wants to know what the final situation will gradually develop after being arranged by a ghost like Qingyu.

Another point is that Namikaze Minato is very much looking forward to everything developing as Aoba expected, and finally presenting the situation Aoba expected, which will not only allow him to become Hokage smoothly and successfully, but also It can make him more convinced that Qingyu is a very correct choice.

For Namikaze Minato at this moment, there are not many people who can be trusted, but Qingyu is one of them who he can fully trust, and the super powerful plan Qingyu has shown during this period makes him I have more confidence in Qingyu.

It is precisely because of this that Namikaze Minato, in addition to looking forward to becoming the Hokage of Konoha Village, is also looking forward to seeing what kind of performance Aoba will perform here, and even more want to know Whether the final plan may fail.

If he fails, will he still have a chance to make up for it? He is a little uneasy in his heart, but these uneasiness and uneasiness are no match for his trust and expectation for Qingyu. In his heart, he faintly feels that Qingyu Yu's plan will definitely succeed, so that he can smoothly become the Hokage of Konoha Village.

As long as he can become the Hokage of Konoha Village, everything will change accordingly.

After accumulating trust in Qingyu, after he became Hokage, he could trust Qingyu's judgment even more, because Qingyu had already helped him in this way before he became Hokage, so after he became Hokage, Qingyu will not do anything unfavorable to him, after all, this is a friend who followed him to the position of Hokage.

Namikaze Minato is still very close to his friends, especially after meeting Qingyu very early and after going through so many things, he has already regarded Qingyu as his best friend.


The same is true for Qingyu.

If Aoba didn't feel like those friends towards Namikaze Minato, he wouldn't spare no effort to support Namikaze Minato.

Aoba doesn't have a good impression of certain characters just because she has watched Naruto's anime.

If it is just from the perspective of the audience, then there is no problem with this, but the main reason is that he has traveled to the world of Naruto. In this world, he will communicate with the people in it to a certain extent.

Under this kind of communication, these people are already living people around him.

This feeling is completely different from watching anime.

it's like...

When you look at the students in other classes from a distance, you may find that so-and-so looks better, so-and-so seems to have a good personality, and so-and-so has excellent academic performance...

This is something seen from a relatively objective perspective.

Under this perspective, I don't have a particularly strong feeling of being in it, so I have no way to fully and positively understand all the meanings in it.


After you transfer to this class.

You are a member of this class.

When you get along with these people, you will gradually discover that each person needs to have a personality and an event to get along with each other.

After going through different things, you will find that some people’s auras are compatible with some people’s auras, even if he was a star student in your eyes before, but when your auras are not compatible, it is difficult to become a real student friend.

This is also a very important feeling.

Qing Yu is such a feeling.

When Qing Yu watches anime, she feels that some people have charismatic personality, and some people have strong strength and good looks...

But when you are actually in it and communicating with them, you will have a very different feeling. This kind of feeling is what Qingyu feels with her own experience.

At least for now.

Except for the big brother of Yile Ramen.

Only Namikaze Minato left him with some sense of belonging in this Konoha Village.

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