Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 854 The Three Generations Are Confused (please subscribe for a monthly pass)

When the third generation heard this sentence, he was stunned. He never thought that such a thing would happen.

As Hokage of Konoha Village, he knows very well that there are many shops in the village.

There are all kinds of different things in these shops.

But their business model is the same.

Pay with one hand and deliver with the other, no credit is accepted, and I have never heard of any membership model.


Not long ago, Yile Ramen took the lead in opening members, who can enjoy a certain degree of preferential consumption through stored value.

Such a thing is something they have never been exposed to before.

In the past, at any point in time, they had to pay for a bowl of noodles to eat a bowl of noodles, but now they have to pay in advance for many bowls of noodles before eating noodles.

One purpose of doing this is to achieve a more favorable price when eating a bowl of noodles at a time.

This kind of thing has never been seen before.

This is not only in the history of Konoha Village, but also in the history of the ninja world.

It is precisely because of such a reason.

When the third generation knew that such a change had occurred here, he was still very clear at that time. After all, he was still the Hokage of Konoha Village at that time, and he still had a grasp of many things in the village.

Sandai's ability to master these is not only dependent on his excellent intelligence system as Hokage, but also because he has a strong desire to control, and he needs to know everything in the village very clearly.

This can be seen from the fact that the third generation likes to use binoculars to monitor the entire village.

Three generations have always been such a person.


For three generations.

These things that are happening at the moment can't attract his attention enough.

Because at that time point, Muye Village was being attacked by the third natural world war, and the village was in a time of war.

Ichiraku Ramen was changed to a membership system, and the method of allowing people to apply for membership was just before the third Ninja World War. At that time, Aoba came to help Handa carry out the reform of Ichiraku Ramen.

It was also from that time that Yile Ramen has had many people apply for membership, and thus has some basic dishes.

But just after Konoha Village and the whole ninja world, the situation changed suddenly, the war resumed, people's economy was in recession, and people were struggling to make ends meet. Many people began to hoard food and eat at home instead of going out to eat noodles.

At that time, there were very few people in Yile Ramen.

The people who eat noodles every day are only a few ninjas who come back from missions and go out. Uh-huh.

These ninjas went out on missions for several days, fought life and death, and finally returned successfully. In their hearts, they still hope to eat a bowl of hot ramen to enrich their hearts.

For those ninjas who have been out for a few days to perform tasks, and even add blood to the knife edge, and can only rely on Bingliangwan to attack these ninjas, if they can eat a bowl of hot ramen when they come back, for them Said to sweep away the exhaustion on their bodies, filling their hearts with a sense of happiness and joy.


Ichiraku Ramen is the only ones left with these customers.

It is precisely because of this.

There are very few people who continue to apply for membership in Ichiraku Ramen.

People started to stop thinking about membership.

Before the follow-up until the war was resolved, Yile Ramen never launched any activities about members.

It was as if everything had come to an abrupt end.

Those who have membership are only the first batch of people who apply for membership, and they also often go to Yile Ramen in the subsequent time nodes, wanting to spend all the balance in their membership cards.

This is a very normal thought.

Instead, many people have such a feeling.

That was the era of war. It is not a particularly good thing for them to hold all the money in their own hands and sort it out now.

From the current situation.

Konoha Village can no longer withstand another round of tossing.

People's energy can't stand these things.

All people think about is how to hold the wealth they own in their own hands.

Since they still have a membership card in Yile Ramen, and there is still a balance on the card, what they think is to clean up the card consumption first, so that there will be no problem.

At least.

No matter from what point of view.

Even if Yile Ramen managed to run away in the end and quit, as long as they spent all the money here, they would not lose money.

Even to some extent.

They also did enjoy ramen at a more favorable price.

It is also earned.

It is also based on this idea that after the war, there were a lot of people in Ichiraku Ramen.

Many members with balance on their cards are coming here to eat noodles.

They hope that they can release all their consumption.

Then there will be no more problems.

over time.

Just before Qingyu made Yile Ramen a member store.

In Yile Ramen, there are actually no members anymore. Although there are a group of previously registered members, there is no money on the cards of these members.

It was also at that point in time.

When Shuida was discussing with Qingyu, he felt that it was a very risky idea to change a ramen into a member store, because at that time he had already faintly felt that such a way would not work, but when he heard that Qingyu made a follow-up After those explanations, I feel that Qingyu's thoughts are still so shocking.

This kind of hand-to-hand decision entrusts everything to Qingyu to decide.

This is a kind of trust in Qingyu, and it is also a sense of clarity about the situation. Of course, there is still more trust in it. After all, in the mind of hand-fighting, it is quite outrageous that such an approach is true.

Until now at this point in time, the hand beating has not seen any effect in it, because the results have not yet been fully achieved, and all public opinions are only at the initial stage.

It is precisely because of this.

Whether it's hand-strike, Xiaonan Yi or Namikaze Minato, they believe that Qingyu is even more convinced that Qingyu can bring miracles, but they haven't seen the miracle yet, and they want to witness what this miracle looks like.

This kind of thing has actually been seen in the eyes of the three generations.

Now at this stage of being Konoha Hokage, he witnessed with his own eyes the change of Yiraku Ramen to a membership-only store. It was precisely because of this that he paid attention to it for a short period of time. Although he intended to stop it, he At that time, the third Ninja World War broke out, and at that time he put all his attention on the Third Ninja World War, after all, it may involve whether he can retain his final Naruto position.

When it comes to the third Ninja World War, the three generations are still struggling and entangled in their hearts, because this battle must be won, if they lose, then their Konoha Village will fall into a place of eternal doom.

But there is a way to win and win, and you can't win blindly.

If it is a little careless.

In the process of winning, some particularly strong people were inspired, allowing the latter to obtain very powerful achievements, and the final effect was to put his Hokage position in a very sad stage.

Since the third generation became Hokage, he has been using the technique of checks and balances, constantly making the ninjas in the village not have too much credit, but he can't let this credit be completely gone.

It's also a very tough approach by comparison.

It is precisely because of such a method that the three generations have been working on the position of Naruto for many years.

During these times, some outstanding talented young people will continue to emerge, but after these people became candidates for Hokage, various problems appeared.

So much so that Konoha Village has not had a suitable candidate for Naruto until now.


For three generations.

Namikaze Minato was a complete accident.

And it was an accident among accidents.

Sandai never expected that Namikaze Minato, whom he had long neglected, would stand up at the most critical moment in the third Ninja World War. More intense tension.

have to say.

It is precisely because of such a situation.

Because of the appearance of Namikaze Minato.

It just made the three generations feel an unspeakable salvation.

After all, if it weren't for the appearance of Namikaze Minato, then Konoha Village would have suffered a crushing defeat, and might eventually lose World War III.

At that point in time, it doesn't matter whether he is Hokage or not, because they are all losers.

Three generations don't want to be losers.

He also didn't want Muye Village to become a failed village when he was in power.

For this, he still has a basic bottom line.

So when Namikaze Minato received the good news, his first reaction in his heart was still happiness.

This is a perfectly normal reaction.

After all, from that time on, Muye Village will no longer be a defeated village, but a victorious village, and will eventually achieve very good results.

As for the candidates for Naruto Future.

These are all considered under the premise of victory.

It's not that much trouble.

Take these things into consideration.

The third generation felt that there was no problem in winning the third ninja war first.

It was also because he had focused all his attention on the Third Ninja World War at that time, so he didn't think about things that might involve Yile Ramen.


after that.

Three generations began to fall into his own whirlpool of public opinion.

I don't even have time to care about Yile Ramen.


During that time, he was more or less clear in his heart, but as far as matters related to Ichiraku Ramen, there may be no need for those members to continue to exist.

In fact.

This initiative has been proven to be a failure.

This also led to no further thinking about it at all.

It doesn't make any sense to think about it.

It's just the simplest thing to say.


What I didn't expect at all now is that at this point in time, Xiaonan's incident suddenly appeared.

Such a thing swept the entire Muye Village in an instant.

It also caught his attention.

When he came here and wanted to feel and observe what happened to Xiaonan carefully, he suddenly discovered a very unbelievable thing.

Now you come to Yile Ramen and you still need a membership?

If you don't have a member, you won't be allowed to eat noodles.

What kind of reason is this?

The third generation faintly felt that the operation method of Yile Ramen was a bit deadly, but he could still see through the curtains that it was full of people eating noodles, and there was no place at all, which made him wonder for a while. what's the matter.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be so many people here. The people of Konoha Village should be very opposed to the current model, and even have extremely bad feelings about a ramen.

This is the reaction a normal person should have.

But no matter what.

Ichiraku Ramen doesn't look so normal these days.

There seems to be something that keeps popping up over and over again.

But only by making them unclear.


Xiaonan's voice came out through the curtain, and was clearly heard by the third generation. She didn't come out from here, nor did she dedicate herself to the third generation, but just passed on her own voice.

“Ichiraku Ramen is a member store!”

"If you want to eat noodles here, you need to be a member!"

"If you want to eat noodles, you can apply for membership first!"

"Otherwise, don't say that there is no place here now..."

"Even if there is already a seat."

"If you are not a member, you can't eat noodles!"

Xiaonan explained to the third generation one sentence after another. Now she has said these words for countless times. Today, there are quite a lot of people asking.


Like three generations.

People who want to come in without a place.

Still the first!

at this point.

Still very special.

Xiao Nan was in Yile Ramen, and didn't ask outsiders too much, so he didn't see Sandai's face, and didn't know Sandai's identity.

If Xiaonan knew that the person outside was the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, then she might be more severe when she spoke.

after all……

Konan now belongs to Namikaze Minato's side, and she also heard some conversations between Namikaze Minato and his lover.

Xiao Nan is not a fool.

On the contrary, he is very smart.

Through these conversations, she can clearly realize that it is the current Hokage of Konoha Village who is standing on the opposite side of Namikaze Minato.

Three generations of Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruza!

Everything they do now involves the vortex of public opinion, and these plans are all for the purpose of defeating Yuan Feiri Zhan and successfully becoming the new Hokage of Muye Village!


After hearing Xiaonan's words, the third generation suddenly had a lot of question marks in his mind. He never expected that this situation would become like this, and everything has changed because of these.

All of a sudden.

Three generations have an indescribable feeling.


Among the Leaf Village.

Something unexpected happened to him.

Now even eating noodles requires membership, which in his cognition can be said to be very unbelievable.

If so...

So what else isn't going to happen? !

Thank you [book friend 20180725183530219] for your support! Thank you [Blue and White King] for your support! Thank you [I have a bit of a bad appetite after reading countless books] the boss for rewarding and supporting!

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