Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 27 - A Power Testing Chapter

(A/N I want dem comments thxs)

Activating his weapons all of them fell onto the table he was facing, moments later a huge stick fell onto the table crushing the while table. Scared for some of the weapons he grabbed Ivory and Ebony and when he looked back his holy sword was gone, but the huge a_s_s stick became golden and exuded an aura of life. Scratching his head he wondered if the system(Author) wanted him to beat people with a huge stick. Anyways after a moment of confusion, he checks the huge stick and it's currently displayed showed that its name was now huge holy stick

[Huge Holy Stick]

A huge stick with the hitting power of your strength times 10


-[Holy Sword of the Paladins]




"Wait holy shit the damn stick ate my sword"

Looking up into the sky he wondered what he did in his past life, but he realized what's done is done so he returned the items back to the weaponry system. Minutes later he realizes he forgot to check out Ivory and Ebony which had just been unsealed and smashed his head into the table.

"F_u_c_k that actually hurts how the hell do those damn main characters just smash their heads into everything with no pain"

Pulling out Ivory and Ebony he opens up their weapon page

[Ivory and Ebony]

A set of dual M1911 chambered with a .45 caliber bullet which has been enhanced by the spirit of the Phoniex to destroy only the first thing that it hit and not the second after piercing. Ivory is designed for close-range firing with a fast fire rate compared to Ebony which is designed to hit long-range targets. Both guns have different forms when using Ivory your body's weight will lighten, speed Increase and reaction Time Increase. Ebony will increase your vision to high levels while also increasing the bullets speed to the past the speed of sound. Both weapons have

infinite ammo and are soul bound to their owner.

Throwing the guns in the air to test their grips, he caught them and placed them back onto the table. Along with the guns he found 2 sets of holster sitting on the ground which he hadn't noticed as he was too affixed on the guns to care. So Leonard slipped the holster onto both sides of his body and looked into one of the many mirrors of the warehouse.

"Holy Shit I look like a goddamn cowboy"

So instead of dwelling on that issue again, he checked on the status of the island which had just been cloaked. Unknown to him SHIELD was running around and running hundreds of scans over that area as the whole island disappeared. Fury in his rooms was gripping his head like he would pull his hair out but he was bald so it was really him grasping his head. The status of the island has been removed from its placement and he had placed some propulsion systems at the bottom similar to the size of the engines on the Helicarrier that SHIELD owns.

So now that he didn't have to worry about those things as much he decided to try out his powers so he booked a flight to a really small island. He bought a small rowboat their and used his psychic abilities to hold the whole thing in place creating a thin barrier between the water and the boat effectively making the boat glide and began paddling at extreme speeds.

Once he found that he was at a good distance he breathed out and activated [Breath of Wind] and immediately a huge torrent of wind came out of his mouth from who knows where and

pushed his boat just about 5 kilometers. Shocked from the sudden propulsion Leonard starts muttering "HOLY SHIT"

Deciding that, that ability was too excessive he used [Call of the Wind] instead and he felt a breeze flow by him in the open ocean and the boat began moving itself as the wind was pushing mainly on the boat. So Leonard sat their and enjoyed the view while his boat pushed him to a place. As a wave of water headed towards him he activated [Breath of Wind] and immediately pushed that wave back. Once he reached a certain little whirlpool he jumped right in and held his breath before he slid into an extended tube and landed in the island which he had disconnected and now floated at the bottom of the ocean. Tapping on the glass that surrounded the island he checked to make sure it would retain its strength even under water. As the propulsion engines were designs that he had stolen from HYDRA which he had improved to last for hundreds of years while using one half of the previous energy.

So he activated the islands functions and began to travel, but not before activating [Master of Wind] and unknown to Leonard began a hurricane just about 400 miles away from him in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean but for some odd reason it never moved and that was because Leonard had to control it for it to move. So with a hurricane which didn't move and didn't pop up on any radars SHIELD and HYDRA both were spooked out of their minds. Oblivious to all of this Leonard was sitting in a chair eating some freshly fried giant octopus rings which he had programmed one of the BayMaxes to cook for him.

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