Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 30 - Massacring Terrorists [13]

Within an hour SHIELD was receiving warning where Leonard had appeared as he had wrecked 4-5 buildings a few minutes before

[1 hour before]

Leonard had just poofed into Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and scared a flock of seagulls near a beach. As the birds flew around Leonard in a formation and he sat down on the wet sand. He took of his shoes and just laid there for some time letting himself relax for the first time in a while. His A.I Alex was surveying the whole area and was planning his next heist on another HYDRA base after this one. A few moments later a security guard came up to him as they thought he was going to kill himself by diving under. He had been lying there for nearly an hour since he teleported here at 5 or so, so Leonard stood up and just grabbed his bag and hobbled away. He dried off his feet as he walked with the Phoneix's flame before putting his shoes on before walking toward a warehouse in the distance.

As Leonard was walking over to the building he saw a little reflection in one of the open windows and he darted into an alleyway. He summoned Ebony and Ivory and rushed out of the alleyway and fired into that window taking out what looked to be a person before grabbing pulling some bombs out of his briefcase and blowing a hole into the warehouse's walls. He walked in after it went off and walked in firing it without looking at it and just relying on the gun's ability. Firing shots after shots anyone who walked in died and eventually bodies piled up near him. So he stopped firing after hearing silence and started s_u_c_k_i_n_g the life out of everything near him and slowly the bodies slowly disintegrated.

He felt a surge of energy flow into his body like a flood and received a notification.

[Strength A --> S]

[Agility A--> S] (A/N changed speed to Agility and added constitution)

[Constituion A --> S]

So Leonard decided to test out the newfound power he punched a wall leaving an imprint of his fist in the wall he pulled his hand back and it was unscathed. He walked through and grabbed all the explosives leaving all the standard weapons alone. When he was grabbing all the explosives he found that they were categorized as ammunition so he just began s_u_c_k_i_n_g the bombs out of all the shelves. So he walked out with just about enough explosives to level several cities and left. Activating his teleportation coin right before he activated the bombs he whispered.

"Afganhastain". He appeared this time on a random street near a fruit stall scaring the crap out of him. So Leonard walked up to him and placed his gun right up to his c_h_e_s_t.

"Let's be nice and happy shall we?"

"yes yes yes yes yes sir" the Stall owner stuttered

"Take me somewhere private"

Slowly the stall owner took him to his home near the outskirts of the city that he appeared in. He realized that he hadn't checked on Ashely in a while and called her up

"How's it going boss?"

"It's going great what are you doing?"

"Just hunting down some random people that I found"

"They aren't really random are they hmmm?"

"No boss they're people that have bounties on them"

"Ahhhhh you're a bounty hunter now"

"Yeah boss I'm a rank A Killer I've missed a shot either with the bullets you've given me"

"Well head over to my current location" and Leonard uploaded his location to her through the Alex.

"Roger boss see you in a day or so"

Now that the call was over Leonard began following the man in his suit attracting attention from unwanted eyes. So he tapped on the stall owner's shoulder and asked for a car park. The stall owner noticed all the eyes on him and pointed him down a street and so Leonard walked there slowly, but not before summoning Ivory and Ebony into his unseen side holsters. Once he got there he handed the car park owner 500 thousand US dollars and the Car Park owner just stared at the money before taking it and handing him keys to a Hummer. Leonard drove out into the desert to the location of a terrorist hideout that Alex had found him a few days before. Currently, he had a list of all the small terrorist groups near the outskirts of the larger ones. Leonard's plan was to scare the bloody hell out of the major ones.

He put on his custom suit the one that melvin had made him several months before and parked his car 4 miles out from the hideout. He tested it to make sure it was bulletproof enough to withstand several bullets, so Leonard activated all of his Slyph abilities and immediately wind started gathering in his location into a major sand storm. As Leonard hadn't used it much he had it cloak around him as he walked toward the hideout. Once he reached the top of a hill he began firing as he didn't have a problem with visuals as Ivory and Ebony never missed their shots and just threw the sandstorm through there base causing absolute havoc. Getting tired of just firing shots at them he pulled out his Big A_s_s stick and grabbed it by the base, he swung it once or twice before charging in and smashing a person into parts. While he was smashing all of them to pieces he was also s_u_c_k_i_n_g out most of the life essence but not all of it to leave blood everywhere.

Finishing off the base he grabbed all their weaponry and used he telekineses to hold them behind him to test out a new tactic. As he held them around his Humvee while driving it caused the guns to look like a swarm of drones. This time instead of parking farther away he parked just by their front door causing all of them to lift their weapons. Leonard snapped his fingers seeing this and all of the guns began firing completely massacring this group. Leonard felt the warm touch of blood on his face and he wiped it off without a care of the world. They were the people who killed his brothers in his last world so he wanted to wipe them out of this one.

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