Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 34 - Welcome to DC


As Leonard plummeted down towards the ground, he suddenly pulled out of the dive using his abilities. While scratching his head he started cursing god, before he realized how many problems he could cause. Each city in the DC universe usually only has one hero per city, which means he only had to deal with one hero mostly when he wanted to cause mayhem. Then he realized that he had an copy of Alex on his phone as Alex was based within his phone it most of his info was cloud storage. So he dropped as far into he outskirts of the city so as to not be spotted, and he walked right in staying as casual as he could keeping his head down and acting like a normal person on his phone. While in fact that he was connecting to all devices within his location to insert Alex within and in minutes he was everywhere.

Finally, he found he was in Central City he pulled out a dollar bill and tried it on the vending machine and found that it still worked, he also found that almost all banks in the Marvel universe were the same in DC so he booked a hotel just as he felt an itch in his head. As he lied down his head began ringing like a siren within his head, he gritted his head and g_r_o_a_n_e_d as his body began sweating he chugged bottles after bottles of the hotel's water. For the next 10 hours, his head felt like it was splitting in half, in the next 10 hours his nose and ears began bleeding profusely, but his body immediately heals back from all of it.

He finally blacked out and doesn't hear a ding in the back as his head as he falls unconscious.

[Eidetic Memory Unlocked] (A/N yeah I gave the most overpowered ability otherwise his head would explode from the DC memory's I'm also gonna give him the Marvel memories as well)

Leonard finally wakes 2 days later covered in his dried blood caking his head and the bed, as he wobbles up he manages to get into the tub and turn on the water. Slowly he water turned brownish and red and Leonard finally gets a breather. Slowly looking thoroughly through all of DC's history, he found that Central City is the home of the Flash whose real name was Barry Allen, mother murdered, etc...

Marking down the locations of major crime forces and the minor ones he begins to plan a heist, still sipping on some drinks he found in the mini cooler he sends Alex out to watch all data coming in and out of the city. His next planned city would be National City home to Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, and the DEO a mini SHIELD. Making sure not to get spotted by the Justice League Leonard made Alex create some "Dead" versions himself within certain systems which would wipe his information within seconds of it appearing within the database.

Unknown to him the Flash was zooming around the city after detecting a massive energy source. Leonard stood up and shook himself off like a dog and the. Used his telekinesis to remove the rest of the bloody water that was still clinging onto him. He burnt all of his clothes as they were all soaked with blood, and called room service for the hotel. Within minutes they came up with breakfast, a massive plate of pancakes, fruit, and cream. Without missing a beat Leonard walks out and grabs the plate and closes the door in one fluid motion, before digging into all of it and within minutes it was gone.

Rubbing his stomach in silence as he turned on the TV to look through the channels he found the news channel, currently, there was a heist that was going on around 5-10 blocks away from him. Grinning he opened the door to the balcony and pulled a white mask with two guns on its forehead and placed it on his face. Leonard summoned Ivory and Ebony and flew off staying within the shadows of buildings to not be spotted by the people below.

"Robbing the robbers sounds pretty fun hmmmm"

"I hope the Flash gets here in a Flash" (THE PUNS WAHAHAHAHA)

And so Leonard sits there waiting for several minutes before finally he sees a red flash go by, so he stands up and stretches a bit and groaning to reach his peak state. Jumping off the building he lands on top of a police car crushing it nearly, and as the cops start rushing him with their weapons drawn Leonard uses his telekinesis to remove all clips of guns from the police officers. Shocked there was a moment of silence before Leonard continued walking down into the bank.

The second he stepped in his whole head tingled in danger and he bent back and watched as the Flash's fist went right by him. He leaned back up and fired 2 rounds right into the Flash's foot, and as the Flash tried to catch them they burnt his hands as none of the bullets used by him were ever normal.

"Incendiary bullets check, Freezing bullets should be next" Leonard crossed off in his head

Watching as the Flash was crouched staring at his hands Leonard shot once again with the freeze bullets, but the Flash was feinting the whole time. The only thing he didn't know was that the bullets shot from Ivory and Ebony would never miss and within seconds of him dodging the bullets hit him in the knee freezing the bottom portion of his body. As both bullets would conduct each other's powers the power of the bullets would multiply as this was the freezing of all water near the object shot at. (Uhhhh someone help me explain this I'm never gonna figure out a way to describe this"

"This world is gonna be so damn fun"

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