Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 4 - Adapting to the Marvel World

Leonard's eyes flicker open as his nose cringes from the terrible smell of the bed. His eyes which were trained in the Marines to survey the environment and sees this black goo stuck to his body and yell in his mind

"WTF is this black F_U_C_K_I_N_G goo Darren?"

"Host, the black goo is all the impurities your body had before getting purged from your body due to having a holy spirit bloodline in your body"

"Darren show me my stats please"

Host: Leonard Johnson

Age: 17

Body type: Supreme Dark Phoneix body

Bloodline: Holy Slyph

Will: Immortal

Bloodline Skills: Call of the wind,###### ## ### ####, ##### #### and ####### ####

"Darren why are there hashtags in the Bloodline Skills, I thought all the bloodlines given would be the highest level of purity"

"Host you are correct the system shop gives all bloodlines at the high level of purity"

"So why are those skill locked?"

"Slyphs are creatures of the wind and you must comprehend the power of the wind to unlock further skills"

"Ahhh thank you for the explanation Darren"

"Host I have realized a minor problem"

"Yes Darren what is the problem"

"You are enrolled in a school and you should be in class right now"


Leonard rushes to the backpack that was teleported back with him that was placed on a chair. He tears off his clothing and finds new sets for school and begins running to school. He doesn't notice, but on the car speed monitors that are placed on poles, he is running at just about 15 miles per hour. (Looks like this )

He arrives at his school which is Liberty North High School, as he runs into his first-class English and tells the teacher he slept in late as sits in his seat. With his Lex Luthor level IQ, he has already memorized everything his teacher had said in class. As Leonard start dozing off in class the teacher loudly yells.

"Leonard your late and your sleeping in my class so what do you expect to learn in my class"

"I was late doesn't mean I didn't learn anything in your class"

"Fine then according to the paragraph that I was explaining that had essential knowledge for your high school graduation what is the most important thing you were supposed to learn in this paragraph"

"Well according to the paragraph's words no matter how well you did in school never be arrogant and learn humility as it very nicely explains this in line 12-18"

"The Teacher's mouth gaped open in shocked at his answer most of his previous answers in his class were terrible and didn't make much sense"

"Teacher, can I go back to sleeping now?"

"Fine, but be prepared to answer more questions tomorrow"

Leonard than proceeds to doze off until the end of class and walks to his next classes and does the same thing until his last class which was gym. He shivered in excitement when he realized he can test out his new powers in class.

As the teacher yells for them to get in a line and run the 5 mile Leonard slowly walks to the front of the line and prepares to start running.


Leonard starts sprinting his l_a_p_s with a crazy grin on his face as the wind brushed against his body.

Finishing all his l_a_p_s in 6 minutes and 22 seconds. (World Record is 3 Minutes and 43 seconds)

He sits down and watches everyone else finishing their l_a_p_s and seeing if anyone can come close to his speed and was greatly disappointed that the fastest in his class was 7 minutes and 43 Seconds


"What was the DING Darren?"

"Host has comprehended a fourth of the 2nd bloodline skill Breath ## ### ####"


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