Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 7 - Time Skip 3 months

(2 years and 6 months before Tony Stark gets kidnapped)

As Leonard is returning home he reads through all of the high school textbooks that are in his backpack. Reading through all the books and memorizing all the books content took him several hours. He only just finished memorizing all of this and looked at the clock.

"Ahh Shit it's 12, well I better go to sleep"

Time Skip 3 months

This is the period where high schoolers are taking their final exams. Leonard in the other hand is acing all the test within 10 minutes and sleeping for the rest of the hour. As all the teachers are expecting him to fail due to just flipping through the exams with a pencil... Only to realize that he aced all the test with flying scores. Higher than all the students that they were all personally teaching in some classes.

As Leonard always sleeps in his classes the teachers are all astounded and their first thoughts are that he was cheating in all test and want to require him to do a retest in front of all teachers, but are required to get approval from the principal. The Principal approves this test after hearing the reports of all the teachers. When Leonard comes to school the next day he finds a security guard in his classroom.

"Hello, you should be Leonard correct?"

"Yes, what am I in for?"

"You are required to go to the library where the test proctors will meet you"

"Test Proctors?"

"That's all I know"

"Wait I gotta do these test again?"

"Yes because your teacher suspects you of cheating"

"Ahhhh" Is Leonard only reply

Leonard the. Proceeds to flip through the test while writing with a pencil the proctors supplied him with. He hands the tests back to the proctors within an hour. The proctors check the tests over and over again only to find all the answers that they changed in the test or were there in the previous test were completely correct. Leonard's not worried about them reporting this to the district and having Shield or Hydra finding out about him. Due to him having practiced all of Might Guy's techniques and reaching the 7th gate while mastering the Ninja Run.

Leonard's Ninja run has reached the speed of half the speed of a Barret bullet being fired by a trained sniper. (426meters per second) Making him being able to escape all almost everyone other than maybe QuickSilver. While the teachers are in shock at his testing scores he is thinking about how to unlock the 8th gate of death without dying.

"Leonard your body is the Supreme Phoenix body with a holy slyph bloodline causing your body to be able to survive the effects of the 8th gate when unlocked"

"Wait so Might Guy would have died due to his body strength"

"Yes Leonard it was due to Might Guys body type"

Leonard then proceeds to ask the teachers if he can leave and return to class. The teachers and proctors slowly turn around in shock while slightly stuttering out one word


"Just Get Good"

As Leonard leaves the Library and returns to class. His time in all of his classes was spent the same sleep in all classes and finish and the exercises required in P.E and then sleep some more. He leaves school with a grin knowing that he aced all the test twice and basically slapping the face of all the teachers who thought that he would've failed. He gets home after 2-3 hours of high-intensity training.

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