Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 22 - Taking the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword

(Jun POV)

I didn't wait for Ye Yan to wake up instead, I head toward the sword to subdue it. The sword aura wasn't able to affect me much due to my Heavenly Demon's Authority cultivation technique. Although I don't have full control of body and mind yet since I haven't reached the second level, I'm close enough to it that not many things can affect me.

Standing in front of the sword, I use my soul force to feel it. As soon as my soul force touch the sword, millions of demon spirits the sword had absorbed turn into lightning and attack me. During the attack, I use the Library to check the flaws of the sword and the demon spirits.

While protecting myself from the attacks, I check out the books on the sword. The sword is forged by a master blacksmith of another realm. It was one of the blacksmith best work and after going through countless battles, it formed a sword soul and made it one of the most powerful swords in that realm. Since many people wanted the power of the sword for themselves, whoever had the sword will be hunted down by others.

In the end, one of the wielders of the sword had enough of people coming after him so he destroyed the sword soul making it lose most of its power and cast it into the void where it drifted until it landed on in this realm and was picked up by Emperor Kong Ming.

When this world was sealed, Emperor Kong Ming left the sword here where it was found by many people until it makes its way to the hand of the founders of Glory City. Because it was mostly used against the demon beast of this tiny world, the sword absorbed their demon spirit in an effort to form a sword soul again.

The sword succeeded in forming a soul but because the quality of the demon spirit is not that good, the sword soul was only strong enough to resist regular legend rank. Which is why it sends out all of the demon spirits it absorbed to attack me even though it'll weaken the sword. The sword soul indistinctly knows that it can't beat me the normal way.

Looking at all the demon spirits around me, I wanted to capture them because some of them look interesting but I didn't because the process I need to go through is too annoying and long. And that is excluding the fact that I'll have to capture them one by one.

If the demon spirits are just absorbed by the sword to power its soul then it'll be easy to capture them but the demon spirits are what made up the sword soul itself and that is what makes it annoying. I also won't be using the Demon of Sins to devour them. I don't want to sort through millions of abilities just to find the useful one.

I set up an array that'll destroy any and all demon spirit around me. This will weaken the sword soul more than if the demon spirit is used up in an attack or if I devour them. A few minutes later, all the demon spirits got destroy and the sword soul is so weak that it feels like it'll disappear any second.

Using my soul force, I completely erase the sword soul. I'm only here for the sword after all. I plan to give the sword to Ning'er and having the sword soul in it will only bring her danger. When the sword soul disappears, the murderous aura of the sword explodes out without anything controlling it.

Using an array, I have the aura expel from the sword and gather it all into a dark red ball the size of a pill. Drawing another array on the ball to keep the aura contain, I throw the aura ball into the Nexus until I can find out a use for it.

After all that is done, the only thing left is an untainted Thunder God's Meteorite Sword. While it's not as powerful as before, its power is purer. If I reforge it a bit, it'll have the potential to become even more powerful than before. I just need some materials that'll make it so the sword fits Ning'er better. Since I don't have the material for it at the moment, I throw it into the Nexus to have the energy there purify it more and make it stronger.

When the sword disappears, the Heavenly Sacred Border starts to become unstable. Since this is a training place for the future of Glory City, I don't want it to break apart because of me. I create an array base on the Law of Time-Space to stabilize this sub realm. Next, I create an energy gathering array, it'll power all the array here as well as make sure the energy here never disappears.

I create another array that divides the sub-realm into different sections. This makes it so the closer someone is to the origin of the energy arrays, the more benefit they'll get. It also put pressure on a person body and soul base on their age as a test. Since I don't want anyone to die in here by biting off more than they can chew, I create another array to forcefully teleport people out when they can't take it anymore.

Lastly, I put down a killing array, anyone that breaks into this place without permission will be targeted by this array no matter who they are. The array can even kill a regular Demigod rank demon spiritualist. The only way someone can survive here without permission is if they are stronger than a Demigod or is better at inscription array than me.

There is no point for someone that powerful to break into this place as there is virtually no benefit for them. Once someone broke through to Demigod rank, this realm will be useless for them.

When everything is done, the realm stabilize. I stop next to the still unconscious Ye Yan and put a small array on him. The array basically makes him the master of his sub realm with all the array I put down. Of course, being the person that created all the array, I can easily take the control from him.

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