Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 25 - The Princess and the Prisoner Final

(Long Jian POV)

After Duan Jian finishes his speech, I dispel all the array and remove the Blood Imprint from the slaves. As soon as the array disappears, about half of the Silver Winged family member runs away. Those people probably don't believe that Duan Jian will really protect them or they don't want to follow Duan Jian.

As for the slaves, one-third of them also run away, either following the members of the Silver Winged family that run away for revenge or going back to their own family. Some of the slaves try to attack the member of the Silver Winged family that is still here but I just use a bit of soul force to send them flying into the distance. I send them far enough that they can still make it back if they want or they can leave and follow the biggest group of slaves that left.

A few citizens of the town also got up to leave too. Some of them are spies place here to spy on the Silver Winged family while others are people that rely on doing 'business' with Sikong Yi to make a living. Now that Sikong Yi is defeated, they have to leave too.

After everyone that want to leave have left, the remaining member of the Silver Winged family come up to Duan Jian. Everyone stop a few feet away while an old man with wings on his back walk out. He walks in front of Duan Jian and bow.

"What?..." Duan Jian

"My name is Sikong Ai. Our family has the belief that the person with the most strength rules the rest. Now that you defeated Sikong Yi in battle, you are our new Partich." Sikong Ai

"Partich?... I didn't do this so I can become Partich." Duan Jian

"Eh? But then who's going to lead the Silver Winged family?" Sikong Ai

"That is not my pro…" Duan Jian

I cut him off before he can finish "Duan Jian, you choose this path. Now that the Silver Winged family doesn't have a leader anymore. You should take responsibility for your action."

"But I don't know how to lead a family." Duan Jian

I look over to Hongyue. Duan Jian follows my line of sight and also see Hongyue. He quickly shifts his line of sight down as he doesn't know how to face Hongyue after beating and almost killing her father.

"I wasn't just talking about Duan Jian. Sikong Hongyue, you've also chosen this path so you have to teach and help Duan Jian ȧssume his role."

"I…" Duan Jian

"I'll talk to you both after you have sorted everything out." I didn't wait for their reply. I snap my fingers again and they both disappear from the arena. I send them both to Hongyue's room and seal it so they'll be forced to confront each other.

"As for you." I turn toward everyone else.

"Excuse me sir but may we know who you are?" Sikong Ai interrupts me.

"You can think of me as Duan Jian and Hongyue's Master." I quickly introduce myself. "You all should go back home. When everything is sorted out, the new Patriarch will make an announcement."

I snap my fingers again and send everyone back to the town again.


Five days later, Duan Jian and Hongyue appear in front of everyone again. They announce that Duan Jian will become the new Patriarch and Hongyue will become his wife. This made some of the people that stay but are unhappy because Duan Jian doesn't have many ties to the Silver Winged family happier.

As for what happened when those two are sorting everything out. They got all sappy about the whole thing with them apologizing to each other about a lot of things. After forgiving each other and moving on from what happened in the past, they found out that they are trap inside Hongyue's room.

One thing leads to another and before they noticed, they start kissing each other. They were going to continue but I interrupt them before things get too heated. I didn't want them to suddenly become parents before they can sort their whole situation out but more importantly, I just wanted to tease them hehe.

A few days later, Duan Jian finally accepted the role of Patriarch after Hongyue said that she'll marry him if he accepts the role. Duan Jian almost turns it down again until Hongyue said that if he doesn't accept it, she'll marry whoever it is that becomes the next Patriarch.

The day before they show up in public again, I brought them to see Sikong Yi. He has a few days and nights to himself so he mostly calms down after accepting that he lost. He strongly believes that strength rule all and Duan Jian have more than enough strength to beat him.

During the meeting, Sikong Yi told Hongyue that he's sorry that he couldn't be a better father. But even after accepted that he lost, he still hated Duan Jian and said that he should've kill Duan Jian when he was small. He even try to convince Hongyue to try to kill Duan Jian.

Everything was awkward after that so I told Sikong Yi that Hongyue and Duan Jian are getting married. Sikong Yi was shocked at first then he becomes so angry that he died before the remaining of his life force dissipate. I found the reason for his death funny considering the type of person he is but I just told the two lovebirds that his life force ran out.

Hongyue was sad at the death of her father but after what happened in the last couple of days and the fact that she knew he doesn't have long to live due to his last attack, she was able to get over it quickly.

After Duan Jian become the Patriarch, the first thing they did was outlaw slavery in the place that the Silver Winged family rule over. As for the slaves that were forced to work in the mine and didn't have anywhere to go, they were offered the choice to continue working in the mine or leave to find a new job.

If they choose to work in the mine, they'll be given a nice cozy house that I made to live in and will get 15% of whatever they mine. If a worker is found taking more than they should, they'll be kicked out of the house and mine and be left to fend for themselves. The new guard of the mine is only responsible for looking out to see if someone takes more than they should. If the guard steps out of line, they'll be punished and fired.

The slaves that don't want to work in the mine will be given a job as farmers or they can look for their own job. The people that become farmers will also be given a house but the house is not as good as if they are miners. The people that chose to look for a job themselves are given an apartment to live in until they find a job. If they can't find any job, they can still choose to work in the mine or farm but they won't get a new house.

Because of the new working condition and house, most people choose to stay in the mine. One-fourth of the people choose to work on the farm because they couldn't stand working in the place they were suffering from before. A few decide to chance it and find work themselves.

Even though many people left, the lower number of workers didn't affect things much. While there is less income and resources due to the lower number of people working, there are also a lower number of people living in the town so it ended in a weird balance.

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