(Jian POV)

For the last couple of weeks, I have been using Void Form to stay near Nie Li in class waiting for Nie Li to come back from the future. I'm here because I want to see if I can do something similar to what I read in a fanfiction once.

Finally, I was able to sense Time and Space fluctuate as something flies through a rip in time that's invisible to everyone but me and head toward Nie Li.

This was the moment I've been waiting for. I activate a time array, it froze everything in the class except for me. This array was set using the two Temporal Demon page and energy from the bloodlust bead I collected from the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword as fuel. It took me a week just to set up this array so it not really that effective in battle.

Even though Nie Li future soul is frozen too, the power of the Temporal Demon book that brought Nie Li back is trying to resist it. The only reason it hasn't broken through my array was because the book was not complete and it used up most of its energy bringing Nie Li back in time. If the book was at full power, then I wouldn't be able to stop time around it. At least, not before I reach a higher realm in cultivation.

While everything is frozen, I broke through the protection around Nie Li soul. Since his soul is weakened from the battle with the Sage-Emperor and have just been thrown back through time, it's at its most vulnerable point. Once both souls fused, not only will his soul fully recover, but it'll also get strengthen making what I'm about to do many, many times harder. As I was curious about him, I also compile a book on him.

Looking over the information on Nie Li, I found something interesting. Nie Li is the person chosen by the 'will' of the Draconic Ruins Realm to prevent the Sage-Emperor from refining it and the other realms. From the information, I learn that all the other realm also have a 'chosen' but Nie Li is the person who picked up the Temporal Demon Book so he have the best chance to stop the Sage-Emperor.

Aside from that I also learn something that could've been dangerous for me if I didn't know. All chosen are blessed with heaven-defying luck. Most of the time they are just luckier than a normal person but if the situation calls for it, their luck can reach the level of Senior White from Cultivation Chat Group. (A/N: If you guys don't know who he is, you should go read CCG. It's one of the best novels I ever read)

It explains so much about Nie Li's life but also made me change my strategy. Before, I was just going to erase his memory with Ziyun using a flawless technique from the Library. Since the technique I use to have no flaw, there shouldn't be a chance Nie Li will remember but due to his status and the power of time in the book, I wasn't 100% sure anymore. The upside to this is that I don't have to worry about Nie Li dying due to my interference anymore.

To make sure Nie Li won't notice anything, I'll replace his memory with something similar instead. I go through the early part of his memory and remove Ziyun from it. Then I replace her with Yang Xin, one of the women that end up falling for Nie Li.

Even if Nie Li is not the best of person, he still cares for the people close to him which is more than I can say for some of the most powerful people in this world. Beside everyone deserve a little happiness… Yang Xin more so than Nie Li since she worked her whole life to get to the point where she's at.

I also make sure to make it so that every time they are going to 'sleep' together in his memory, something happens that stopped them. This'll make sure Nie Li won't notice anything wrong if he really did end up with Yang Xin. Once that's done, I move on to Nie Li memory with Ning'er in the Draconic Ruins Realm.

When I view those memories, something interesting happens. His memory with Ning'er start to disappear and new memory appear in its place. I start to worry that something bad might have happened so I run a few theories through the Library. I sigh in relief when I learn that it was because I took the Temporal Demon page from Ning'er that it changed. Without the page, Ning'er fate change and she never end up with Nie Li whether it was in his past life or this one.

This made me question why it didn't change for Ziyun. After running a couple of theories through the Library again, the one without any flaws was that Nie Li and Ziyun got together before Nie Li got the Temporal Demon Book so it'll stay the same unless some outside force, like me, change it. Since I already changed it, I don't need to worry anymore so I enter Void Form again and pick up my array.

Everything returns to normal, Nie Li future soul fuses with his past self and I get to watch the process happen. After studying how the Temporal Demon Book turns into a 'seed' in Nie Li soul realm, I gain some more insight into Time-Space. I also manage to get lucky and comprehend the Law of Soul in the process.

I want to make sure nothing went wrong, I have the True Body go into the Nexus to continue trying to understand the Law of Soul while I keep watch. Nie Li woke up and everything proceeds like how it did in the story. The only exception is that Nie Li didn't focus on Ziyun when he said he's going to marry the most beautiful woman in Glory City.

I stay for a while longer but I didn't see or find anything out of place so I left. I should be careful with what I change from now on. It's because of Nie Li that the dark guild and Sacred Family got booted out of the city and also because of him that the demon lord attack Glory City. I need to wait until I get rid of the Demon Lord before I can do whatever I want, he's a big risk factor for Glory City.

(A/N: Before you start saying that you don't like me pairing Nie Li with someone and all that sh*t about why Nie Li should suffer and end up alone, let's just say I have few things plane out for Nie Li and Yang Xin. Some of you might not like it, some of you will probably love it, and most of you probably won't care but I'll be sticking to what I planned. I find that most author's story starts to turn bad when they don't go with their original ideas and tries to appease the reader.

Anyway, thanks for your support and for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.)

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