(A/N: Fixed the last chapter. If you guys see any more issues in the future be sure to tell me. I'll try to fix all the one I can.)


(Jun POV)


I don't think this book can be considered a cloning technique anymore. It just seems too OP for that. Instead of creating clones like I thought it would, it create a body that I have control over. The new body has all the skills and abilities I have. It's basically like the Rinnegan and its six path avatar but with them not being limited to one ability/skill and the body are still alive. These clones can be considered an extra life. If one of my body dies, including my original body, I can just create another one using this technique.

The only downside to the technique is that I need a body to create the clone. It doesn't matter what type of body, be it demon beast or human. I can also use a treasure that is used to create a clone/body to make it but I don't have any of those around and I doubt I can find any in this Little World. While I could use only energy to create the body, I don't have enough understanding of the Law of Primordial Chaos or enough energy to do so.

After creating my new body, the body's will be cultivation similar to the body that I use to create the clone with. So if I use a Gold rank demon beast my clone will be Gold rank. To become more powerful, my clone will have to cultivate like me.

Let's see, the beginner will allow me to create a clone, intermediate allows me to create up to 10, advance is 100, and master allows me to create… unlimited? Does that mean if I master this technique I can have an unlimited amount of life?... No, since the 'clones' are real bodies they'll need to eat, sleep, and train like me so even if I can make an infinite number of bodies. It's not practical to make that many.

I guess I'll only create 2 additional bodies. One to be my 'Master' and another to put in my world just in case both my body somehow die. That means I'll need to head out to hunt some demon beast. Come to think of it, I haven't named my world yet… I can't think of anything right now so I'll do it later. As for the clone technique, I'll call it True Body technique.

After putting away the True Body technique, I left the Library. Using my new disguise technique, I cover myself in my soul force but instead of turning into a random person, I make it mimic my surroundings practically making me invisible.

With it, I was able to walk out of the orphanage and city without anyone noticing me. My destination is the training ground. Since I only need a body and I can easily train my 'clones' to my level, I decide to just hunt two Horned Sheep.


(3rd Person POV)

'Shouldn't they be call goat instead of sheep? I mean they have a pair of goat horn and doesn't have wools as sheep does… Oh well, I should prepare myself. Even if their no way for the sheep to hurt me, it'll be my first time taking a life in either of my lives. Not to mention I have to do it twice.' Jun thought as he summons his soul force.

As Jun's soul force gather, it begins to condense into the shape of a short sword. After reading Basic Weapon Mastery, jun learn how to condense weapons using his soul force. The soul force is stronger than weapons made with normal metal but weaker than weapons made with special metal such as the Black Flame Sword.

(A/N: Nie Li and Duan Jian came across this sword on the fifth floor of the Divine Flames Family's store in the Abyss Prison realm.)

Readying his sword, Jun lunge at the Horn Sheep. Jun want to finish this quickly as possible so he aims straight between the Horn Sheep eyes killing it in one blow.

Jun stared at the sheep for a while, he was expecting the sheep to react but it never did. 'Right, forgot that I am currently Demigod rank. A Horn Sheep won't even be able to see me move hahaha…'

Jun dematerialize his sword and store the sheep in his world. It's might not be able to support life but it can still be used to store his things and have way more space than a storage ring.

'This doesn't seem so bad.' Jun thought as he goes around looking for another sheep. 'I just hope that I can keep my calm if I ever have to take a person's life. Knowing this world, I'll have to do it sooner or later… Maybe I should sneak out more often so I can get used to killing by using the demon beasts.'

After a few more minutes Jun spotted another Horned Sheep. This time Jun want to test out his demon spirit so he summons the Demon of Sins. The Demon of Sins doesn't look much different from Jun since it was made from him using his cultivation technique. The only difference is that the Demon of Sins of red skin with 7 black markings on his back representing the Seven Deadly Sins and a pair of black bat-like wings. Testing out the wings for a little but, Jun finds out that he can use them to fly and flying seem to come naturally to him as if he has done it his whole life.

At first, he was excited but after a few minutes of flying, the joy of being able to fly ware off with no one to share it with. Jun comes back to where the Horned Sheep was. He didn't bother hiding or summoning a sword to fight with. He just sends his soul force straight into the sheep, overpowering its weak spirit, killing it instantly. Storing the sheep inside his world, Jun enter it too. He unsummon his demon spirit and look around. He can see a barren land with nothing but soil and a sky scratching as far as the eyes can see.

'From the informations I got when the seed turns into a world, this world is about 10,000 km from one end to another so roughly ¼ the circumference of the Earth. It'll double every time I break through a major rank so… Earthen Fate, Heavenly Fate, Heavenly Star, Heavenly Axis, Dao of Dragon, Martial Ancestor, Deity, Emperor, Supreme… That's 9 major realms so in the end, it'll be 5,120,000+ km. That is if there isn't any realm above Supreme.' Jun

Next to Jun are the two Horn Sheep that he hunted. Jun enters the Library to read the intermediate section so he can practice it while making his first clone. If he's lucky, he'll be able to master it and quickly make a second clone.

After Jun finish reading the intermediate section, he sits down next to one of the sheep. While reading it, he found something interesting. If he wants to, he can keep some traits of the body that he uses to create his clone. This is just a Horned Sheep so he decides not to keep any traits.

The first thing he needs to do is use his soul force to get rid of all of the Horned Sheep lingering energies. He than fill every cell of the Horned Sheep with his own soul force except for the part that he wants to keep. His soul force will saturate the cells and change them on a cellular level.

When he's done, he activates the technique and watches as the Horned Sheep morph into a ball of meat. Slowly, two blobs of meat start to extend from the bottom of the meatball turning into legs. Shortly after two new blobs extend from the side and change into arms. When the arms and legs are mostly formed, the head starts to appear.

Soon enough, all the limbs finish forming and the ball of meat transforms into another Jun. For the final step, Jun will need to establish a link with the body to create a 'clone'. This is the most important step as if it's not done, it'll soon become a dead body without a soul to control it.

Of course, Jun can just skip the beginning steps and use the body as is to make a clone but he already has the Demon of Sins that can use any demon beasts' ability. He can also learn any human/humanoid technique using the Library of Heaven's Path so there is no need to have a different body type to get different skills. If he really wants to have a horn or something, he can do so when he reaches advance mastery in his disguise technique.


(A/N: So should I continue to change between 3rd person and 1st person or should I just keep it to one. If I keep it to just one, should it be 3rd or 1st person. The reason I'm doing both is because I feel like some part of the story are better told in 3rd person like the beginning of this story or a fight scene. While other, like going over time skip are better told in 1st person.

I'm going to put '1st', '3rd', and 'Both' in the comment section. Upvote the one you want and I'll try to stick to it.)

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