(True Body POV)

[Name: Li Xiulan

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 49

Rank: Gold…]

[Flaws 1…

Flaws 13: Poisoned by Dream Potion causing soul force to slowly leak out over time.]

(A/N: By the way, I'm making this all up. I know that she was poisoned by Draconic Tongue Herb but that herb is supposed to make people think you die after half an hour. It has already been a few days so I changed the poison to make it fit better with the story.)

Dream Potion? Isn't that a poison made using Black Dream Herb? Where did Shen Hong even find that herb? The last one was found more than 50 years ago. Well, it's not my problem, I just have to cure the poison.

"I believe I found the problem," I told Ye Zong. When he heard me, he isn't even trying to act like a City Lord anymore.

He excitedly grabs me and asks "Really?! What is the cause? Can you cure it?" without giving me a chance to answer.

"*Cough* Brother Zong, why don't you calm down and give Master Long a chance to talk," said Ye Zong's brother who I just figure out is Ye Xiu, the brother that is always out exploring like their dad. I guess he came back to help after hearing that his sister in law is sick.

"Haha, sorry. It's just the doctor before can't find out what illness she has." Ye Zong

"It's quite alright though I'll need you to be calm before I tell you."

Ye Zong can sense the seriousness in my voice so he calms himself down. "Alright, what's wrong Master Long?"

I didn't know how to tell him that his wife was poisoned so I just tell him bluntly. "You wife isn't sick"

"What do you mean?" Ye Zong cut in before I can continue. He receives a glare from his brother. "Right… continue."

"She has been poisoned," I told him

"Poison? But how would that happen? I don't believe she has come into contact with any poisonous plants or insects." Ye Zong

"She didn't, the poison's name is Dream Potion. It will cause a person soul force to leak out over time making them weaker and weaker until they can't wake up anymore and eventually lead to death after all their soul force is gone. The last time such a poison was made was 50 years ago."

"Made? So you mean that someone deliberately poisons sister in law?" Ye Xiu



"Calm down Lord Ye, you can figure that out after. For now, we need to save your wife. If I'm not wrong, she has less then a week before her soul force dissipates and she passes away."

Hearing that his wife only have a week left brought him out of his anger. "Can you save her?" Ye Zong asks worriedly.

"Yes, but it's going to cost you a lot."

"It doesn't matter how much it is that you want. As long as you can cure her, I'll do anything." Ye Zong

"Ah. No, what I meant is her treatment will cost a lot. To cure her I'll need you to get me a 50 years old Holy Dark Grass and a mȧturė Misty Leaf Herb to restore and strength her soul force. After that, I'll need you to get some medicine to help get rid of the poison."

"Alright, I'll have my men get the herb for you." Ye Zong said before leaving me and Ye Xiu to look after his wife.

Seeing that there is nothing else to do here, I ask Ye Xiu "You wouldn't happen to have a place where I can brew some potion would you?"

"We do, right this way Master Long." Ye Xiu said leading me out of the building for another long walk.


The next afternoon as I was busy making some potion to help Li Xiulan recover someone knock on the door.

"Come in," I said as I drop what I was doing. The door open and a maid walk in.

"Master Long, Lord Ye said that the herbs have been gathered and they are waiting for you." Maid

"Excellent, you'll have to bring it here as I need these tools to make the medicine."

"Of course." The Maid said before I close the door. Once she left, I go back to what I been doing. A few minutes later there is a knock on the door again.

"Master Long, these are the herbs you asked for." The same Maid leaving a try of herbs on a table.

"Right. Tell Lord Ye that nobody should bother me for the next six hours while I'm making the medicine."

I didn't wait for the maid to reply before closing the door again. Looking at the tray, I throw all the herbs into my potion. For a potion of this level, I don't even need to follow the instruction. I can just use my soul force to direct where I want the herbs and continue it from there.

15 minutes later I finish the medicine. The only reason I told the maid that I need 6 hours is just to make it more believable to everyone else. When everything finished, all that's left is a green and yellow paste. I condense the paste into two pills.

With nothing else to do, I decide to do some training. My 2nd True Body and my original body are already practicing unarmed combat and weapons mastery so that leaves me with inscription or disguise. I guess I'll do inscription since I won't need a high-level disguise for a while.


(6 hours later)

As much as I want to continue practicing, I can't make them wait forever, I'm so close to mastering advance inscription too. Just a couple more hours and I believe I'll master it. I'll deal with that later, for now, I have a sick person to cure.

Everyone or at least Ye Zong should be at Li Xiulan room so I'll just head over there. Before I even open the door Ye Zong already opens it.

"Is the medicine done? Do you need anything else?" Ye Zong asks worriedly.

"I got the medicine. Give me some space as I need to treat Madam Li."

The treatment is simple, for me that is. Using my perfect control over my soul force, I extracted the poison with the help of the Library showing me where the flaws are. After it's done, it'll leave her even weaker than when the poison was in her system. This is why I need those two herbs. If she was awake I wouldn't need the herbs. She could just gather her soul force herself but she is currently unconscious and too weak to do so.

After getting rid of the poison, I take out the green pill and feed it to her. Using some medications that help with digestion and my soul force, I make her swallow it. I don't want to make it seem too easy as it might create some suspicion so I spend the next two hours helping her absorb the effect of the medicine.

Standing up, I use my disguise to make me look a little tire. "It's done. Now she just needs to rest for some time. She should be awake within the next 24 hours."

"Really?!" Ye Zong said excitedly. "I can't thank Master Long enough. If there is anything Master Long needs in the future, don't hesitate to ask me about it."

"Curing your wife took more energy than I thought. For now, I need a rest. Goodnight Lord Ye."

"Yes yes. Chu(Maid) please escort Master Long to the guest room." Ye Zong

The maid, Chu open the door and gesture. "This was Master Long."

Before I leave I tell Ye Zong "If she wakes up, inform me. I need to make another examination to make sure all the poison is gone."

"Of course." Ye Zong.

With everything done, I retire for the night… or so everyone else thought. In reality, I continue with my study of inscription. I should be able to master it before the morning tomorrow.

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