Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 10 Verification Passed! Deng First Went North To Kyoto! Qian Lao: For Yu Bei, I Have Given U

"Lin Ye, hurry back to the office! Things to do right now!"

"Deng Gong said, it must be there in three minutes!"

Wu Cheng found Lin Ye who was hiding in a corner in a daze, and then said.

Lin Ye was a little puzzled when he heard Wu Cheng's words.

But still nodded, and walked towards the office honestly.

When he arrived at the office, Lin Ye was shocked when he saw three huge blackboards filled with dense formulas!

What's the situation? !

This was done by Yu Bei! ?

And the other people were also called back one after another before, and their eyes widened after seeing the scene in front of them!

"Okay, now let me tell you about the latest situation..."

After seeing everyone coming, Deng Xian immediately explained the situation and tasks.

When a group of people who left heard that Yu Bei had actually calculated their formula for two years and made some corrections, they all opened their mouths!

"Okay, I've finished my words, let's work hard, now Yu Bei has done everything he can, and the rest must come to fruition tonight!"

Deng Xian took a deep breath and said, then pulled Yu Bei aside again.

"Yu Bei, it's not that I don't trust you... It's just that the matter is very important, I need them to calculate it!"

Deng Xian was afraid that Yu Bei would think too much, so he said.

"Don't worry, Uncle Deng, I understand what you mean."

Yu Bei laughed.

"That's good."

Seeing that Yu Bei was like this, Deng nodded his head too.

Afterwards, the two returned to the office, watching a group of people clacking and calculating with their abacus.

Because Yu Bei has already made the formula, all they need to do is to verify it.

That's why Deng first asked them to solve the problem overnight!


"Teacher! Teacher! The result is out!"

The next day, Deng Xian was woken up in a daze by Lin Ye.

Just looking at the eyes of the few people in front of me are bloodshot,

But the expression is extremely excited!

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Deng immediately lost his sleepiness!

immediately stood up,

Glancing at Yu Bei who was asleep on the chair,

asked in a low voice,

"How about it!?"

"It's feasible! Yu Bei's formula is feasible! Whether it's the change of potential energy and thermal energy, or the operation of nuclear fission, it's all possible mathematically and physically!"

Lin Ye said excitedly, they had a busy night last night, and they didn't sleep for a minute!

He even wondered if he could fall asleep today!

What Yu Bei did was a great help!

"Okay! Now, with this formula, we can build a gas centrifuge and enrich uranium-235, and our nuclear bomb will be ready!"

Deng Xian was shaking with excitement!

This step is really coming true!

"Yeah, thanks to Yu Bei! He should have been exhausted yesterday! God bless, Yu Bei is a god-given talent!"

Lin Ye said that the way he looks at Yu Bei at this time can no longer be described as admiration!

"Well, it means that after Bei wakes up, you should let him have a rest first. Then, start the research and development of the gas centrifuge."

"I'm going back to Kyoto now. There are some things that must be done immediately!"

Deng Xian took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and after a confession, he took a special plane and left the Northwest Base!

A boat and a car are busy.

Deng first returned to Kyoto.

It stands to reason that he did not report back to Kyoto, which is against the rules.

But now that things have come to an end, he can't care so much anymore!

With excitement, Deng Xian went straight to Qian's hometown.

I found Mr. Qian who was resting at the door.

"Little Deng!? Why are you back!!?"

Qian Lao looked at Deng Xian, and asked with his eyes widened.

"Old Qian, I'm back this time because I have something urgent to discuss with you!"

Deng Xian didn't have the time to chat with Mr. Qian about other things, so he told the matter in a long and short way!

"What!? You said that Yu Bei made the nuclear energy formula in one night?! You have passed the verification!?"

After Mr. Qian finished listening, his eyes widened as if he saw something incredible!

The whole person trembled slightly!

He originally thought that he had overestimated Yu Bei's talent enough,

But he never thought that Yu Bei could be so terrifying!

It sounds like a fantasy to come up with something that a team can't do for two years in one night!

"That's right, Mr. Qian, I was also shocked! So, I want to let Yu Bei lead the development of this nuclear bomb!"

"Whether it's a nuclear energy formula or a gas centrifuge, these two major nuclear bomb problems are all made by him!"

"He is more suitable to be the chief engineer than me!"

Deng Xian said.

After hearing Deng Xian's words, Mr. Qian came back to his senses, and then fell into deep thought.

"It stands to reason that Yu Bei Hengkong was born, and his age and qualifications are not enough to take on this important task..."

"But now that Yu Bei has done such a thing, our Dragon Kingdom is at such a critical juncture! Seniority and age cannot be considered heroes!"

A light flashed in Qian Lao's cloudy eyes, and then he patted the handle of his wheelchair!

"Let's go! I'll go with you, just to spare my old face! I must also take down this appointment from Yu Bei!"

"Long Kingdom can no longer follow the rules!"

"Let's drop talents without sticking to one pattern!"


[Masters! Ask for an evaluation ticket! Ask for flowers! 】

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