Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 114: 6V27! Shoot Down The F-5 Formation! \"Iron Hoof\" Stepped Into The Country

"Immediately inform the F-5 flight formation to take off immediately, and bite the stealth fighters of Longguo for me!! You must find out for me what the hell this thing is!

After Yamamoto left,

Mike picked up the phone directly,

Give an order to the F-5 fighter formation that has been prepared for a long time!!

Ever since,

Not far from F22,

on an aircraft carrier,

Two dozen F-5s scrambled!!

After searching for half an hour on the estimated route,

Found the formation of F22 fighter jets in the distance!!

"Captain, there are unknown fighters following us!!"

"There are too many, Tianjia!!"


At this time, the F-22 fighter formation also discovered the situation behind them!!

One of the pilots and fighters immediately reported the situation to Zhu Long!!

Zhu Long's expression froze, he looked down at the radar,

Sure enough, they saw more than 20 red tops appearing behind them!

"Don't panic! Ours is a fifth-generation aircraft!! It's easy to deal with these backward fighters like them!!"

"Wang Guang, Yang Fu, He Jun, Zhang Yong, Sun Xiaoke,"

"Follow me over there to have a look!!"

"Others protect the Red 2 bomber!"


Zhu Long quickly issued an order,

Then he took the other five F-5 fighter jets and turned around,

They flew towards the formation of fighter jets of unknown origin behind them!!

"Captain Moss! Longguo seems to have spotted us!! Several fighter jets turned back and came towards us!!"

The fighters flying in front of the beautiful country's F-5 fighter formation said immediately.

Because radar is "invisible"

So they can only judge by naked eyes!!

"How many fighter jets? Humph!! They, the Dragon Kingdom, look down on them too much!? Even if they can be invisible in front of the radar?! We have more than 20 fighter jets!!

When Moss, the captain of the F-5 fighter formation, heard this, he couldn't help but snorted!!

"Hehe, yes! Wenlong's country has been sweetened a few times. I really can't see my strength clearly. How dare a few fighter jets come over to provoke us?! Arrogance!!"

"That's right, let's teach them a lesson!! It's even a wheel war and we have to win these fighters!! We will have made a great contribution by then!!"

When the pilots of the other F-5 fighter jets heard this, they couldn't help but say aloud!!

"Don't be careless!! Wait for them to get closer before attacking!! Also, don't answer back!! Our current status is the fighters of the Sakura Kingdom!"

Captain Moss said.

"Ming 400 Bai!!"

"It's F-5 fighter jets from the beautiful country!! Get ready! Shout out to them! Tell them to leave immediately!!"

the other side,

Zhu Long looked at the fighter in his field of vision,

Then he ordered.


The other team members shouted to the opposite side immediately!!

"We are the Dragon Kingdom flight formation! Your fighter jets have entered our formation at a safe distance! Leave immediately!!"

"Repeat!! We are the Dragon Kingdom flight formation! Your fighter jets have entered our formation at a safe distance! Leave immediately!!"

Long Guo shouted.


There was no response from the other side!!

"What should the captain do now? Do you want to open fire?!"

a team member asked.

"Don't worry about it..."

Before Zhu Long finished speaking,


I saw the fighter jet formation on the opposite side forming an offensive formation!

Then the pupils shrank,

"Be careful to avoid!!"

Zhu Long yelled!!

As soon as he finished speaking,

The opposite side opened fire directly!!

air-to-air missiles,

Bullets flew towards them one after another!!

"Vertical Climb!! Increased Height!!"

As for Zhu Long,

Directed immediately.

A few random F-22 fighter jets immediately raised their altitude by 90 degrees!

Dodged this round of attacks!!

"What?! is this possible?!"

"God! How did this happen?!"

And everyone in the F-5 fighter formation in the beautiful country widened their eyes when they saw this scene!!

They have never seen such a way to gain heights!!

Even Moss, the leader of the F-5 fighter jet formation, couldn't help the pupil quake!!

This acceleration and climb angle,

It is simply unbelievable!!

For some reason, a trace of fear suddenly climbed into his heart!!

"Be careful, everyone!! Dragon Kingdom and their fighter jets..."

"Could be very advanced!!"

Moss swallowed and said.

"Bastard!! Attack me!!"

Zhu Long's eyes were a little red, and he ordered directly.


It is to bring several other F-22 fighter jets directly over the fighter formation of the beautiful country,

An attack has been launched!!

It also directly launched the AIM-9X air-to-air missile!


Moss looked at the roaring missiles and immediately ordered.

Then the entire fleet of F-5 fighter jets immediately fell into pieces!!

Prepare to dodge missiles!!


This missile seems to have eyes,

Follow a few F-5 fighter jets behind!!

"Captain, this is a guided missile!!"

One of the F-5 fighter pilots yelled in horror!!

"What?! Longguo actually developed a guided missile?! Damn it!! Release the decoy bomb!!"

Moss turned pale with shock and said hastily.

"Leave it, it doesn't work!!"

shouted the pilot.


Before Moss let him escape in the ejection seat,

I heard a loud bang!!

The pilot who was trained so hard in the beautiful country and the F-5 turned into a flame together,

Fell down to the sea!!

"Boom boom boom!!"

And several other F-5 fighter jets were also hit directly!!

However, the pilots of those fighter jets all ejected and escaped ahead of time!!


seeing this scene,

Moss' eyes are tearing apart!!

Immediately afterwards he ordered,

"Surround me and entangle them!! Then their missiles will be useless!! We will overwhelm them with the advantage of numbers!!"


The other F-5 fighter pilots responded immediately!!

Then they surrounded Zhu Long and the others!!

"Hmph!! Want to fight!? It's up to you?!"

"Comrades, now is the time to test your usual training results!! Listen to my order and shoot down these flies within three minutes!!"

Zhu Long watched as the F5 fighter jets surrounded him,

Said with a sneer.

"Don't worry, Captain, just their backward F-5? I'll make them invisible to Jianzhong!!"

"Yes, Captain, don't worry! It must be fine!!"

The pilots of the other Dragon Kingdom said immediately.


Do not retreat but advance!!

They rushed towards the beautiful country's F-5 fighter fleet!!

And then,

A fierce air battle broke out between the two sides with a huge disparity in numbers!!


The exact opposite of what Moss predicted!!

Not only did they fail to suppress the F-22 fighter jets of the Dragon Kingdom with numbers,

Instead, the Longguo F-22 fighters took advantage of their large numbers,

Take advantage of maneuvers beyond their comprehension!!

Shuttle back and forth in the fleet,

every shuttle,

A few of their fighters will be shot down by Dragon Kingdom fighters!!


There was also an accidental injury between them!!

"Damn it!! How can there be such a powerful fighter?! How many generations is this fighter?!"

"Da da da!!"

"Shit!! Thomson, you nearly knocked me down!!"

Moss was amazed at the F-22's maneuverability and firepower,

But suddenly he was given a shuttle by his own people!!

"Sorry! Captain!!"


However, as soon as the fighter pilot finished speaking, he was shot down directly!!

Awesome to see Moss!!


look at your team,

Including myself, there are only twelve fighters left!!

just a minute,

They lost fifteen fighters!!

On the opposite side, the fighter planes of the Dragon Kingdom,

They didn't even touch each other's skin!!

"Retreat (cbdj) Retreat!! Retreat!!"

Moss came back to his senses at this time,

Suddenly realized that this is not a level of competition at all,

Immediately shouted out loud!


At this time, Zhu Long and the others used six fighter jets to encircle the twelve fighter jets of the beautiful country, which was twice as large as their own!!

Hovering around them all the time!!

"Want to run?!"

Zhu Long snorted coldly,

then ordered,


"Da da da da da!!"

The super-high-firing machine gun spews out tongues of flame!

The bullet hit the fuselage of the F-5 fighter jet in the beautiful country,

It's like hitting on foam!!

Just open it up a big hole!!

And the twelve fighters of the beautiful country,

Just like that, it was directly wiped out by the group!!

Falling towards the Pacific Ocean!!

"Exactly three minutes!"

Zhu Long calculated the time, then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha!! The captain is the captain!! Just now you shot down almost eight fighter jets by yourself!!"

"Yes, Captain, that's amazing!! I only shot down three!"

The other pilots couldn't help cheering at this moment.

The battle of winning more with less just now is simply too exciting!!

Who would have thought that such a large group of fighter jets in the beautiful country would be crushed by their six fighter jets!!

"Okay, don't be silly, hurry up and return to the team, we still have tasks to complete!!"

"The next good show is yet to come!!"

Hearing the words of his team members,

Zhu Long couldn't help but smile,

then shook his head,

Looking in the direction of Sakura Country,



Just bring a few fighter jets back to the team,

Continue to fly towards Sakura Country!!

And on the Pacific Ocean,

Those F-5s still on fire,

It is to declare the record of the Longguo F-22 fighter just now!!

"What?! You said that it took less than ten minutes for Longguo to wipe out all our twenty fighters!!?"

the other side,

Mike took the phone,

heard the news


The whole person stood up directly!!

Said with an incredulous face!!

And the aircraft carrier formation over there also reconfirmed this fact with Mike!


The phone in Mike's hand fell directly to the ground,

at this very moment,

He just felt as if he had fallen into the ice cellar!!

"Hurry up! Let Yamamoto come here! Let him sign the agreement!!"

Mike immediately said to his assistant,

at this time,

Immediately dump the pot!!

Otherwise, if Long Guo uses this as an excuse,

I don't know what kind of trouble it will bring to the beautiful country!!

Although they forged the agreement agreed by Sakura Country before,

but after much deliberation,

It would be better to have Yamamoto sign it himself!!


The assistant heard what Mike said,

He immediately called Yamamoto over.

"Hehe, Mr. Yamamoto, I'm really sorry, what I said before was wrong. Although you Sakura Country didn't complete the task very well this time, you have worked hard without credit

"Mr. Tong, you have already called me to reprimand you just now."

"So we still decided to sell F-5 fighter jets to you Sakura Country! The price will be 20% off for you! This is an agreement, you have a look."

Mike looked at Yamamoto,

Forced a smile and said.

But Yamamoto was still a little upset at first,

But upon hearing what Mike said,

For a moment, he was stunned,

Then, after taking the agreement,

Look carefully!

The whole person's eyes lit up at once!

There is nothing wrong with the content of this agreement!!

And the price of F-5 is indeed 20% off!!

for a while,

Yamamoto was ecstatic!!

As long as they get this F-5 fighter,

in their ability,

It is completely possible to reproduce many frames!!

It can even be improved on this basis!!

Compared with ten coast guard ships that can be rebuilt at any time,

Obviously it is more important!!

"Hehe, it's all right, Mr. General, what you said before is not wrong!!"

"We really screwed things up!!"

"I didn't expect Mr. General and Mr. Tong to be so magnanimous!!"

"I am also here to thank you on behalf of the people of the entire British Huaguo!!"

At the end, Yamamoto took a deep breath, and then bent over at ninety degrees to Mike!!

"It's nothing, Mr. Yamamoto, this is what we should do, after all we are in an alliance!!"

"You should sign the agreement first, so that I can give Mr. Tong a reply!!"

Mike said with a smile.

Yamamoto nodded,

Then I took the pen handed over by the assistant,

As Prime Minister of Sakura Country,

signed the agreement,

In duplicate!!

Mike see here,

This is a relief!!

Then he patted Yamamoto on the shoulder,

"Mr. Yamamoto, Sakura Country will always be a friend of Beautiful Country!!"

"That's that..."

"Mr. General, I wonder when we can complete the delivery?"

Yamamoto carefully put away the agreement and asked.

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Yamamoto, there will be one soon."

Mike laughed,

But I thought in my heart that I might as well pick up those downed F-5 fighter jets,

Repair it casually, and then sell it to these two idiots in front of you!!

"Captain, there are still 20 kilometers left!! We are about to enter the airspace of Sakura Country!!"

"Hahaha, the prevention and control system of the cherry blossom country is like a blind man this way!! As long as we don't lower the altitude, they won't be able to find us at all!!"

while on the other side,

The F-22 Raptor fighter formation led by Zhu Long is about to fly to the sky of Sakura Country!!

Thinking about the "iron hoof" stepping into the country of cherry blossoms soon,

A group of fighters are extra excited!!.

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