Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 121 Conspiracy! Liquid Body Armor! Presentation Of Nanotechnology! God's Technology? !


A native of Potain City, Eastern Hans Country.

But this is just the information on his ID card,


He calls himself a man of the will of Hans!!

And this is not the first time he has been caught!!

"Da Mao's alliance is a lie!! We are just victims of Da Mao's alliance!!"

"The boss is sucking the blood of the entire alliance!!"

Rodin yelled!

His voice was the only one in the room.

The prison guard on the side gave him a hard look,

"What's the noise?! You're a jobless vagrant, and you care about these things all day long. Why don't you think about where you'll have your next meal?!"

"Hmph! I have the whole Hans country in my heart! What do you know!?"

Rodin dismissed it.


The guards heard his words,

Suddenly froze for a moment,

Then was about to get angry,


I heard someone outside muttering something.


Then I saw their usual high-spirited "937" warden,

Nodding and bowing all the way, he followed behind a man wearing sunglasses and a mask,

came before them.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you open the door!?"

The warden gave the prison guard a hard look,

The latter quickly opened the door.

"You are Rodin?"

The man wearing sunglasses and a mask glanced at Rodin, then said.

Rodin nodded stubbornly.

The man wearing sunglasses and a mask nodded after seeing this, then turned and left,

The warden quickly gave the prison guard a wink,

The two quickly bet Rodin on him,

followed behind.


"Rodin! What are you going to do with Rodin!?"

When other Rodin's companions saw this scene, they were all anxious Weidao!!

"Don't worry about nothing!! Even if something happens? Don't be afraid!! I'm dead, there are thousands of me!"

Rodin said with a face of death.

When the person in front heard his words, he snorted coldly.

Then got into the car.

And Rodin was also pushed into the car.

After getting in the car, the man in the sunglasses in front didn't talk to him either.

Directly asked the driver to drive the car to an unknown place.

Then he pushed Rodin into a dark secret room and let him sit on a chair.

The surrounding darkness made Rodin's face a little nervous.

Couldn't help clenching his fists.


Just at this time,

Suddenly the lights came on.

Rodin squinted,

Saw a figure from behind.

"Tell me, what are you going to do? Just hit the Hans Wall? Or are there more plans?"

The figure didn't turn around.

"Hehe, why should I tell you?"

"Perhaps I can help you?"

"Help me? Hahahaha! Who do you think you are? You're so crazy..."

Rodin laughed,

But the words were not finished yet,

The figure turned around.

After seeing the person's face clearly,

Rodin couldn't help but took a deep breath,

Eyes wide open!!

"If...... I can't help you, I don't think anyone in East Hans can help you......"

Lucas, the leader of the Eastern Hans Kingdom, sighed and said.

Two months passed in a flash.

in two months,

Cheng Hua has basically never been in the National Defense Agency!!

In addition to some necessary documents,

When he is required to sign,

he will come back outside,

He basically spends all day in the frontline tank team,

Drilling the tank team that came out of the entire Longguo tank military factory!!

"Second Battalion, what do you guys eat!? What's the matter? This cannon can hit such a curtain!? I can shoot better than you with my eyes closed!!"

"There is still the third battalion, you were reluctant to step on the gas pedal just now, right!? Moving forward at that speed, are you sure you can be in place within the specified time?!"

Cheng Hua stood in front of the highest podium,

holding a microphone

Counting the situation of the 9A tank team drill just now!

A group of frontline tank commanders heard Cheng Hua's reprimand,

all with their heads down,

Don't dare to say anything!

"Okay, that's all for today. Continue tomorrow. If you still have these problems, everyone give me ten extra laps!!"

Cheng Hua snorted coldly before giving up.

And at this time,

The guards on the side also hurried over,

Whispered a few words in Cheng Hua's ear.

"What!? Yu Bei called!? Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

Cheng Hua froze for a moment, then glared at his guard.

The latter is somewhat helpless,

Thinking about the posture you just trained people,

Who dares to interrupt you!!

Cheng Hua hurried back to the temporary communication room,

Immediately took the handset that was still on the table,

"Hey, Yu Bei, what's the matter? Is there something urgent?"

"What?! Are you going to make body armor?! Or liquid body armor?! Where is this going!?"

"Okay, just wait, I'll be right back!!"

Cheng Hua took a deep breath, then hung up the phone.

Eyes full of incredible light!!

liquid body armor,

Darling, can these two things be brought together?!

"Go back immediately!!"

come to my senses,

Cheng Hua was also very excited,

Immediately said to his guards...


Just drive directly towards the Dragon Science Academy!!

while on the other side,

Dragon Academy.

Dean Hu Weinan,

Gou Yi, Dean of Materials Branch,

and other relevant academicians rushed over,

gathered together!!

And in front of them was a brand new design drawing.

"How is it, Yu Bei? What did Boss Cheng say?!"

Hu Weinan asked.

"What else can I say, I just don't believe it, I want to come back and see for myself."

Yu Bei smiled, touched his nose and said.

"It's normal not to believe it, but it's abnormal to believe it once you hear it!! If I didn't see the blueprint clearly, I wouldn't believe that this body armor can still be made like this!?"


"Yu Bei, if I'm not mistaken, are some of the materials involved in this body armor made by yourself!?"

Gou Yi, who has been lying on the desk, said,

then stood up,

eyes sparkle,

He looked at Yu Bei excitedly.

"Yes, some of these materials have not been found before."

Yu Bei nodded.


"What about nanotechnology? What is this thing?!"

Gou Yi swallowed his saliva, then asked.

Other academicians including Hu Weinan also looked at Yu Bei one after another,

They have never heard of this nanotechnology reference!!

"Dean Gou Yi, Dean Hu, this nanotechnology is a statement I put forward. In short, it can be understood as using a small machine to make a smaller machine, and then according to the wishes of human beings to arrange and combine atoms one by one. The process of making a product!!" 5.8 Yu Bei smiled, and then said aloud.

And when he said this,

Everyone present couldn't help taking a deep breath!!

Immediately afterwards, everyone became short of breath!

Eyes are shining with excitement!!

This sounds absolutely incredible!!

If it weren't for their staunch materialism,

Even now they wanted to cry out,

Arrange atomic combinations according to human wishes,

Isn't that creating something new?!

This is simply God's technology!!

Now that they have the opportunity to master such technology,

Who wouldn't be excited?!

Of course Yu Bei didn't know what the group of people were thinking at this time,

If you know, I'm afraid it will be extremely embarrassing!

This is a mess!!

After all, this nanotechnology can only be controlled in terms of precision in later generations, and it can only be streamlined!!

Still far from actually creating things!.

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