Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 129: The 9A Tank Fires! Da Mao Shuddered! 【Seek Full Order】

"Report! The big hairy tank team has entered the range!! Please instruct!!"

News came from ahead.

Zhang Liang also took a deep breath,

Then he ordered directly,

"All units ready!! Fire!!"


As soon as Zhang Liang said this, he said it!!

The originally silent desert,

Suddenly there was a shout of killing!!


"what's the situation?!"

Big hair here,

The sudden burst of noise startled Korski!!

But Flamy shrank his pupils suddenly, and then shouted!!

"Enemy attack! Get ready for battle!!"


It was too late for him to say that,

Dragon Kingdom's charge horn suddenly rang!!

The front ranks of infantry now take up their guns,

Straight up from a higher place,

Just shoot at them!!

"Da da da!!"

Intensive gunfire rang out in the desert!!

Just a moment of meeting each other, dozens of big hairy soldiers fell down!!

"Damn!! What's going on?!"

"Where did this group of people come from!? Whose people are they?! Are they more beautiful than theirs?!"

Only then did Korski come to his senses,

Hastily hid behind the tank,

Gritting his teeth, he looked at the team that appeared like a ghost in front of him,

Eyes are red!!

"It's not from the Beautiful Country! This trumpet... belongs to the Dragon Country!!"

When Flamy on the side heard the sound of the trumpet, he immediately thought carefully, and then couldn't help but say in shock!!

"What!? How is this possible!!" 923

"Longguo and the others are obviously so far away from us, even if they found our whereabouts and drove in the opposite direction, it is absolutely impossible to meet them here!!"

Korski heard Flamy's words,

The eyeballs almost popped out!!

"I heard this trumpet sound during World War II!! Nothing is impossible! Fight back!! Take out your PK general-purpose machine gun!!"

Flamy didn't want to explain too much, and gritted his teeth.

Korsky nodded,

Immediately, people took out seven or eight PK general-purpose machine guns,

Then came the order to fire!!

"Da da da!!"

A few general-purpose machine guns, in addition to powerful firepower,

In an instant, the Dragon Kingdom team at a high place was suppressed!!

It even directly wiped out a dozen or twenty people!!

"Hmph! How dare you confront us with machine guns? You really don't know what to do!!"

Seeing the fallen people of the Dragon Kingdom,

A gleam of light flashed in Korsky's eyes, and then he said with a cold snort.


He had just finished speaking,

It was indeed a shocking scene!!

I saw those who fell from the Dragon Kingdom,

Suddenly stood up again!!

He returned to the position with a vigorous posture!!

" is this possible!?"

Korsky couldn't help but stare wide-eyed and stuttered when he spoke!!

No one knows the power of the PK general-purpose machine gun better than him!! (cjad) is a big tree surrounded by three people,

In front of this PK general-purpose machine gun, it will be directly swept into a wooden sieve!!


The people from the Dragon Kingdom who should have been torn apart in front of them actually stood up again!!

It's like coming back from the dead!!

"Report! The enemy has heavy machine guns!"

The shot soldier dusts off the ashes,

He hurried over and said,

In addition to some disordered breathing,

The whole person is basically unscathed!!

Those bullets were basically stopped by liquid body armor!!

"Understood, just wait a moment! Wait for our tank team to fire! Their formation will definitely be chaotic, and then we will attack again!!"

The head of the infantry team nodded and said.

"Flami, did you see it just now? The group of them can still get up after being shot!!"

Korsky swallowed, and then quickly asked Flamy beside him.

Flamir nodded, and then a look of uneasiness flashed in his eyes,

"Korsky, I think we should worry more about the next problem than what you said!!"

"what is the problem?"

Kerski's mind went blank, and he asked subconsciously.

"Where are the tanks of Dragon Kingdom? Why haven't they appeared yet!? If we come to surprise us, it will definitely not be just this group of infantry!!"

Flamy took a deep breath, and then said aloud.

At this moment, Korski also came back to his senses, and then couldn't help but shudder!!

That's right, where did Dragon Kingdom's tanks go?!

"The infantry phalanx has bought us time!!"

"What about you?! Are you all aiming for me!?"

And when Zhang Liang heard the gunfire stop over there, his expression froze and he shouted,

He also understands that the infantry phalanx has already done everything he can do at this time!!

"Report!! 9A tanks are all targeted! Request instructions!"

And at this time, in the dark night, Longguo's tanks have already aimed at Da Mao's tank team two kilometers away through infrared settings!!

"You're still instructing a fart, hurry up and fire me!!"

Zhang Liang heard this and shouted.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Hearing his order, Longguo's tanks immediately fired shells!!

In the dark night, Turan is getting rich and dying!!

Then one after another the cannonballs,

Draws perfect straight lines in the air,

Fly towards Da Mao's tank team!!

"Yes, where did Dragon Kingdom's tanks go?!"

Korsky came back to his senses and asked quickly.

However, just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a violent roar!!

"Not good! Hurry up and hide!!"

Flame's eyes reflected the flashes of the cannonballs,

Immediately, the hairs all over his body stood on end,

shouted quickly!!

"Boom boom boom!!"

Just after saying this, the tank shells from Longguo arrived in no time!!

It hit the tanks in their front row directly!!

And those big hairy tanks that got shot,

The weight of dozens of tons was lifted up like a piece of paper!!

With a bang, it hit the ground with all four feet in the sky!!

Flames are all over the body!

" is this possible?!"

This time it was Flammy's turn to be shocked too!!

He never thought that their tanks would be beaten like this!!

This is a heavy tank!!


When Korsky saw this scene, he couldn't help but recall the situation when he followed the Chinese League Million Years Army to the Dragon Kingdom in his mind!!

Almost exactly the same!!

The same is true for this tank under the shock wave of a nuclear explosion!!

Like a cuckold!!

But that's a nuclear bomb!!

Why are the tank shells of the Dragon Kingdom so powerful?!?

"Hurry up and fight back, I will go to the position of the Dragon Kingdom Tanks!!

Flammy came back to his senses and immediately gave an order!!

"Report!! The Longguo tank is about two kilometers away from us!!"

A big hairy observer judged the azimuth and distance at the moment when the Longguo tank fired!!

Say it out loud!

"What!!? Two kilometers?!"

And hearing his words,

Whether Flamy or Kolsky,

The whole person's face instantly turned pale!!

Such range and such power,

And it's so accurate!!

Is this a fucking tank?!

This is a cannon, right?!

Everyone in Da Mao felt a burst of cold!!

Their tanks with this range can't hit and can't hit!!

"Damn, how did this happen!?"

"Give me the distance now!!"

Flamy took a breath, forcibly calmed down, and then immediately ordered.


Just at this time,

The Longguo infantry who were beaten back just now blew their horns again!!


at this very moment,

The rushing sound of the trumpet,

In Vlamy and Korski's ears,

It's just like the sound of death!!

"Da da da!!"

Dragon Kingdom infantry fire again!!

"Boom boom boom!!"

at this time,

Dragon Kingdom's tank team is not idle either,

The second round of shelling was launched again!!

Da Mao's tank team can't do it if they want to advance!!

"This is... the step-tan coordination of the Dragon Kingdom?!"

He couldn't help but took a deep breath and said in shock. .

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