Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 131: Dragon Kingdom Is The Champion! Eastern Hans Rebellion! The World Is Shocked! 【Seek Ful

Many times in the world, choices can directly determine the success or failure of a thing.

If you make the right choice, you will become a hero,

Wrong is wrong,

the light fails,

Those who are more serious will pay their lives,

Even bear the eternal infamy.

Lucas didn't know whether he would be a hero or be cast as a wrong example.

But he did make a decision.

An extremely "rebellious" decision in the eyes of Moxico!!

"It's the right thing for us to do...?"

East Hansland,

Chief's office.

Lucas looked dazed.

The deputy on the side nodded,

"At least I think it will be better than under Da Mao."

"By the way, my son..."

Lucas asked quickly again.

"It has been secretly picked up." The deputy said with his head bowed.

"Okay, before Moxico doesn't react, you hurry to mobilize our team.

"This matter must be done as soon as possible!! Otherwise we will fail!!"

"At that time, you and I will definitely have no good fruit..."

Lucas said.

"It's already in action, but... the first "360" lead students, can we defeat Da Mao's garrison??"

The deputy nodded, and then said with some worry.

"If you can't beat it, you have to fight, and the meaning of our fight is mainly to dare to fight, not to be able to fight!!"

"We want to let other alliance countries know that Da Mao is not that scary!! We are not a soft persimmon to be manipulated by them!!"

"What's more, others don't know, don't we? Don't we? Da Mao's generals, how bad are they? The only one, Bourne, was sent by Peter to Black Continent to participate in the World Resources Military Competition!"

"This is an absolute godsend!!"

Lucas took a deep breath, then said.

The deputy nodded,

"Boom boom boom."

And at this moment,

There was a knock on the door.

The two stopped talking immediately.

"Come in."

Lucas said.

A staff member came in and said nervously,

"First of all, sir, it's not good, our Da Mao lost in the World Resource Military Competition! Especially the army, was captured by the Dragon Kingdom!!"


Lucas and his lieutenants heard this,

I was taken aback for a moment,

Then the eyes flashed with joy!

After hastily asking the staff to retreat,

Both of them looked at each other and smiled,

Lucas laughed directly,

"God helped me too!! We will definitely light a fire!! A funeral fire for Da Mao!!"

the other side.

After Tess ordered,

The joint tank team of the great powers headed by the beautiful country,

Immediately opened fire on the Dragon Kingdom tank group in all directions!

It is worth noting that,

At this time, those T-54 tanks all retreated,

Only the tanks they hadn't seen were left!

And these tanks,

It seems that they are not afraid of these shells at all,

Action not done!!

"Bang bang bang!!"

The shells hit and there was a huge roar!!

The surrounding yellow sand was lifted up,

Form a cloud of sand fog!


The heads of several other big countries saw this scene,

They couldn't help shouting.


Tess, the leader of the beautiful country's tank team, frowned.

The sound of the shell explosion just now is wrong!!

To be precise, there is only the sound of shells exploding!!

No other sound, not even the sound of steel strips tearing!!

This is very unscientific!

so close,

The power of the cannonball can almost be brought into full play!

Tess stared over there,

After waiting for the yellow sand to slowly recover,

Immediately his eyes widened!!

the tanks that were just shelled,

It stopped there unscathed!!

I'm afraid I'm wrong,

Tess quickly looked through the binoculars,

But I saw the armor plate of the Longguo tank,

Not even a dent from a shell!!

This scene,

Let Tes look stupid directly!!

while on the side,

The heads of several other big countries saw this scene,

eyes widened even more,

The protection sees the devil like!!

"Hmph, are you done? It's our turn!!"

Zhang Liang took a deep breath,

Then ordered,

"Hit me hard!! Let them know what a real tank is!!"


Zhang Liang gave an order,

The 9A tank behind is firing directly!!

In the face of the firepower of the 9A tank group,

The surrounded united team is no match at all!!

He was directly beaten to the ground!!

Tess is pale!!

The leaders of several other big countries were so frightened that they hid directly behind the tanks, trembling unceasingly!!

"Damn!! Now what do we do!? Tess?!"

The person in charge of the corrupt country asked aloud.

Everyone else shouted the same.

"Surrender... If you don't want to die, you have to surrender!!"

at this very moment,

He finally understood what those T-54 tanks he saw just now were all about!!

That is the tank that Da Mao surrendered!!

The representatives of several other big countries were also shocked when they heard what Tes said.

Intense discussions ensued,

In the end, under the bombardment of the second round of tanks in Longguo, he still chose to compromise!!

In the encirclement, nearly 2,000 tanks raised white flags!!

the breeze blows,


These white flags are shining brightly!!


"what the hell!?"

"Why did everyone surrender!?"

at this very moment,

Between command posts of major powers,

They all saw the surrender of their own tank team!

Everyone's expression changed drastically!!

Only Mike is silent!!

next thing,

becomes very simple,

through various means,

Under the precise control of the Dragon Kingdom,

Meiguo and Da Mao won the second and third place,

And Longguo has set a record low for the championship!!

However, although it is a new low,

But no one dares to underestimate this champion,

Because this champion is also the only one without injury,

Against the champions of almost all major powers!

The gold content is much higher than the previous champion!!

And the Dragon Kingdom also successfully obtained the resources of the Black Continent, namely two gold mines and one iron mine...

I asked for a copper mine from the beautiful country,

Da Mao asked for a silver mine,

In fact, Yu Bei is the Heihe Shipyard that wants Da Mao,

But Bourne knew the importance of this shipyard,

Hard to give!!

Immediately afterwards,

Before the eyes of the world reach Long Guo,

I was attracted by another thing!!

This thing is amazing!!

After pushing to the Hans wall,

East Hans has declared independence!!

And when Da Mao didn't react,

Directly hand over the firearms of the Da Mao Garrison!!

for a while,

Global sensation!!

"What?! East Hans country rebelled!?"

"Where's Lucas his son?? What, picked up?!"

Bourne was also shocked after receiving the news!

After all, he also met Lucas, the leader of the Eastern Hans Kingdom, before.

In his impression, Lucas has always been a weak man,

How dare you do these things now?!

"Bourne, come back right away. I don't care what kind of grievances they have suffered in the East Hans Kingdom, but if we dare to provoke trouble at this time, we Da Mao will definitely not be able to bear it!!"

"If the Eastern Hans Kingdom succeeds this time, then we, Da Mao, will face the most dangerous thing since our founding 5.6!! It will even affect our foundation!!"

Peter yelled on the phone,

Obviously, regarding the sudden defection of the Eastern Hans Kingdom,

This young commander was extremely angry,

At the same time, I felt the pressure from all sides!!

After all, if this matter is not handled properly,

Then their Da Mao's alliance will be hit hard!!

The strongest castles are always broken from within,

This can be said anytime!!

"Understood, Mr. Tong, I'll be right back!!"

Bourne took a deep breath and said,

At this time, I don’t have the time to report to Peter about the World Resources Military Competition.

Even those tanks and personnel detained by the Dragon Kingdom had no time to communicate,

Fly directly to Moxico in a special plane!!

And other countries are also talking about this matter!

Especially some countries in the Da Mao alliance,

It's all chest ups and downs!!

they understand

If Da Mao didn't handle the matter of the Eastern Hans Kingdom well this time,

The interior is really going to turn upside down!!.

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