Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 138 Battlefield Handover! Da Mao's New Leader - Bourne! [Seek Full Order! 】

"Everyone, remember our mission, this time we must keep Peter here no matter what!"

"Even if it is death, I will not hesitate!!"

"In this case, the beautiful country will no longer have Da Mao as an opponent in the whole world!!"

"We are the only two superpowers left!"

while on the other side,


The flying formations of the beautiful country,

The captain took a deep breath and said to the others!!

"Don't worry, captain, since we dare to come here, we are fully prepared!!"

"That's right, captain, don't worry, this time Peter must die here no matter what, even if I directly hit him with a fighter jet!!"

The other team members also expressed their attitudes one after another!!

Hearing the words of the team members,

The captain of the beautiful country flight formation also nodded,

Say no more,

Drive directly towards the landmark given above!!

"Boom boom boom!!"

And this time,

Da Mao's counterattack is also coming!!

All kinds of anti-aircraft guns are fired!!

There are also big hairy fighter jets of various types taking off urgently in front!!

Flying towards them, to intercept!!

"Leave the captain to me, you guys hurry up and execute Ren Luo!!"

"I'll stay too, you guys hurry up and carry out the mission, maybe we don't have to explain everything here!!"

A few fighter jets flew straight out!!

And the captain of the beautiful country's flight formation did not stop them at this time, he knew that this is not the time for women to be benevolent!!

He simply agreed, and then led the other fighters to continue!!

"what's the situation?!"

At this time, Peter, who was resting on the bed, heard such a sudden movement around him,

He also woke up suddenly, and then asked aloud!!

"Mr. Commander, you go first, don't stay here anymore, the flight formation sent by the beautiful country, it seems that they want to attack us

The guard rushed in, and then said to Peter.

"What!? How could the beautiful country know the location of our headquarters so accurately?!"

Peter was taken aback when he heard his words, and then said with a frown.

"Mr. Tong, I guess the Dragon Kingdom told them, and they forgot about the allies, but there is the Beidou seven-star satellite system!!"

At this time, Bourne also walked in, and then said with a gloomy face.

"Dragon Kingdom? Damn, they really can do it!! But yes, if our big hair falls, then at least in the Red camp, their Longgui will be worthy of the name!!"

Hearing Bourne's words, Peter's face turned ashen, and then he punched the table and said!!

Then, after explaining some places to Bourne, Peter planned to move his position!!

After all, it can be said that in the entire Da Mao team, the two of them are the commanders of the team,

If the two of them break together, then Da Mao will fall into collapse!!

"But before that..."

"Since they want to get involved in the beautiful country and the dragon country, then we can't blame our big hair for not playing by the rules!!"

Peter didn't know what to think of,

There was a gleam in the eye,

Then bring your suitcase here!!

And Bourne and Peter's guards saw this scene,

I couldn't help but take a deep breath,

They understand what Peter wants to do!!

But no one has any idea of ​​stopping it, after all, the beautiful country and the dragon country have already bullied their heads!!

They don't have anything to worry about!!


Peter opened the suitcase, and there were rows of Red buttons inside,



These buttons correspond to every nuclear submarine lurking in the deep sea outside!

"Since you don't want us Da Mao to have a good time, then you all should die for me!!"

Peter flashed a crazy look, took a deep breath,

Press all the Red buttons directly!!

"Turn them all into ruins!!"

Peter had a cruel smile on his face!!

However, after only two seconds, the smile on Peter's face froze!!

Although I have never used a suitcase, I will be told clearly about the reaction after pressing it, every time the big hair commander is handed over!

But the current situation is obviously different from the reaction the previous leader told me!!

Peter's pupils suddenly shrank!!

"What happened to Mr. Tong?!"

Bourne also noticed the abnormal expression on Peter's face, and hurriedly asked.

"Damn could it be like this!! How could it be like this?!"

But Peter looked at the suitcase in front of him in disbelief as if he hadn't heard what he said!!

Seeing Peter like this, Bourne's heart suddenly sank to the bottom!!

"Boom boom boom!!"

And at this time, the sound of fighter jets fighting came from above!!

"Mr. Tong is too late, let's evacuate first, I guess our nuclear submarine outside was also found by the Dragon Country, and then this location was sent to the Beautiful Country, so they pulled it out!!"

Bourne took a deep breath, and then expressed his speculation!!

And his guess is actually very close!!

Peter also regained his composure at this time, with a miserable smile on his face!!

"It looks like God doesn't want us Da Mao to get through this crisis so easily!!"

When Peter said this, he looked at Bourne, his face became serious!!

Hand over the suitcase directly to (Dede) Bourne!!

"General Bourne, do you remember what I told you before? Although this suitcase is useless now, let's hold a brief handover ceremony here!!"

"I don't have any reason to stay in this position now, you are now the new leader of Da Mao!!"

"Commander Bourne, please lead Da Mao back to its former glory!!"

Peter took a deep breath, and then said to Bourne.

"Mr. Tong, you..."

Bourne was shocked when he heard Peter's words!!

However, Peter ignored Bourne, turned his head to look at his guard and said,

"Let's go, let's get out of here first!!"

After all, he walked out directly to the outside!

The guard also gritted his teeth, and immediately followed behind Peter!!

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