"Brother Lin, Brother Cheng, Brother Zheng, this is the medicine I developed for you, take it, and there shouldn't be any problems.

Yu Bei smiled, took out three medicines from his arms, and put them in the hands of the three of them.

The three of them saw that their hands were almost as important as cold medicine,

After a moment of silence,

He raised his head and ate it directly!!

For Yu Bei they are 100 rest assured!!

Cheng Hua, who was at the side, couldn't help but sweat when he saw this scene.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Yu Bei's level,

It's just that all of this came too directly?! 0

I think it was not like this when I gave Deng Zhixian the medicine!!

Just eat like this, won't there be any problems??

Of course, Cheng Hua still didn't express these doubts,

I just secretly made a gesture to the guard, signaling him to be ready to deal with emergencies at any time!!

After Lin Ye and the others took the medicine, they suddenly felt a burning sensation in their stomachs!!

Painful expressions appeared on the faces of the three of them!!

"Yu Bei, are they all right? Do you want to call the doctor right away?!"

Cheng Hua's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene, and then asked quickly.

"No need, Boss Cheng, this is the self-defense mechanism they mentioned is working to remove the viruses and cancer cells in their bodies!!"

Hearing Cheng Hua's words, Yu Bei shook his head, and then said aloud.

Finally, stand aside and watch the expressions of the three of them change!!

Seeing that Yu Bei said so, Cheng Hua could only nod his head, and couldn't help clenching his fists!!


Lin Ye suddenly let out a cry of pain, put one hand directly on the table, and his forehead was slightly violent!!

This kind of pain is simply too painful, as if there is a steel fiber in every blood vessel that is constantly rubbing!!

In addition, Wu Cheng and Wang Zheng also gritted their teeth,

Beans of sweat dripping from their foreheads!!

And so in this agony,

The three of them persisted for about half an hour,

Finally, I survived the pain like purgatory!!


The three couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Then, like a collapse,

Sit down straight on the ground!!

"Hurry up, hurry up!!"

And Cheng Hua was also relieved when he saw this scene, and then quickly called the guards over, and helped the three of them onto the stool!!

"Brother Lin, Brother Cheng, Brother Zheng, how do you feel?"

And Yu Bei walked up to the three of them, then took a deep breath and asked with concern.

"I feel much better, but the process was too painful!!"

Lin Ye wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said helplessly.

"In this way, I feel that my breathing was a little unobstructed, but now it's all over!!"

Wu Cheng was also panting heavily at this time, but his eyes were obviously much brighter, and he said with joy.

Wang Zheng on the side also nodded heavily, and also obviously felt that his body had improved a lot all of a sudden!!

"That's good! Basically, your illness has been cured. If you are worried, you can still go for a checkup!!"

When Yu Bei heard the three people's answers, he immediately smiled, then nodded, and said in a trance.

"Go to the hospital for an examination?! Check what!! If you hurry up, take us to participate in the controllable nuclear fusion project team. We don't have any challenging tasks at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base these days. I feel that my level is the same as before. It seems to have dropped a bit in comparison!!”

However, Lin Ye was stunned for a moment when he heard Yu Bei's words, and then laughed out loud.

"Yeah, it's not too late to work on the fortification, let's go there quickly, we can't keep Qian Zhinao and Deng Gong waiting too long!! I woke up and we haven't seen Qian Zhilao and Deng Gong for so long!!"

Wu Cheng on the side also nodded, and then said aloud, obviously they trust Yu Bei and the others, and they don't want to check again!!

"Okay, let's go now."

Hearing the answer from the three of them, Yu Bei also nodded, and then said aloud.

"Is..... is there really no problem with Yu Bei?"

Cheng Hua was really stunned at this moment, and asked hastily, after all, in his opinion, the three of them had just taken the potion, even if it was a panacea [it would take at least a week for the potion to take effect, right? ?!

Don't worry, Boss Cheng will not have any problems, Boss Cheng, you should arrange a car for us first, we have to go to the controllable fusion project team to calculate the time is about the same!!"

Yu Bei smiled when he heard Cheng Hua's words, then looked at the time and said.

"Success, I'll arrange troops for you right away.

Hearing what Yu Bei said, Cheng Hua naturally couldn't say anything more, so he nodded and said, and asked the guards to send a car over immediately!!

Ever since, Yu Bei took Lin Ye and the three of them towards the location of the controllable nuclear fusion project team!!

while on the other side,

Another matter of the Dragon Kingdom is gradually being carried out according to Yu Bei's plan!!

That is about the resources after the collapse of the Da Mao Alliance,

There is no result yet!!

(Wang Dezhao) ..……………………

Supreme Military Command Center.

Yang Xin, as the representative of Longguo,

Standing with Mr. Qin,

Mr. Qin looked at Yang Xin and nodded, saying,

"Yang Xin, you should know the importance of this mission, right? When?"

"Don't worry, chief, I know. I will definitely help our Dragon Kingdom take those resources down!!"

Yang Xin took a deep breath, then nodded to Mr. Qin and said.

Seeing Yang Xin like this, Mr. Qin nodded in satisfaction,

"Oh, since you are so confident, then I can rest assured. By the way, you are not fighting alone. I told you, this time we will send a flying formation to follow you."

"Don't worry, behind you is our whole set-up!!"

"You must not show weakness at the negotiating table!!".

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