Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 161 Negotiation Failed! Officially Block The Dragon Kingdom! 【Seek Full Order】

"Well, on behalf of me, I know what you are worried about. It is nothing more than worrying that our Dragon Kingdom will become a powerful country like Da Mao again.

Yang Xin saw a group of representatives from western countries and Mike's nervous faces, and immediately smiled and sighed, then stood up directly, and said with a serious face,

"Then I can tell you very clearly here that our Dragon Kingdom will not become an existence like Da Mao!!"

Hearing Yang Xin's words, Mike breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion,

The Dragon Kingdom has already expressed their attitude,

Submit to them!!

After all, think about it,

No matter how powerful the Dragon Kingdom is, no matter how powerful the fighter jets or missiles are,

In the end, they still have to rely on the provision of global resources to maintain the operation of the "Four Two Buildings"!!

separated from the energy supply of Western countries,

The Dragon Kingdom will also collapse!!

Representatives of Western powers also softened their faces.

However, just when Mike took a deep breath and was about to say some scene words, Yang Xin turned around,

"However, our Dragon Kingdom also has its own plans, and we will still ask for this resource."

"As for what you think, it has nothing to do with our Dragon Kingdom. Well, whether you want to sanction us or block us, our Dragon Kingdom has no opinion! But our only request is our resources, and none of you are allowed Move, otherwise it will arouse the anger of our Dragon Kingdom!!"

Hearing Yang Xin's words, Mike's smile suddenly froze on his face, and finally his eyes shone with incredible light!!

Even the representatives of the Western powers on the side were stunned!!

How is this going?!

Why did Longguo suddenly change his attitude?!

"Mr. Representative, it seems that we have not figured out the situation. If we blockade you at the same time, even if your Dragon Kingdom has a vast land and rich resources, there is no way to support your overall system!!"

Mike came back to his senses, and quickly said to Yang Xin, for fear that Yang Xin would be confused for a while and say something wrong!!

But Yang Xin actually smiled when he heard what Mike said, and then said out loud,

"Mr. General, I have said that what you do has nothing to do with our Dragon Kingdom, and we don't need to explain to you what our Dragon Kingdom does!!"

"All that said, I don't think there is any need to open it again this time, so I will leave first. After a week, our team will come to receive the resources here, including Heihe Shipyard and so on. At that time, if we If you find that something is not right, sorry, we will blame all the countries around here!!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Xin stood up directly, and then walked outside.

I didn't pay attention to a group of people who looked like they were struck by lightning!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The engine of the fighter outside rang again, and then it rushed straight into the sky!!

Yang Xin left gracefully on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom!!

"What should Mr. General do now? How dare Longguo and the others do this?!"

"Yes, Mr. General, please think of a way, we can't just sit and wait for death like this!!"

"Mr. General, why don't we just act first and grab the resources that Dragon Kingdom wants?"

At this time, the representatives of Western countries also came back to their senses, and then said anxiously.

Mike's face was cloudy and uncertain,

I saw him take a deep breath,

Then said in a low voice,

"I suggest that you better not act rashly, the Dragon Kingdom has always kept its promise, and they dared to fight against us and Da Mao before they had no strength!!"

"Not to mention now! If you act without authorization, they will definitely launch a strike! No one can stop their fighter jets now!!"

Hearing what Mike said, a group of people representing Western countries were even more enthralled!!

"Then what should we do now?"

"Yeah, you have to think of a way?!"

A group of people asked aloud.

"I have already said the method. We have to unite to block the Dragon Kingdom. I don't know why they have the courage to face our blockade, but now we have no other way except this method. There is a solution!!"

Mike took a deep breath, his eyes flickered with a sinister light, and then said aloud...

"Okay, I will report to our Mr. Chief!!"

"That's right, the French Chicken Kingdom will definitely block the Dragon Kingdom!!"

A group of representatives from western countries also came back to their senses, then nodded quickly and said, they picked up the phone directly and contacted their respective headquarters!!

"Mr. Tong, the negotiation at the meeting failed. At present, the Dragon Kingdom is still trying to seize resources by force. We are fully prepared to block the Dragon Kingdom [Please enter the last indicator.]

"His Majesty, the negotiations have failed now!! We need to block the Dragon Kingdom, please order it!!"

"Mr. Chief, we have failed, and now we can only block the Dragon Kingdom!!"

"The negotiation failed, chief, Dragon Kingdom and the others still want to forcibly seize resources!! After our discussion with Mr. Admiral, we decided to immediately block the Dragon Kingdom!! Otherwise,

Dragon Kingdom and the others will develop extremely rapidly! They will become more dangerous than Da Mao!!"

A group of people held the phone, their faces were unusually solemn, and they all spoke aloud.

And Mike also sighed at this time, and then left the venue,

went back to his room,

After hesitating for a long time, I still picked up the phone and called Hanks!! 5.0 "Mr. Tong, the negotiation failed, Dragon Kingdom and the others are about to forcibly occupy those high-quality resources of Da Mao!!"

Mike took a deep breath, and then briefly reported the latest situation to Hanks.

beautiful country,

White house.

Hanks held the phone with a serious face.

After hearing Mike's report, Hanks' eyes flashed a little heavy!!

"Okay, I see, Mike, you did a good job, come back now!!"

"The reason why they dare to insist on forcibly occupying resources in Longguo shows that they must have their own confidence!! Let's take a step and see one step first!!"

Hanks exhaled, and then said aloud.

Direct order for Mike to come back quickly!!.

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