And after the meeting,

The beautiful country's foreign press conference also immediately expressed its concern for the western countries,

And Hanks also took the time to call the leaders of Western countries one by one,

Very patiently told them some things,

let them not worry too much,

The leaders of a group of Western countries are relieved now,

Started to wait for troubles in Qilong Kingdom again!!

After a few more days,

Because of some other factors,

Therefore, the speed at which Dragon Kingdom receives resources is not very fast.

So far, it has only brought some distances closer,

At the same time, a very important resource has been received!!

And like in western countries, the resources on their fringe are still in the empty window up to now!!

The most typical is the Heihe Shipyard!!

This fat meat that made everyone drool,

Until now, it has not been determined where his next home will be??

At least that's how it looks on the surface!!

Fred, Director of Black River Shipyard,

Sitting in the office with a very gloomy face,

Regarding the sudden disbandment of Da Mao a few days ago,

There is no sign on their side!!

All the news he got came from letters written to him by friends in Moxico!!

After learning that the Ermao people usurped the supreme power of Da Mao,

Fred was also very angry,

threatened to go back and help,

But was blocked by friends,

and told him,

Even Bourne disarmed and returned to the field under the persecution of those people!!

"I didn't expect Da Mao to disband so quickly and so absurdly one day..."

Fred looked at the letter in his hand, then came back to his senses,

He touched the shining red star on his hat with his hand,

Then he said to himself with a blank face!!

The factory manager..."

And at this time,

The deputy captain of Heihe Shipbuilding also came in and looked at Fred like this,

The former couldn't help but sighed in his heart, then took off his hat, and said in a deep voice,

"Factory Manager, I think it's time for us to tell the employees about the matter, they are still looking for the aircraft carrier..."

Hearing the words of the deputy director,

Only then did Fred come to his senses,

Then I also remembered the current situation of the Heihe Shipyard!!

Because I was afraid that something might happen to a group of people,

So until now they haven't told the employees of the Heihe Shipyard that the old man has disbanded,

And they also use means,

The communication between the employees of Heihe Shipyard and the outside world is also cut off!!

"Couldn't it be delayed... You know that the project we're looking for is the dream of many people, and it's also the hard work of many people. If it stops like this, you say they... .”

Fred heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at the deputy director hesitantly,

However, before he finished speaking, the deputy factory director shook his head, interrupted him directly, and then said, "The current situation, Mr. Factory Director, does not allow us to drag on any longer. You know that, Dabao Give us funds to subsidize us and we are so far away from other places, and now those western countries have blocked us again, we can’t hold on anymore, without money, even food will have problems later!!”

"Mr. Factory Manager, I know you can't let it go, who can let it go!? We have all vowed under the banner that we will use our own efforts and interests to gradually increase our naval strength!!"

"But now the big hair is gone!! No matter how hard we try, these things will be wedding dresses!! Now they are spreading the word that Longguo has an extremely tough attitude and wants to accept our Heihe Shipyard!"

Hearing the words of the deputy factory manager, Fred's face suddenly changed, and then his original solemnity also became a little bleak!!

In fact, he and the deputy factory director knew these things in their hearts, but they didn't bring them up to the surface. Unexpectedly, the deputy director directly brought them out!!

He didn't mean to blame the deputy factory manager, after all, this thing has to be faced sooner or later!!

Thinking of this, Fred couldn't help but sighed, then took out a tobacco rod from his arms, rolled the tobacco leaves into a strip and smoked

"Longguo's attitude is very tough? Do they want our black cargo shipyard, but do they have that technology? Can they master these aircraft carriers?!"

Fred couldn't help making a sound, and said that a circle protruded, and a light flashed in his eyes,

Although now Ermao is a real traitor to our former beliefs, in a certain sense, we still have the same blood in our bodies. It is not as good as this. We declare that we belong to Ermao's organization?? This can also solve the problem. Our subordination problem!!"

Hearing Fred's words, the deputy factory manager was stunned for a moment, and finally shook his head and said,

"Mr. Factory Manager, I think you may be thinking a little too much. Now in the whole world, Dragon Country can't say that it is the world's number one comprehensive strength, but in terms of military affairs, Meili Country can't keep up with them!!"

"Think about it, now Ermao's capital is still in Moxico, so close to the Dragon Kingdom! Not to mention that the Dragon Kingdom directly sent troops over, even if the Dragon Kingdom launched a missile in their northwest, Ermao and the others would not be able to stop it of!!"

"If we announce at this time (Made Zhao) that we belong to Ermao, I think the biggest reaction may not be the Dragon Kingdom, but Sanmin!!"

"They don't dare to take the risk of offending Dragon Kingdom now, and they want to accept our Heihe Shipyard!!"

Hearing the words of the deputy factory manager, Fred froze all of a sudden,

Then he frowned tightly,

After all, he also knows,

What the deputy factory manager said is indeed true,

What I just thought was a bit taken for granted!!

Started to think about other solutions!!

"Okay, Mr. Factory Manager, don't think about it anymore. The current situation is stronger than others. We have no other way. Tell the employees about the current situation in the factory, and then just wait for Longguo to take us over. Already!!"

Seeing Fred like this, the deputy factory manager couldn't help but shook his head, and then said aloud. .

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