Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 177 Yan Yun: Transform Into A Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier!

"How is it? Has all the work here been done?"

And when Yang Xin returned with several aircraft carriers,

the other side,

At the unknown military port of the Dragon Kingdom,

Yan Yun came to the front line and looked at a group of researchers who asked aloud.

These days

He basically leads this group of people to do some maintenance work,

And the maintenance thing is ridiculous,

Not even ships,

An Aircraft Carrier Empty Board!!

"Yan Gong, it's almost done, but when can we really build an aircraft carrier?! Yu Gong, have you forgotten about our affairs?!"

"Yeah, every day we are asked to do some things about the aircraft carrier. Yu Gong didn't mention a word!!"

"That's right, our organization was originally established to study aircraft carriers. Besides, we obviously have this condition now, why don't we do it right away? Is nuclear fusion aircraft carrier really feasible? If Yu Gong makes a mistake, then we don't How long have you been doing this for nothing?"

A group of researchers put down what they were doing, and then looked back at Yan Yun and complained aloud.

"Okay 20, you let you idle here for a day, and you still have complaints to tell you, don't speculate about work.

It means that we are far behind Yu Gong!!"

"And what happened to the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier? Hasn't Yu Gong already made controllable nuclear fusion? You go home and ask your wives, ask your parents, and see if they use electricity for free now? Isn’t it all made by Yu Gong?”

Yan Yun couldn't bear it when he saw a group of people, he stared, and then said aloud.

Of course a group of people knew this, and then they could only nod their heads.

After saying a few words to this group of people, Yan Yun returned to his office,

After sitting for a while,

I can't sit still,

Just ran to the front of the port, looked at the racks of several aircraft carriers parked there,

"When will we be able to start work?"

Yan Yun couldn't help rubbing his brows, then took a breath and said.

Although those words just now were indeed what he thought in his heart, he actually still felt the same way as those researchers!!

He really wondered if Yu Bei was too busy with work and forgot about their side!!

How many days has it been, and I don’t even ask them here!!

"Yangong!! Yangong, the National Defense Agency is calling!!"

And at this time,

Suddenly a staff member shouted towards Yan Yun,

Yan Yun heard his words,

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and then he stood up quickly, and hurried back to his office!!

Boss Cheng? I'm Yun. "

"What?! You mean that our Dragon Kingdom has towed back several aircraft carriers from the Heihe Shipyard?!"

"Okay, okay, I understand, don't worry, Mr. Cheng, we will definitely repair these aircraft carriers!!"

"Three months, no, days and months!! We can successfully launch him into service in one month!!"

After hanging up the phone, Yan Yun suddenly became excited!!

Even a long-lost smile appeared on his face!!

Although it is said that those carrier ship racks they are parked outside can not be used,

But if they are allowed to completely build the aircraft carriers that are not in service in Da Mao,

launched into service,

This is also a very meaningful thing for them!!

If we can change Da Mao's aircraft carrier into a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier,

When the time comes, if Yu Gong gets it and shows him, it will definitely surprise him!!

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in Yun's mind!!

The whole person is also excited at once!!

He understands that this is not just his personal chance to make a name for himself,

It is also an opportunity for their entire institute to rectify their names!!

As long as they can transform Da Mao's aircraft carrier into a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier,

When the time comes to report this result, it will definitely make Yu Bei look at them with admiration!!

Maybe later,

When North is going to build a nuclear fusion aircraft carrier again,

Will ask them again!!

Thinking of this,

Yan Yun took a deep breath,

Then it was immediately decided to start the project!!

So he directly took the broadcasting microphone on his desk and shouted,

"Attention all staff of the research institute, please rush to the first conference room now!!"

"Repeat!! Attention all institute personnel, please rush to the first meeting room immediately!!"

on the radio

Yan Yun repeated his words twice,

And all the researchers who heard this instruction were stunned for the first time!!

Then they all put down the things in their hands one after another,

We rushed to the first meeting room!!

And this time,

Yan Yun had already sat on the stage early.

After seeing that the following researchers have arrived one after another,

Yan Yun took a deep breath,

Then said aloud,

"Guys, I know you've been feeling like you're not doing anything lately!!"

"Now we have an opportunity. If we seize this opportunity, I believe that even Yu Gong will give us a thumbs up!!"

A group of people heard Yan Yun's words,

All of a sudden it was boiling!!

"Really? Yan Gong, what are you talking about!!"

"Yeah, Yan Gong "Is there such a thing as 197!? Could it be that Yu Gong gave up the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier!?"

"Yan Gong, what's going on? Tell me quickly!!"

A group of people looked at Yan Yun impatiently, and then asked aloud.

Yan Yun looked at the attitude of this group of researchers,

He couldn't help but nodded, and then he said,

"It's like this. I just received a notification from the National Defense Agency that our comrades have taken over the Heihe Shipyard and towed back the Heihe Shipyard, your unfinished aircraft carrier. It is expected to be completed in half a month. Arrive at us in less time!!"

"I decided that all of us will work hard. We have already learned about the operating mechanism of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers from the USS Beautiful Country, so if we can transform all of these aircraft carriers into nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, I believe we will You can definitely justify yourself!!”

A group of people heard Yan Yun's words,

All of a sudden, they were stunned for a moment,

Then the eyes light up!!

The chest is also rising and falling rapidly!!

If it is really possible to turn those aircraft carriers of Da Mao into nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!

So even if you haven't waited until Yubei's nuclear fusion aircraft carrier comes out,

Their Dragon Kingdom can also sweep the world with these few aircraft carriers!!

And they are naturally the largest project of the Dragon Kingdom Navy!!

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