Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 180: Yan Yun's Fright! Yu Gong Is Here? !

"Yu Bei, I understand, don't worry, I'll let them arrange a special plane to take you there right away!!"

After Cheng Hua received Yu Bei's call, he immediately agreed.

"Xiao Li!!"

Cheng Hua shouted.


The guard immediately walked in and saluted Cheng Hua.

"Hurry up and prepare a special plane for me, and then bring Yu Bei over immediately!!"

Cheng Hua said immediately.

"Chief, where is this going? What about the work of the National Defense Agency?~?"

When the guard heard Cheng Hua's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said in a suspicious voice.

"Couldn't I be able to do the work of the National Defense Agency without it? Besides, we are going to get our navy this time!! Yu Bei is about to do nuclear fusion-transforming an aircraft carrier!!"

Cheng Hua said suddenly,

And the guard immediately came back to his senses, then nodded and went out to prepare,

After about half an hour, Chen Hua arrived at the airport,

After waiting for more than ten minutes, I saw Yu Bei being picked up!!

"Boss Cheng, why are you here? Isn't the National Defense Agency still working?"

Yu Bei stared at Chen Hua for a moment, then couldn't help asking.

"Haha, anyway, I'm just doing some overall planning there, so let them get busy. Besides, you're going to be a nuclear fusion aircraft carrier right now, can I not follow?"

"Okay, okay, stop talking about that, come here quickly, let's go right away!!"

"I haven't notified Yanyun yet. I'll surprise a group of them when I get there!! Otherwise, I heard that their research institute has some complaints about you, Yu Bei! Said you forgot about them !!"

Cheng Hua waved his hands with a smile, and then said to Yu Bei,

When Yu Bei heard Chen Hua's words, his face flashed with embarrassment for a moment, and then he scratched the back of his head and received, "I don't blame them for this, it's true that I was too busy in those days and didn't fulfill my promise! !"

"Haha, so hurry up, let's not make them wait any longer!!"

Cheng Hua said, Yu Bei also took a deep breath, then nodded, and quickly got on the special plane!!

After carrying Cheng Hua and Yu Bei, two high-ranking figures of the Dragon Kingdom,

The special plane rushed directly to the sky amidst the roar!!

while at the same time,

Two F-35 fighter jets are also accompanying to ensure the safety of the two!!

On the other side, Yan Yun is doing something with his subordinates!!

They re-placed the company number in the database, and took out all the data for re-research!!

Although they have mastered the working principle and mechanism of the powered aircraft carrier,

But just to be on the safe side,

Yan Yun made a group of people discuss technical issues again!!

"Yan Gong, there should be no problems, we can make the engine ahead of time now!!"

"That's right, Yangong, after we make the engine, we can also make the nuclear reactor right away. Although we are not professional, the company number has been given to us for how to do this, so there shouldn't be any problems!! "

After reviewing the data of the company's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier again,

A group of people said to Yan Yun with great confidence.

"Okay, let's start making preparations now. We estimate that after their aircraft carrier comes back, we will be able to make the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier directly in a short time!!"

After hearing the words of the people,

Yan Yun thought about it carefully,

I think this is also true,

Just nodded and said aloud.

"That's great!! I've waited long enough for this day!!"

"Isn't that right? I thought we had to wait for Yu Gong to come before we could start work!!"

"Hey, although Yu Gong is great, he is only one person after all, he can't be separated, we still have to rely on ourselves for some things!!

After hearing Yan Yun's words, a group of people cheered immediately!!

Obviously they are doing some small things these days, which makes them really suffocated!!

Looking at a group of people with such fighting spirit,

Yan Yun also nodded with great satisfaction!!

"Yangong!! Yangong!!"


Just at this time,

A staff member is holding a phone,

ran over in a hurry,

"What's the matter? What are you in such a hurry for?"

Yan Yun looked at the staff member and frowned, then said aloud.

"Yan Gong is the Ministry of National Defense. They called over there and said that Boss Cheng and Yu Gong are on a special plane, and they will come to us in a short time!!"

The staff member panted heavily and said anxiously.

"What?! Boss Cheng and Yu Gong are coming to our place soon?!"

After Yan Yun heard his words, he couldn't help but widen his eyes immediately!!

You must know that they are just beginning to prepare for the development of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Originally, I was thinking of giving Yu Bei a surprise, but suddenly Yu Bei is going to come here in person?!

The expressions of the other people changed immediately when they heard this!!

"What's going on here? Why are Yu Gong and Boss Cheng coming over all of a sudden, we haven't started yet!!"

"Yeah, didn't you say that I gave Yu Gong a surprise? I didn't expect Yu Gong and the others to come here, give us a surprise first!!"

"What should we do? Yangong, should we tell the worker about this plan?"

0...asking for flowers...

The others lost their minds, and then they looked at Yan Yun and asked aloud.

Yan Yun also looked aggrieved, so he could only sigh, nodded and said,

"Then what can we do? We can only tell Boss Cheng and Yu Gong, can we still hide it from them?"

"Besides, Boss Cheng and Yu Gong came over suddenly this time, so they must have something urgent to explain to us!!"

"Maybe it's about a nuclear fusion carrier!!"

After hearing Yan Yun's words, a group of people looked at each other in blank dismay,

Then I just nodded my head!!

"Let's go, don't think so much, go back and pack up, let's go to the airport and wait for a while!!"

Yan Yun shook his head, then said, then turned and left the laboratory!

And everyone else followed behind Yan Yun!!

After about five or six hours,

Cheng Hua and Yu Bei's special plane has already arrived at the top of Yanyun Research Institute.

"Hey, Boss Cheng, didn't you say you didn't tell me Yanyun and the others? Why are they already waiting at the airport?!"

Through the window, Yu Bei saw Yan Yun and the others who were waiting at the airport,

Suddenly asked a little puzzled.

"Well, what's going on here? I really didn't tell them? I know, it must be the idea of ​​those boys from the National Defense Agency!!"

Cheng Hua was also a little puzzled when he saw this scene, and then he thought that his subordinates must have done it, so he shook his head helplessly.

"Hehe, it's okay. Anyway, we came here to tell them some news, and it's not true that the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier has been made." It's not a surprise!

Yu Bei smiled when he heard Cheng Hua's words, and then said out loud.

Cheng Hua also nodded calmly.

And the plane finally stopped faintly at the airport under the instructions of the airport crew.

After the hatch opened, Cheng Hua walked down with Yu Bei.

"Boss Cheng, Yu Gong, you are here."

Yan Yun took a deep breath, then stepped forward, looked at the two and nodded.

"Okay, Yan Yun, you're well informed, my country's summer prevention side is talking to you?"

Cheng Hua looked at Yan Yun and said with a smile.

Yan Yun nodded with embarrassment.

Then he asked aloud,

"Boss Cheng, are you and Yu Gong here for something?"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

Cheng Hua thought it was Yan Yun who was complaining!!

Immediately, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows,

"Yan Yun, why are you so small-minded like a girl?"

"What's the matter, do you still want to ask Master Yu Beixing for your crime? Wan?".

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