"Okay, Yu Bei, what do you think?"

After listening to Yan Yun's words, Cheng Hua sighed, then turned his head to look at Yu Bei and said aloud.

"Since Comrade Yan Yun has made such a decision, I quite support him, and we can even make a comparison after the aircraft carriers on both sides are completed.

Yu Bei smiled, and then said out loud.

"Great Yu Gong, thank you, I will definitely work hard!"

Hearing that Yu Bei was not only not angry,

and support yourself,

Yan Yun also became excited all of a sudden, and immediately saluted Yu Bei!!

"This matter has been decided, so don't worry about it anymore, Comrade Yan Yun, we are not here just for your plan this time, our nuclear fusion aircraft carrier is also made by 02, how about it, put your Give us half of the people, and we should be able to make this nuclear fusion aircraft carrier!!"

And at this time, Yu Bei said aloud again,

After all, support belongs to support, but you have to do your own things,

Relying on his manpower alone, there is no way to make this nuclear fusion aircraft carrier!

"No problem, Yu Gong, don't worry, I will tell them well, I believe they will be happy to join the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier project!!"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, Yan Yun nodded, and immediately patted his chest to assure him.

So he immediately called all his subordinates over, and finally told the plan discussed by the three of them!!

"We can make our own nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, or we can join Yu Gong's nuclear fusion aircraft carrier?!"

"Really? This is great too!! If I have enough energy, can't both sides participate together?"

"Damn it, you're really good at thinking, kid!! Do you think this is just a play?"

"Then I'll go to Yugong's place. I'm still very interested in the project of turning nuclear waste into an aircraft carrier!"

After a group of people knew the whole story, they became excited immediately, and many of them made their own choices!!

Basically, half of the people have joined Yubei's nuclear fusion aircraft carrier project!!

"Okay, thank you for your trust in me, and at the same time, I would like to say sorry to everyone here, because of some things [the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier has been delayed until now and everyone has been waiting for a long time]


Yu Bei took a deep breath, then nodded to a group of people and said.

"Yu Gong, if you are where you are, just wait until the time is not important at all!"

"Yeah, don't say such polite words, everyone knows that you are busy!!"

When the researchers who joined the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier project heard Yu Bei's words, they immediately said aloud.

"Okay, then I will announce the official launch of our nuclear fusion aircraft carrier project. During this period of time, everyone will first understand with me the operating mechanism of our reduced version of the tokamak device.

Seeing a group of people, Yu Bei smiled and nodded, then said aloud.

It is to directly lead this group of personnel to start research on the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier project!!

And during this time,

Cheng Hua also gave orders to the other side,

Ask them to get a scaled down tokamak here ASAP!!

After about half a month.

The points went well,

Because the previous research on the working principle of the company's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was very thorough,

Therefore, the progress of the project hosted by Yan Yun is naturally not much different from that of Yu Bei, and it is only a little behind!

The staff of the nuclear fission aircraft carrier project all saw hope,

After all, after learning that it will be compared with Yu Bei's nuclear fusion aircraft carrier,

773 Everyone is still somewhat stressed!!

And Cheng Hua also lived here during this period of time, usually watching the hole between the two project teams when he has nothing to do!!

"Is it almost here?"

Yang Xin stood on the deck and looked at the coastline, and suddenly a gleam of light appeared in his eyes!

After such a long voyage, they are finally arriving at the Dragon Kingdom soon!!

And the fleets of the beautiful country and the western powers that followed behind them,

It also stopped early at a position about tens of nautical miles away from the coastline of Longguo, and dared not go any further!

"Yeah, Director Yang is finally here!!"

The staff on the side couldn't help but sighed and said.

"Contact the comrades on the shore immediately!!"

Yang Shan took a deep breath, and then said out loud. .

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