"Hey, why are you so stubborn, that's fine, since you are planning to bring yourself to humiliate yourself, then I won't say more.

Seeing that Yan Yun didn't intend to just let it go at all, Cheng Hua felt helpless for a while, shook his head, and then said aloud.

Seeing Yan Yun like this, Yu Bei couldn't help but smile,

He doesn't care about such things,

It would be nice to have more fun in the ordinary days of scientific research - it's nothing!!

"Okay, Comrade Yan Yun, let's start the competition!! Let's see who can make the aircraft carrier first!!"

Yu Bei said aloud.

Three days passed in a flash,

During these three days,

All the members of Yu Bei and Yan Yun started to do the things in their own hands.

They are all using their horsepower to catch up with the progress desperately!

Especially in the nuclear fission aircraft carrier project team that Yan Yun is in,

Yu Bei heard that all the people over there moved the beds and quilts into the laboratory!

But Yu Bei did not do this, on the contrary, at a certain time, he will organize some rest activities!!

As for the outcome of this competition, he just thought it was interesting, he didn't have any thoughts, he wanted to decide the winner!!

After all, everyone is dealing with the Dragon Kingdom, and there is no need to fight for blood!!

Even if Yan Yun can do it faster than him, he is very happy to see it!!

Of course it was Yu Bei's thoughts,

In fact, under his guidance, a group of researchers seemed to be on the hook. They just felt that they understood what they didn't understand before, and they started to do things very quickly!!

Although they spent less time than Yan Yun and his team, the difference in work efficiency was not even a star!!

They only need half a day, and they can basically finish the work next door for two or three days!!

And it's so easy!!

"What's the matter with going faster? Why are you dozing off again?! I've said it all, we are now competing with Yu Gong's project team!! Give me a boost!!

"Don't forget what we said at the beginning, it was to impress Yu Gong and the others. Now some of our brothers have gone to the project in Yu Bei. If they can make it faster than us, then we still have face ?!"

After Yan Yun finished what he was doing, he just felt a little tired,

Then I went to check on the situation of my subordinates, but one of them was dozing off, which immediately made Yan Yun furious!!

He lost his temper directly in the laboratory!!

While others heard that Yan Yun was angry,

Immediately lifted his spirits, he started to do things crazily again,

It’s just that this kind of chicken blood is okay for a while, but if it’s like this all the time, it’s really annoying!!

Yan Yun obviously also understands this truth. After seeing that a group of people really couldn't persist in such a high-intensity work, Yan Yun could only sigh and let the group of people rest for a while.

0…ask for flowers…………

"Yan Gong, let's not be so anxious, why don't you go to the next door to see what progress they have made?"

"That's right, Yan Gong, it stands to reason that we already have a ready-made aircraft carrier frame, no matter what, it will be faster than Yu Gong's project, why don't you take a look?"

"That's right, Yan Gong, go and find out the news, so that we can have an idea of ​​our progress!!"


After starting to rest, a group of people couldn't help but say aloud.

After hearing what a group of people said, Yan Yun frowned slightly as if scolding a group of people,

However, I realized that what everyone said was true, and I still don’t know how the project at Yu Bei’s side is progressing!!

The so-called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will never end in a hundred battles, you still have to understand the situation!!

Ever since,

Yan Yun just nodded, and then said aloud,

"There is some truth in what you said, all right, you just wait here, I'll go over and have a look."

After all, he left the laboratory directly, and then rushed towards Yu Bei's project team!!

And after Yan Yun left, the group of people also breathed a sigh of relief, with Yan Yun here, they really felt a little short of breath!!

After all, Yanyun—such strong high-pressure measures from day to night made them a little unbearable! Mouth!.

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