After a group of people waited for about four or five hours,

The warm-up work of the two aircraft carriers is finally finished!!

At this time, Yu Bei also stood up directly, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and said in a deep voice,

"It's finally time to start!!"

Yan Yun at the side also became nervous when he heard Yu Bei's words.

At the very beginning, he still had a mentality of losing if the big deal happened,

But the atmosphere suddenly turned up, which made him a little nervous!!

"Comrade Yan Yun, let's start now?"

Taking a deep breath, Yu Bei turned his head to look at Yan Yun who was on the side and asked aloud.

Yan Yun also nodded.

"OK!! Let's go!"

Seeing this, Yu Bei also took a deep breath, and then shouted in a deep voice,

Then the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier made a huge whistle sound!!

And the nuclear fission aircraft carrier is also ready!!

The other navy generals also stood up right now, and everyone watched this scene nervously!!


Suddenly a loud bang was heard,

Yu Bei's nuclear fusion aircraft carrier rushed out directly!!

But Yanyun's nuclear fission aircraft carrier is still moving forward slowly!


A group of naval generals couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this wave!!

Even Cheng Hua couldn't help his eyelids twitching!!

He has been in the army for so many years, and he has never seen such a thing beyond human thinking!!

How is this an aircraft carrier with hundreds of thousands of tons?!

It's just like a sports car!!

As soon as the gas pedal was given, it rushed out?!

" is this possible?!"

Yan Yun's eyes widened even more, his mouth was so wide that he could stuff an egg in!!

As a designer, he naturally knows how exaggerated the scene before him is!!

This aircraft carrier can start at such a speed that it is like running a car in water!!

"Comrade Yan Yun, it seems that I have won the first step."

Yu Bei smiled, then turned his head to Yan Yun and said.

Yan Yun came back to his senses at this time, and then looked at Yu Bei as if looking at a monster,

"Yu Gong, did you do it? Why can the aircraft carrier start up so fast!?"

Seeing Yan Yun like this, Yu Bei smiled, and then said aloud,

"There's nothing to make a fuss about, as long as the thrust is strong enough, no matter how heavy things can be pushed, isn't it?"

When Yan Yun heard Yu Bei's explanation, Yi Shi nodded with a wry smile on his face.

"Hehe, Comrade Yan Yun, do we have to try our speed test after that?"

At this moment, Cheng Hua came back to his senses, then looked at Yan Yun with a smile and asked.

"No need, Boss Cheng, I lost. The nuclear fission aircraft carrier is not as good as the nuclear fusion aircraft carrier.

Yan Yun shook his head,

"Not only that, but the subsequent tests should also be cancelled. I don't think there is any need to compare us with nuclear fission aircraft carriers."

"Mr. Cheng, you are right. If you compete with Yu Gong, you will be humiliating yourself."

At the end, Yan Yun couldn't help sighing again.

`"Hahaha, I told you a long time ago, but you still don't believe it, now you finally believe it?"

Cheng Hua couldn't help laughing when he heard Yan Yun's words.

"It's just a pity that these aircraft carriers have been made into nuclear fission aircraft carriers by us. Otherwise, if we make nuclear fusion aircraft carriers, we will save a lot of materials! Publication!"

Thinking of this, Yan Yun couldn't help sighing again, feeling ashamed that he wanted to surprise Yu Bei with a nuclear fission aircraft carrier!!

And the other researchers in his project are also red-faced at this time,

I just feel that these people have been busy for a long time,

It turned out to be a waste of raw materials!!

"Ha (Zhao Zhao) Ha, it's not necessary, Comrade Yan Yun, you don't have to be like this, although we can't use this nuclear fission aircraft carrier, it doesn't mean that others can't either.

But at this time, when Cheng Hua heard Yan Yun's words, he couldn't help laughing, and then said,

"How about this, Comrade Yan Yun, look, how about we set up a special department to sell aircraft carriers to foreign countries to accept some orders from outside and customize nuclear fission aircraft carriers for them!!"

"Sell all these fission Koreas!!"

"I believe that in terms of income, even if it is not as good as the Beidou seven-star satellite system, at least it is not much worse!!".

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