"Commander Hanks, I know, I have a solution and I don't know if it will work!"

At this time, Mike suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and the whole person became excited, and then he was born and said!!

"Oh, Mike, you have a solution, hurry up and talk about it!!"

When Hanks heard Mike's words, he suddenly became excited and asked with bright eyes.

"Mr. Tong, we have no other way to stop such crazy behavior of Dragon Kingdom except by using force. After all, if they can really sell the nuclear fission aircraft carrier, then the economic profit they will get is quite high. That is impossible to refuse!!"

Mike took a deep breath, then said aloud.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the high-level executives of the beautiful country, who were originally looking hopeful, suddenly turned black!!

Listen to what this is called!!

Who doesn't know that the most direct and fundamental means to solve any problem is the means of force!!

But now there is a problem, standing in front of them, they can't defeat the Dragon Kingdom!!

"Mike, what are you talking about? Is this a solution? This is asking for death. You know we can't defeat Dragon Kingdom!~w!"

Hanks came back to his senses, then took a deep breath, looked at Mike with a livid face and said.

"Mr. Tong, don't worry, Tao will wait for me to finish."

However, Mike smiled, and then continued,

"It's like this. I know that our beautiful country can't beat Longguo and them now, but our fundamental reason is that our air force can't beat them and they don't have any air superiority. But what if we create an environment where we can't use the air force? I believe With naval power alone, our beautiful country is still the leader in the entire world!!"

"So our only solution now is to create such an environment, and then use our navy to completely defeat the navy of the Dragon Kingdom!! I believe that even if they have already created a nuclear fission aircraft carrier, but in Other configurations are still inferior to ours!!"

Mike's tone was extraordinarily excited, and he was obviously extremely confident in the method he proposed!!

After Hanks heard his words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said,

"Mike, listen to what you say, do you just call for a solution? You just throw out a new problem for us to solve!!"

"But isn't the question of Hanks' command much simpler than the question we wanted to deal with before?"

Mike didn't care about Hanks' comments at all, and after a faint smile, he said aloud.

Hanks was stunned for a moment when he heard Mike's words, then he couldn't help but shook his head and said,

"Mike, there is some truth in what you said, so let's change the topic of our meeting now, everyone think carefully about how to create an environment where only the navy can be used!!"

When the other senior executives of the beautiful country heard Hanks' words, their complexions immediately became much better.

After all, this is not a problem that cannot be solved, as long as they work hard to think and create, they will always reach such a condition!!

"`"Mr. Commander, I think we can trick some of their ships that are performing Common cruise missions on the sea surface to the deep sea, so that we can give them a disarm while their aircraft carrier is not there!!"

"Mr. Commander, I think we can send our air force to contain their air force!!"

"Mr. Commander, I think we can harass their aircraft carrier formation, let their aircraft carrier formation take off early, and then send our aircraft carrier!!"

All of them were people who seldom talked before (Wang's), and now they seem to have opened up their chatterboxes.

offered their suggestions,

Hearing these suggestions, Hanks also frowned,

Some of these ideas are a little bit feasible, while others are fantasy!!

But at least these people have started to raise their opinions now, and it's not easy for Hanks to interrupt them.

Just let them play freely!!

Mike on the side also listened carefully to the suggestions of this group of people,

At the same time, my mind was spinning wildly, thinking about how to realize this condition!!


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