After Li Zhongwu and Yamamoto arrived at Cheng Hua's hotel in a special car,

just stopped,

The two stepped out of the convoy and saw the hotel in front of them,

All of a sudden, their faces became a little dignified!!

"Mr. Li Zhongwu, do you think Cheng Hua is a good talker? Is there a positive result in our negotiation this time!?"

Yamamoto took a deep breath, and then couldn't help asking.

Hearing what Yamamoto said,

Li Zhongwu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood the worry in Yamamoto's heart!!

It's nothing more than worrying that this time Cheng Hua will use this incident to blackmail them from Sakura Country and Kimchi Country!!

583 "Don't worry, Mr. Yamamoto, although Cheng Hua is now the actual highest person in charge of the Dragon Kingdom, but in other aspects I heard that he still has the nature of a soldier, so he must be very upright, In this regard, I don’t think you need to worry too much!”

After recovering,

Li Zhongwu just smiled,

Then he spoke to Yamamoto.

Hearing what Li Zhongwu said,

This is how Yamamoto felt a little relieved,

Then he nodded and walked into the hotel with Li Zhongwu!!

And after arriving in the hotel, Cheng Hua didn't immediately come out to greet them!!

This made the two of them more or less uncomfortable,

Then Yamamoto couldn't help but take a deep breath,

said coldly,

"Look, Mr. Li Zhongwu, this is the arrogance of their Dragon Kingdom!!"

Li Zhongwu's face was also a bit ugly at this time,

But he understood that at this time they had no other choice but to accept,

I could only sigh, and then persuaded Yamamoto to say,

"Okay, Mr. Yamamoto is now a knife, and I am a fish, let's make it at this time, I believe someone will come out to welcome us soon!

And just when Li Zhongwu had just finished saying this,

A young man came out,

Then he looked at Li Zhongwu and Yamamoto with a smile and said,

"Boss, Boss Cheng is undressing and washing (badj) now, and he will come out to negotiate with you after he finishes washing, why don't you go with me to the reception room to make a reception room, there are good tea in it, and There is coffee, what do you want to drink?"

Hearing the words of the young man,

Both Yamamoto and Li Zhongwu couldn't help shaking their faces!!

They understand that Cheng Hua is trying to give them a blow,

So I just took a deep breath,

With a slightly strong tone, he said,

"No, thank you. You should inform Boss Cheng when you go back and say that we are waiting for Boss Cheng here. When Boss Cheng finishes his work, we can have a meeting at any time."

When the young man heard what the two said,

suddenly smiled,

It seems that there is no surprise for the reaction of the two,

just nodded,

Turned around and left!!

"Boss Cheng."

After the young man walked into the back room,

I saw Boss Cheng sitting there,

So he asked aloud.

"How is it? Did Li Zhongwu and Yamamoto say anything else?"

Hearing Mr. Cheng's words,

The young man froze for a moment,

Then I recalled,

The attitude of Li Zhongwu and Yamamoto just now,

He smiled slightly, and then said,

"They seem to be somewhat dissatisfied with the treatment they are receiving now, but of course, they can only endure it, and have not said anything openly.

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