Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 3 Design Drawing Arrived! Shocked Mr. Deng! [Seek Evaluation Tickets And Ask For Flowers]

Yu Ci saw that Yu Bei was so confident.

Finally he sighed,

Then I was preparing to ask my guards to send this design drawing,

But Yu Bei stopped him.

"Dad, it's a shame you're still a soldier! You have to send such a confidential item yourself!"

Yu Bei said seriously.

Yu Ci was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but blush: "You boy... what kind of secret is this ghostly drawing talisman?!"

But even though he said that, after struggling with his words for a while, he stood up and prepared to send this design drawing by himself.

"By the way, it will probably only take two days to send this letter over there. In addition to other things, I will give you another day! I will say hello to you at your unit, and temporarily postpone it for three days. After three days, if If you, Uncle Deng, don't agree, you'll get out of here immediately!"

Walking to the door, Yu Ci thought of something again, turned around and said to Yu Bei.

"Okay, don't worry, Dad!"

Yu Bei nodded.

Then Yu Ci let out a cold snort.

Seeing Yu Ci go out, Yu Bei also heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was not surprised by Deng Xian's reaction just now!

After all, judging from his age, identity, and profession, he is not the person who can make this design!

So Deng Xian's disappointment, Yu Bei can understand!

However, Yu Bei also believed in Deng Xian, as long as he saw this simple conceptual design drawing, he would definitely believe in himself!

After all, that is something given by the system, and it is the real material!

With Deng Xian's level, he must be able to see the value of this design drawing!

As for what I am going to do now...

Yu Bei remembered the energy value the system said, and then looked at the bookshelf in the living room!


"Chief, it's ready. It's estimated to arrive in two days."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, little comrade."

the other side,

Yu Ci sent this design drawing to the northwest through military channels through his own identity.

"Oh, this kid... I hope you don't embarrass your father."

Yu Ci sighed and said to himself.

In fact, he was somewhat biased toward the north, otherwise he wouldn't have the cheek to ask Deng Xian to at least take a look first!

In doing so, apart from his trust in Bei, more importantly, he also wanted to see if there would be a miracle!

You know, in the past two years, when the cigar crisis broke out in Meiguo and Damao.

Although there is no conflict between Longguo and the two parties in this regard,

But seeing that the beautiful country is so afraid of Da Mao's nuclear bomb,

And Da Mao's tough attitude on the border issue!

Let the entire Dragon Kingdom be under pressure!

Especially those who are soldiers,

I am anxious every day!

As a big country,

no nukes,

It's true that you don't even have the most basic confidence!

The power of the nuclear bomb!

It is definitely not a pain that the Dragon Kingdom, which is waiting for prosperity, can bear!


Two days passed quickly.

Deng Xian led a group of experts and students to concentrate on research.

I have already forgotten about the blueprint in my heart!

"How? Is it still not working?"

Deng first came to the laboratory and asked the person who was conducting the uranium-235 enrichment experiment.

"Deng Gong, the 569th enrichment experiment also failed..."

The man bowed his head and said.

"Well, it's okay, take your time."

Deng Xian's heart sank, then he patted him on the shoulder and left, walking towards his office.

Along the way, he saw a group of people who were counting.

On a scorching hot day, seeing them sweating profusely and refusing to waste time wiping their heads up, Mr. Deng felt very pleased!

He didn't understand how to make a breakthrough!

After returning to the office, Deng Xian took out a box of medicine from the drawer and took it.

under the influence of drugs,

Deng Xian couldn't help but tremble!

But in order not to worry others, he could only endure the pain and keep himself from screaming.

Finally, after a few minutes, the side effects of the medicine passed, and Deng Xian let out a sigh of relief sweating profusely!

At this time, he also saw a letter on the table.

Just thought of what Yu Ci said before.

Deng Xian was taken aback for a moment.

A design drawing of a gas centrifuge designed by a boy in his early twenties with a literary background.

A light flashed in his mind, Deng Xian frowned, and decided to take a look first.

So he took the letter, opened it, and unfolded the design on the table.

However, as soon as he saw it, Deng Xian felt the unusualness of this design drawing!

This rigorous framework structure, as well as the dense research data, are obviously not something that was drawn casually! !

At least it took a lot of effort and time to get it out!

Deng Xian looked serious, and began to carefully look at the design in front of him.

However, the longer he watched, Deng Xian's breathing became thicker and thicker!

The eyes lit up like a lamp! !

"There is a drama! There is definitely a drama!! This theory makes sense!! It makes sense!!"

"Yes, yes, gas centrifuge! This enriches uranium-235..."

Deng Xian's body trembled, his hands firmly pressed down on the blueprint, and he couldn't help muttering.

Afterwards, Deng Xian came back to his senses and hurriedly shouted,

"Come here! Cough cough, come here!!"

Deng Xian's shout was mixed with coughing, resounding throughout the research base.

For a while, basically all the technicians rushed over!

"Deng Gong, what's the matter?! Are you okay?!"

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?! Are you feeling unwell!!"

A group of experts gathered around and saw that Deng Xian was sweating profusely and his body was still shaking, they were all shocked in shock! !

"It's okay, I'm okay! You guys look at this first!!"

Deng first patted away the hand that wanted to help him, and then said aloud.

"This is……"

A group of experts also looked at the design drawing on the table, with some doubts.

"The design drawing of the gas centrifuge!"

Deng Xian's eyes lit up, and he said pantingly.


Everyone couldn't help but took a deep breath!

For a time, I thought of a lot!

Mr. Deng in front of him was so excited,

That means that this thing is very likely to be true! !

Then I watched it immediately!

And after understanding the design drawing,

Everyone is shocked!

Wang Zheng, one of the top physics experts in Longguo, adjusted his glasses excitedly: "Mr. Deng, this design seems to really work!"

And Deng Xian's favorite student, Lin Ye, who returned from studying in the corrupt country with a doctorate degree, also widened his eyes: "Teacher, this design is indeed feasible in theory!!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, come to someone quickly, copy this design drawing in a ratio of one to one, and send it to Qian's hometown in Kyoto!"

Deng Xian's chest rose and fell, and he said hastily.

In his opinion, although he thinks this thing is interesting, it is definitely not enough for them alone!

It is the safest thing to let Mr. Qian from Kyoto check again!


[The new book sets sail! Ask for an evaluation ticket and ask for flowers! 】

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