Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 30 Cheng Hua: Is There An Earthquake? No! Frustrated Byrne! [Seek Evaluation Tickets And Ask

"Boom boom boom!"

This earthquake was obviously stronger than the previous one.

Representatives of many countries were so frightened that they got under the table! !

But Bourne was stunned for a moment, and then a ray of light flashed in his eyes!

Just as he was about to question Cheng Hua, suddenly the big hairy flag on the side fell down, and the steel pipe directly hit his bag that hadn't been removed yet!


Bourne grinned his teeth in pain, and waited until the shock subsided, then looked at Cheng Hua and said,

"Cheng Hua, what else do you want to say!? Why is there another earthquake?!"

At this time, Cheng Hua's heart was beating a drum!

Thinking about what the hell is going on, didn't it mean that there was only one nuclear test? !

Why did you do it again! ?

Or is this just a coincidence? !

But Bourne's words made Cheng Hua come back to his senses, then frowned, looked at Bourne with an anxious face and said,

"General Bourne, do you guys have persecution paranoia? Everything has something to do with our Dragon Kingdom?!"

"This is just an ordinary earthquake that can no longer be ordinary, don't make a fuss!"

"Okay, our comrades from the Earthquake Monitoring Bureau are paying close attention to the movement in your place, and we will know in a while!"

Seeing that Cheng Hua still didn't want to admit it, Bourne gritted his teeth and said.

Cheng Hua looked indifferent.

while other people at this time,

Also climbed up from under the table,

She looked at Cheng Hua in shock!

What is this Dragon Kingdom doing? !

Could it be that two nuclear tests were conducted in a row! ?

Are you kidding me, I'm using this as a joke! ?

Everyone is shocked!

But Cheng Hua felt extremely embarrassed,

Thinking that if Yu Bei really did another nuclear test, wouldn't he be slapped in the face? !

The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to round this up now!

The weird atmosphere lasted for about twenty minutes,

The staff member from Da Mao came over again,

There was a whisper in Bourne's ear.

Afterwards, Bourne stood up directly and looked at Cheng Hua with a sneer on his face! !

Just now, the comrades of their Earthquake Monitoring Bureau have found out the epicenter of the earthquake! !

What a coincidence,

It's Dragon Country again!

same location! !

Even the latitude and longitude are exactly the same! !

"Cheng Hua, I see what you have to say now!! We have found out just now, the center of the epicenter is still there, not even a meter has changed!!"

"You also said that your Dragon Kingdom did not conduct nuclear tests!?"

Bourne took a deep breath, then looked at Cheng Hua with a cold face, and said forcefully.

After Cheng Hua heard Bourne's words, a flash of embarrassment flashed in his heart! !

He didn't expect that what he said would be slapped in the face so soon!

Good guy, Yu Bei, you are really making it difficult for me!

Cheng Hua couldn't help complaining in his heart, then took a deep breath, looked at Bourne seriously and said,

"General Bourne, what did you say earlier?"

Bourne was stunned for a moment when he heard Cheng Hua's words, then he frowned and said,

"I said that your Dragon Kingdom is conducting nuclear tests!!"

"No, the last sentence."

Cheng Hua shook his head when he heard Byrne's words, and then said.

the above sentence? ?

Bourne froze for a moment, then subconsciously said,

"I said, why is there an earthquake again?!"

"Is there an earthquake? Why didn't I feel it??"

As soon as Bourne said this, Cheng Hua immediately took over the conversation, then frowned and said,

"General Bourne, and fellow representatives, did you have any hallucinations just now because you drank too much and slept too late yesterday? Is this an earthquake? I didn't even feel it!!"

Cheng Hua's words made everyone's eyes widen!

No one thought that on such occasions,

Cheng Hua actually played a scoundrel!

Seeing the dull eyes of a group of people, Cheng Hua felt a little embarrassed, but he still kept his chest up.

"Cheng Hua, you are indeed worthy of it! When you were on the battlefield, you often thought of some unexpected tactics! Now that there is no war, you have used all these things in negotiations, right?"

Bourne came back to his senses, looked at Cheng Hua, and said viciously.

It seems that I saw Cheng Hua commanding the soldiers to use some strange tricks on the battlefield again!

"General Bourne, in our Dragon Kingdom, there is a saying that soldiers never tire of cheating. Alright, I don't have anything more to say. Since today's meeting is over, let's go back separately!!"

However, when Cheng Hua heard Bourne's words, he couldn't help but sneered, and after saying that, he left with his entourage!

No matter how much Bourne shouted, he would never look back! !

When a group of representatives from other countries saw this scene, they were both shocked and envious at the same time! !

Is this the confidence of the Dragon Kingdom? !

Even in front of so many people, you can be merciless! !

But at the same time, they are also a little gloating!

To know

This is like a provocation to Da Mao! !

And with the big hairy man's character of vengeance,

Definitely will retaliate against Longguo! !

Although the Dragon Kingdom is conducting nuclear tests,

But in the eyes of the public,

Still far inferior to today's Da Mao! !

As long as there is a conflict between Da Mao and Long Guo,

Then they will be correspondingly more relaxed! !

"General Bourne, the current Dragon Kingdom is really too defiant!!"

"Yeah, General Bourne, I think it's time for Da Mao to take some necessary measures!! Otherwise, with the current temperament of the Dragon Kingdom, if they don't restrict them at this time, they may not necessarily stand with us by then. One side! It’s time to pick a side!”

When a group of representatives of other countries came to their senses, they immediately began to instigate them.

Bourne's chest heaved, and then he looked back at them coldly.

"Everyone, I think we don't need you to teach us what to do, right?! You just need to remember the agreement we reached on resource allocation today!"

"If anyone doesn't fulfill the agreement at that time, don't say I'm unreasonable!!"

Bourne said, then ignored the embarrassment of a group of people, turned around and left! !


[Second update! Ask for an evaluation ticket and ask for flowers! Ask for data! ! 】

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